STS Journal

19 days from the first spray and the stacking has started. I'm going to be checking daily to aee if the pollen sac are close to opening.. From the speed of things it doesnt seem like it will take long.
Be careful! They’ll burst open before you know it. I’ve pollinated a whole crop when I thought the male sacks were still immature.

Thanks bro! I plan on checking daily from here on out! I decided I just want to collect pollen and pollenate on branch on my mother plant and try to salvage a few nugs.. So I definitely dont want pollen everywhere!
Great thread @Prophetiko, exactly what I was looking for in the way of a tutorial. Also great that others who have experience in this have chimed in with their take, really great community!
Thank you so much! I remember how confused I was about STS when I first started trying it. I just want to help make it easier for others, than it was for me!
watching closely. Im experimenting with CS atm but STS is looking more attractive. I appreciate the journal, i really need visual references to learn.
Things are looking real nice!! Thanks for popping into my thread with some info.

I am a previous CS user too and did not like what happened to the plant during sprays.

Looking forward to see some pollen fly!

How will you be collecting and storing your pollen???
So exactly 28 days after the first spray, pollen has started falling! @sir grow alot this is how I collect the pollen. A paper plate wrapped in aluminum foil, with a slit cut to the middle of it. Then stick it on the plant below the main cola. Those few sacs should produce more than enough pollen for what Im doing. I will cut off all lowers so pollen doesn't get all over the place. Maybe place them in some water or on some foil and collect from them that way instead of just trashing them. I will store it in a glass seed container with a grain or two of rice. There was more pollen on the plate than what is showing, but I used a qtip to collect some and pollenate a her sister, who is starting to flower. F1 fems are officially in the making!

This STS process is officially successful! We have made feminized pollen! I will update this thread until I've collected all of pollen I think I may need.

The only thing I would add to this is in regards to the intial mixture. It doesn't make a lot of solution, maybe enough for a spraying or two. So if you plan on spraying more than just a single branch, then I would double it. So for instance, instead of mixing 5ml of mixture A into 20ml of mixure B, then adding that to 75ml of ro water (100ml total).. I would be better off adding 10ml of mixture A into 40ml of mixture B, then adding that to 150ml of water (200ml total). I had to make a second batch just for that last spraying, so making more at the beginning would have been smarter.


The sister I pollenated.. I chose one of the lower branches. She looks farther along than she is.. She has at least 4 weeks before harvest, and is just forming flowers. Should be nice and mature... So it may work out perfect. And may not.. Lol.


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