Photoperiod Sweet Black Angel + KGB agent.

@TheMongol they were.. Buddy had car accident.End up in Hospital.. I hope they still alive..
ouch hope your buddy is on the mend.
i was just thinking about oscillating fans blowing the lil lacewings off the leaves,but outdoors lil gusts of wind dont blow them off that was just me thinking silly.
keep the tent and fans as normal,i think i see a few of the lacewings to.
good luck.
He is Ok, It was more material car damage, light head/brain concusion and hes beaten up pretty good.. I switched off fan yesterday.I will switch it on tonight then...I hope they survived.. @TheMongol I cant thank you enough!!!
I saw few flying around when I was relasing them.. My light on time is from 20h so After relising them yesterday,I didnt study them much,just took few shots, and closed the tent. I will have more detailed look tonight..
Judging by non.moving Larva ,I think that they didn't survive the journey.And those moving fcks are thrips,due to obvious day by day more sick looking girls ,I will be using chemichal weapons..So I'm going to threat them with pesticide tonight..I cant thank enought @TheMongol for helping me,but there was Bigger force that tout different..
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Shit man, really sorry to hear that :sad:. Hope that pesticide helps. Have you checked is it ok to spray that on forming buds?