Ok, i will look for that, but i don´t think i am going to find it. I think that is an american product. But i will write down the info on that and take with me to the store.
I was checking out some slow ferts today. But they wore lawn ferts, and with very high pH. Should i look for slow ferts with a 6,0-7.0 pH, or will 8,0 do? The swamp is probably acidic, but maybe it can be good with a slow fert with a 8,0 pH? I will also add lime ofcourse.
When i take a look at the site of the main fert company here in Sweden i see that most of there slow fert products have a pH between 7,4 - 8,8. And then i can choose to click what i kind of plant i grow and then i come to the products that matches what i grow. I can choose between Berrybushes, Fruit trees, compost and Vegetablegarden. What are the most like cannabis?