STS Journal

What up brotha! I just air dried the seeds. I let them sit out in open air for about 2 weeks, then stored them in the fridge after that. I'm actually starting a germ test today. You just want them ro dry and harden. There is no real special technique for it.
This is what I meant about the silver nitrate. What is the difference between that and this:

There is no difference in the Nitrate. Both links show bottles of crystalized nitrate. Nitrate also comes in powder form, but as long as the bottle say AgNo3 it is the correct Nitrate.

There ARE two different types of thiosulfate though. And depending on witch one you have, you have to adjust the amount used. I have that part explained on page one!
There is no difference in the Nitrate. Both links show bottles of crystalized nitrate. Nitrate also comes in powder form, but as long as the bottle say AgNo3 it is the correct Nitrate.

There ARE two different types of thiosulfate though. And depending on witch one you have, you have to adjust the amount used. I have that part explained on page one!
:thanks: I had the thiosulfate figured out, it was just the nitrate that was confusing me. The other thing was that some threads say spray with STS twice, while others have people spraying STS like CS. If that’s the case I might as well finish up the bottle of commercial CS I have. Thanks again for the help.
I didnt see an actual journal on this process, so I decided to document my current reversal in case it can come in handy for someone later..

So far I've created my sts spray and have sprayed the plant twice in two days.

I got the ingredients off of eBay for less than $20 total.

This is the formula I use...

1.7g Silver Nitrate into 100ml of ro water
This is Mixture A.

9.9g of Sodium Thiosulfate (pentahydrate). (Use 6.3g if it is anhydrous) into 400ml of ro water. This is Mixture B

I then pour 5ml of mixture A into its own separate plastic measuring cup. Then pour 20 ml of mixture b into its own plastic measuring cup. I Use the ones that normally come with cough medicine. ..

From here, I slowly pour the 5ml of mixture A, into mixture B. While contantly stiring mixture b. I use a toothpick.

We now have 25 ml of STS. I use a 1:3 ratio.. So I add the 25 ml of sts to 75 ml of ro water ( 1:3). You now have working STS. You can use 1:1, 1:2 or whatever ratio you feel is best. Just watch for leaft burn.. I use 1:3.

You can store the remaining mixtures of A and B separately in the fridge for a long time. Then just mix another 25ml when you need a new batch for spraying.. Once mixed together, I keep it refrigerated for 2 weeks or so, then make a new batch. Im sure it can last longer, but I want to get the best results.. And its cheap to make, so why not.

Im using a Chemdogging x Tyrone Stomper female for this journal. She is on day 34 and in a one gal pot. I'll be collecting the feminized pollen for future use. Shes shown sex and is just starting to put out pistils.

First, I remove her from the tent and spray the nodes and pistils with STS until run off. Her first spray was last night. Second was today. I will spray her once a day for 7 days.. Then again one final time after about 2 weeks. There are many ways to apply it. Its personal preference. But at mininum, once at the beginning and once again about 3 weeks later. The effects of STS blocking the signals to the plant only last for about 3 weeks. This is why some people get pollen sacs, with no pollen.. Because they only sprayed once at the beginning, or stopped spraying once they saw the pollen sacs. At least 2 applications are needed in a 3 week span for best results. Then I let the plant dry before I put it back in the tent.

Welp.. Thats my process. Hope this helps someone out some day. I will be adding pics regularly up until the point that I haverest some pollen.

Here she is today...

A good way to know if the STS is working is to watch for the pistils to start turning brown and dying off.. They already have a brown tint to them after 24 hrs. Lets see what happens!
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I was going to ask why so much Sodium Thiosulfate and I've tried different amounts and mine wants to turn a little bit yellow I must be doing something wrong.

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I was going to ask why so much Sodium Thiosulfate and I've tried different amounts and mine wants to turn a little bit yellow I must be doing something wrong.

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Because the Sodium Thiosulfate I used was pentahydrate.. If it is anhydrous, you use less.
Great thread, we’re both these autos? And can I ask did you start the plant you sprayed with Sts and the receiver of the pollen at the same time?
Thank felllah.
Great thread, we’re both these autos? And can I ask did you start the plant you sprayed with Sts and the receiver of the pollen at the same time?
Thank felllah.
Thanks bro! The pant I reversed was an auto. I don't think I had a plant to pollinate when I did this journal. But I would start the plant you plan to reverse, about 2 weeks before starting the plant you want to pollinate!