Hyia Cov,
are all plants done or others going on?
As i remember there was a baby canna ongoing?
I will leave them on just water for next 10 days,I must say that they are very slow drinking water now, I need to water them.every 6-7 days.. SO ITS ONE MORE (OR TWO MAX) WATERING AND THEN ITS CHOP TIME..Cristal Storm is stil alive, first week of bloom..
You won't get the pest out of the tent without closing the grow and desinfect all, think about it! And that they got slow in drinking tells you they are done!
I know,but last grow weed was harsh to smoke,so I leaving them to drink some more straith water, 2 girls are still drinking ,but other two are slow drinkers, i gave them heavy watering last night so I must decide will I harvest them on sunday or not..I dont wont chemichal smoke, I like soft smooth smoke..Maybee I will cut two on this sunday and next twoo sunday after that..JANE DOE will get some some abuse from me.. Tent will be empty dont worry,.And yes my widow is open 24/7 so I dont know how much of effect desinfection will have, but I will do It..just like nike.. Yes those two girls are purple,that who dont drink much..

The fastest result to wash out the salt is using RO water at once or smash 3xtimes of tap water the pot size! you also have to desinfect the room the tent was in!
Okk but with what and how? I got stuff in there,(closet,wardrobe,etc)plus my window is open constantly, found yesterday night butterfly inside tent..Dont know how he end up in there..
Okk but with what and how? I got stuff in there,(closet,wardrobe,etc)plus my window is open constantly, found yesterday night butterfly inside tent..Dont know how he end up in there..
I do it with chlorine spray!