Indoor Susitna's Autoflower Menagerie


Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eeeyyyes!
Cultivators Club
Dec 11, 2021
Reaction score
Hey all,

First grow journal on the site so please let me know if I need to reformat anything.

This will be a seed expansion grow with a few extra thrown in for fun.

Flash - Holy Man reg autos x8
Mephisto - Northern Cheese Haze x1
Mephisto - Sour Stomper x Forum Stomperx1
ILGM - White Widow x1
ILGM - Jack Herer x1

Organic Living Soil
- Mixture of forest loam, rotted stumps, sand, silt, clay, barley, rye, corn, and a local soil with peat fish meal, kelp meal, cal-mag, garden lime. Using 3L pots for space.

So far just mixed in Dr.Earth vegetable mix. Will be using seaweed ferment, Ful-Humix and whatever else it takes to finish in a 3L pot (hopefully without killing my worms )

Cheap hardware store led strips. 85w x 2@4000k. Will swap to slightly better Chinese grow lights if needed.

Tent? Where we're going we don't need tents...just my slapdash seedling and veg cabinet. If 12 plants is too much (probably) I will set up the 5x5.

My main goal here is to see if I want to use the Holy Man as breeding stock for my summer outdoor grow. I'm at about 62N latitude so I'm trying to make something I like that thrives outside here....

Going to pollen chuck onto the others while I'm at it just for grins, and I've got way too many seeds to just stick with one strain :eek1:

So here goes, first shared grow in 23 years, enjoy :cheers:

Good luck. I'd start setting up the 5x5 soon. Don't know about the other strains but Memphisto is no joke. NCH is going to get big.

Thanks! I'm sure I'll need it especially with this much variety. The NCH was first to pop a tail so she's vigorous so far.

I'm hoping the 3L pots will keep them manageable at least. Runts will say in the cabinet, big girls in the tent and anyone with balls will be banished to the basement to prevent unplanned pregnancies...:condom:
Will swap to slightly better Chinese grow lights if needed.
Check out Mars hydro. Their TS-1000 kicks ass, is dimmable, can be daisy chained to another and only costs 130$ a pop. And if you use "AFN" as a coupon code you get a discount :thumbsup:
Holy Man and Jack up
Well everything is up that's coming up. Had 3 Holy Man dud and the ILGM White Widow, they were all at least 2years old so not unexpected.

Soaked some of my seedsman stock to replace the duds:

Northern Lights
Lemon Haze


Put the mulch back on the ones that popped


Had a Holy Man pop with an extra set of cotyledon leaves...was kind of stunted but I think it will pull through.
Good Morning all,

Weekly update day! :watering:

Currently at 10 pots filled, these last 2 just keep making duds lol. I'd planted 4 different Seedsman seeds to replace previous duds, and only 2 of those took: the Lemon and Blueberry.

So, back to old reliable I guess. Popping some more Mephisto beans, Double Grape and Ghost Toof. I'm germing them in peat pellets just in case the issue is with my soil in those 2 pots.


My Holy Man is the most vigorous so far, and #4 is even bigger than older plants.
The Northern Cheese haze is taking her sweet time, one of the oldest and looks like she sprouted yesterday lol.

Holy Man 4 day 9

Northern Cheese Haze day 10

Here's the rest:
This is the mutant...first leaves have 3 fingers.


I ended up adding one of my Chinese grow lights to the cab to keep the stretching down. They are cheap($68on amazon) but with one over each plant I pulled 29oz from 4 autos last time. They pull 120w each I think.
Hello folks!

Finally have all pots filled, Ghost Toof and Double Grape germed fine in the pellets and transplanted.

I ran out of straw mulch for the new ones so I used some cotton terry cloth cut into Pac-Man shapes. Thanks for the idea @CannabisMingus ! If this works top dressing will be a breeze


And then there were 12...been a struggle the last few days. Have had a bad wind storm and no power for days. Running the essentials (furnace and grow lights :crying:)
with my little generator.
It's a boy! :cooldance: Holy Man #5 showed balls today(well I noticed them today anyway) @ day 16

I know males mature early but jeez haha. I'm relieved to know I have at least 1 male so this seed run isn't pointless.

In other news, my seedsman blueberry is showing sex at day 13! (Girl but it's a fem so...)