STS Journal

Great thread, we’re both these autos? And can I ask did you start the plant you sprayed with Sts and the receiver of the pollen at the same time?
Thank felllah.
No not on autos you best give about a 3 week in between..I've did a few and I learned the hard way at first..

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Pretty Awesome @Prophetiko ! Nice simple directions...I like simple


If I have two of the same autoflower (lets use double grape for exaple) seeds, and stagger their growth by lets say 3 weeks, and I flip one for pollen...then play some 70's porn music , and dust the other plant..... I would end up with Auto fem double grape seeds? what is that called...back breeding ?... This flipping, pollination, gene stuff confuses me.
Pretty Awesome @Prophetiko ! Nice simple directions...I like simple


If I have two of the same autoflower (lets use double grape for exaple) seeds, and stagger their growth by lets say 3 weeks, and I flip one for pollen...then play some 70's porn music , and dust the other plant..... I would end up with Auto fem double grape seeds? what is that called...back breeding ?... This flipping, pollination, gene stuff confuses me.
Hahaa, no worries. That would be what we call "pollen chucking", where you just pollinate a plant just to make seeds. And yes, you would end up with seeds of the two strains you cross. If they are both the same strain, you will get fem seeds of that strain.
Thanks bro! The pant I reversed was an auto. I don't think I had a plant to pollinate when I did this journal. But I would start the plant you plan to reverse, about 2 weeks before starting the plant you want to pollinate!
Thanks mate appreciate the info
Prophetiko, I’ve been spraying an auto with CS daily for 2 and half weeks. Seems that some plants can be resistant. I’m considering making some STS and spraying the same plant with the STS. Have you heard of anyone doing this? Would it be too much for the plant?
Not sure if previously mentioned but if you only sprayed one branch then as pollen matures and drops would it then polinate the regular female unsprayed parts? I'd like to not sacrifice 2 plants. Had this happen accidently with cs but the seeds that did forme were weak, they germinated but fizzled out and never did well so I culled them. Is that a common feature of selfing on the same plant.
Not sure if previously mentioned but if you only sprayed one branch then as pollen matures and drops would it then polinate the regular female unsprayed parts? I'd like to not sacrifice 2 plants. Had this happen accidently with cs but the seeds that did forme were weak, they germinated but fizzled out and never did well so I culled them. Is that a common feature of selfing on the same plant.
It's possible,, but it's really hard to do. Once you reverse a branch, then any female pistils within the pollens reach are at risk of being pollinated. Thats the actual definition, and process of "selfing" or making "S1's". I take clones of autos and reverse the clones. That way I get pollen and s1 seeds without seeding the main plant.
Ya I know it's easy to plot a plan but another thing to implement it. It's my second day of spray every other day. I looked through my loupe and saw first signed of hair turning Brown. I'm turning the whole plant and then will polinate a lower branch on several of the chosen breeders. I'll let u know the results.
I guess I'm impatient cause to help it trans I used cs a few times between my limited sts spraying, it's forming nice nuts and just looked yesterday and my nuts are beginning to ripen, had to move the plant into a building under led lights before I get pollen flying every where and pollinating my green house. I'm experimenting with auto cloning to see if it's another trick to add to my breeding repituare. I would have thought that turning the clones sex would have been very hard on the clone. My assumption would have been to polinate the clone, a much more natural and to my thinking less stressful act for the clone.