Indoor Susitna's Autoflower Menagerie

Hi gromies!

The plants are all moving quickly now and getting their veg on. Ghost Toof and Double Grape are still little (6days), the rest are around 15 to 20 days. Two more Holy Man showed sex, both female, one of which is #4. She's the biggest bushiest and fastest growing of all in the cab so far so I'm excited to make some seeds with her.

Seedsman Blueberry is catching up quickly though she's more open structure. I'm not doing any training besides leaf tucking and maybe some trimming since I want to see the natural structure of each plant.

Northern Cheese haze (near the front right) got a bit of burn on the lowers, must have let the last nutrients dry on the was just bio-ag cytoplus seaweed and humic and none of the other plants had issue with it

I tried setting up the 5x5 tent but it ended in disaster with 3 broken corners and a few rips :crying: AC Infinity tent on order. Hopefully things don't get too tight in the cab before I get it.

The silver lining (pun intended) is that I'm going to use the tent material and poles from the busted tent to build a little one in the basement. Going to be the man cave for plants with balls :kitty:

Also, had many dry too much and go hydrophobic so my worms started abandoning ship lol. The straw mulch just isn't keeping things moist enough so I made terry cloth mulch for all the rest and threw the straw in the worm bin.
I really like how the cloth is doing, holds moisture close to the soil and spreads the water around when I water!

After a good soaking in a bucket of ph'd water they are back to normal
Keep em rolling Sus :thumbsup: just a warning that even enclosed in the basement a flowering male will prooobably get at the ladies upstairs ..... life finds a way especially when it's wind pollinated :smoking:
Keep em rolling Sus :thumbsup: just a warning that even enclosed in the basement a flowering male will prooobably get at the ladies upstairs ..... life finds a way especially when it's wind pollinated :smoking:

Haha ya, I'm probably being optimistic about that, but at the moment I've only got one male so at least I'll know what the seeds are. The grow cab is in the garage so kind of a separate air space, as long as I'm careful when I'm mucking about the plants not to carry pollen on my clothes...

I'm wanting some seeds, just not all seeds :smoking:
Happy Saturday! (or Sunday)

One more week down and the girls are starting to jostle each other, hoping my new tent gets here soon...

Took them out for a light trim on the bottom for better airflow and got some pics. No other training on them and I'm impressed with the structure on some


These 2 are the same age but NCH has been poking along, her side branches finally got tired of waiting on the main and decided to go around :haha:

Blueberry is tall lanky and open, looking more sativa



Really liking the structure on Holy Man#8 but most of them are pretty branchy. I was expecting a more center dominant growth on these for some reason but I'm not at all disappointed. Supposed to be cross of Indian Parvati and Kerala strains


Here's the male(aka Mr. Beanz) chilling in his basement bachelor ballroom. He's not enjoying his isolation but that's what happens when you just go around with your balls out...

And last but not least, this is Vern. We've known each other for a few years and he's pretty chill. Strong silent type, usually off doing his own thing holding doors open and the like. He's offered to watch the kids when I'm away and they seem to like him, so if you see him around that's why.

Have a great weekend!
Cloudlab 866
:cooldance: The 5x5 tent came in! I was super excited it came early so of course I set it up immediately... here's a few photos:


The girls got some elbow room!

Last tent was a Viparspectra 5x5 and it lasted one grow. The corners in the frame were metal but very small and the welds were trash. This ACInfinity 5x5 is better in every way, thicker poles and corners, good welds, fabric isn't too tight smooth zippers....

Now I just need one of their fancy controllers to mount outside lol
Hey Bud brothers and sisters!

Another week down and the bigger girls are around one month old. Some pretty far into stretch, others just starting.

My well water decided to change ph on me overnight lol, thought my pH meter was wrong but nope. So, ended up with some lockup and had to flush. They are perking up pretty good now and hungry, so I top dressed with some Dr. Earth and malted barley.(I make beer and whiskey so I've usually got it lying around)

Mr. Beanz is just tooling along by himself in the ballroom

Starting to stack up the flowers and making some pollen.

Starting to get a case of blue balls, but I told him it won't be much longer...

Also, my Holy Man #1 is still a mutant. She started with 2 sets of seed leaves, her first true leaves had 3 fingers, some of the branches just split into 2 on their own.

Every one of her leaves is split where the fingers come together, I know there's a name for it but can't remember :haha:

Thanks for stopping by, hope everyone has a great weekend!
Happy Saturday! Weekly update time :eyebrows:

Most of the girls are well into flower, Ghost Toof is just starting and on the stretch. Double Grape is bushing but looks like she will start flower soon as well.

Double Grape:

Ghost Toof:

Meph Sour Stomper x Forum Stomper starting to show a bit of frost

Holy Man#2 is the only other with some sugar on the leaves currently:

Still been having pH issues so I decided to spend the $180 on a nice Blue lab meter that does solution and soil. Boy what a difference, my poor plants lol:crying:

My old cheap meter was all over the place even when I calibrated each use. My plain well water reading was between 7.9 and 8.2 normally so I adjusted accordingly to 6.5. The new meter says that was a lie lol

So basically I've been giving my plants water and feed around 5.5 instead of 6.5 :yoinks:

My soil is showing the results:

Hopefully things start evening out now. Going to be pollinating some of them soon so the seeds have time to mature.

As a side note, this Blue lab meter is gigantic lol, wasn't quite expecting to be that big. Also uses regular AAA batteries which is nice, no more searching for obscure coin batteries !

Have a fruitful weekend!
Pollen Day!
Got some more pollen from Mr. Beanz today and pollinated a secondary branch on all the girls except the Double Grape and Ghost Toof. They're a bit young for such debauchery (covers their eyes)


Covered the pollinated branches for the night and misted the rest with water to kill any stray pollen...

Girls are a bit sad from the pH issues I've had, but hopefully this cheers them up lol
Hey all,

First grow journal on the site so please let me know if I need to reformat anything.

This will be a seed expansion grow with a few extra thrown in for fun.

Flash - Holy Man reg autos x8
Mephisto - Northern Cheese Haze x1
Mephisto - Sour Stomper x Forum Stomperx1
ILGM - White Widow x1
ILGM - Jack Herer x1

Organic Living Soil
- Mixture of forest loam, rotted stumps, sand, silt, clay, barley, rye, corn, and a local soil with peat fish meal, kelp meal, cal-mag, garden lime. Using 3L pots for space.

So far just mixed in Dr.Earth vegetable mix. Will be using seaweed ferment, Ful-Humix and whatever else it takes to finish in a 3L pot (hopefully without killing my worms )

Cheap hardware store led strips. 85w x 2@4000k. Will swap to slightly better Chinese grow lights if needed.

Tent? Where we're going we don't need tents...just my slapdash seedling and veg cabinet. If 12 plants is too much (probably) I will set up the 5x5.

My main goal here is to see if I want to use the Holy Man as breeding stock for my summer outdoor grow. I'm at about 62N latitude so I'm trying to make something I like that thrives outside here....

Going to pollen chuck onto the others while I'm at it just for grins, and I've got way too many seeds to just stick with one strain :eek1:

So here goes, first shared grow in 23 years, enjoy :cheers:

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Awesome - like your style! I'll be watching....