Indoor Stunted grows stuff

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astro rejoicing: stunted got bud!!

Yes!! Look at 'em!


Nice job Stunted! Keep that damn cat out of there now.
btw mossy, i didnt know it was legal to have pet

Hahaha. That shit cracked me up. I saw your comment first and was like 'what the hell is he on about?' Then saw the pic of Mossy's doggie, lmao. away..from the ...scissors...mate. My sis in law is from Sydney, dude. Just fyi :D
btw mossy, i didnt know it was legal to have pet isn't a pet was the B-B-Q saturday...:no:...num..num..num...nice bit of venison....

Nooooooooooo...Mossy killed Bambi.....:crying:...only joking...... big are those pots Bro...?...coz if they are as small as they Look..and you have phenos that Tall...then you are doing one Damn Fine Job Bro....:clap: :clap: :clap:

Mossy. Impressed



Had to sing you a song for your success:

Thanks everyone for stopping in and all the encouragement etc :thumbs:

Cut/Paste from yesterday with container sizes added :D
Cobra-II = 22 inches - 1Ltr container
AAxSG-I = 21 3/4 inches - 1Ltr container
MI5-Ia = 21 1/4 inches - Unknown size (around 4Ltr I think)
SRxMI5-I = 20 1/4 inches - 600Ml (75mm tubing)
MI5-Id = 17 inches - Unknown size (in container with MI5-Ia)
Jem-IX = 17 inches - 1Ltr container
RBB-IV = 16 1/2 inches - 400Ml noodle cup
MI5-III = 15 inches - 400Ml noodle cup
Cobra-I = 14 1/2 inches - 800Ml Sml black square pot
SRxMI5-IV = 12 inches - 600Ml (75mm tubing)
Jem-XII = 11 1/2 inches - 16 Oz container
Jem-X = 8 1/2 inches - 16 Oz container

So I suppose some would call them small I guess Mossy. If I compare them with my erect penis they look quite large....

I would like to point out that several of the plants were grown specifically for me to pick at, and yes I know it hurt's ones harvest to pick at plants early...but am I really losing since they were grown to pick at :P
Anyhow we could argue the Pro's and Con's of it till we are blue in the face, but that's poin....BRB (/snips off some SRx) ok where was I....oh yeah as I was saying it's pointless because you are not here and thus cannot stop me :P
So over the comming weeks SRxMI5-I & SRxMI5-IV will grow smaller....not bigger.
Everything else is pretty safe for now :D

Stunted Organ
You know what I say man! Do what you gotta do Bro! At least you planned ahead! Some plants get bigger, some get smaller, either way... Stunted is Happy! So is the ShePrincess happy with her color in the garden? Or is she stubborn like my SheHound? LOL

And now the shit begins....

Looks like Cobra-II is starting to hermi, fuck I am shitty now as it is one of my "best" plants!
Shit shit shit shit shit shit fuck!

Pics of the dicks tomorrow :(

Stunted Gutted
damn sorry to hear that! never had a hermie but people say if you watch it very closely and make sure to remove all pollen sacs you can keep her goin without seeding the rest