Indoor Archaic fall 2018 stealth cabinet

ahh i have a theory that an edited post messes up the @ ....well at least it messes up the @ meant for reading this thread backwards and ive no idea what you talking about but i got no tag/@ make a list ? scroll down a bit
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  1. KAVO
  2. archie gemmill
  3. Seymourbud
  4. Growtogrow
  5. CoviklaFlaire
  6. Nosias
  7. Garage_Grower
  8. ofcourseistillloveyou
  9. KonopCh
  10. Lowdown
  11. Tiny Bubbles
  12. db3
  13. wetwood
  14. Threeinthetree
  15. MH13
  16. Yourmom
  17. Takkitime
  18. Frenjamin Banklin
  19. Snoozegrowhobby
  20. sanchez412001
  21. jER
  22. 24nalfJ
  23. Goi
  24. chestionabil
  25. Capt.Chaos
  26. MrOldBoy
  27. Groku
  29. gennaro-fs
  30. jumpman233345
  31. GratefulDawg
  32. daggersstrain
  33. Wallflower82
  34. Tonyho4M2
  35. Randar
  36. forbiddenx711
  37. High'n'Dry
  38. St. Tom
  39. oops it lists them if ya copy/paste.
  40. whats with the extra numbers,ok turned it off
ok il go read page 16 then find out whats happeeing