STS Journal

Hi! Is it close to maturity?
Yes it was, LOL. Did you get some pollen? Sometimes you have to dry them, and break the stamens open with tweezers or something.
My pollen sacks were full but didn't dump out very well, I had to break them open.


Both sold on Amazon
Sodium Thiosulfate &
Silver Nitrate
Nice article:

How to use Silver Nitrate and Sodium Thiosulphate Step by Step:
  • You will need cups and plastic spoons. Never use metallic cutlery.
  • In a plastic cup you will add 20 ml of distilled water and 0.35 g of Silver Nitrate and start diluting slowly.
  • In another cup, 30 ml of distilled water and 1.3 g of Sodium Thiosulphate, stiring both slowly.
  • Put both contents in the same glass and mix gently with a plastic spoon.
  • You will dilute your 50 ml mix with 400 ml of distilled water, having a total solution of 450 ml. Then shake with precaution until you can see clear homogeneity in the mix.
  • The last step, is to separate 100 ml of your final solution and add 400 ml more of distilled water to further dilute it, having ready 500 ml to use on your grow.
  • Precautions: Its recommended to apply the same day of its making so it maintains all of its properties. Always use gloves, mask and safety goggles.

  • Sativas May take sprays every 3-4 days vs Indicas every 5 days
  • Cover plant soil with paper so not effected
  • Don’t spray leaf’s
  • Spray in low light & then lights out, STS effected by light
  • Spray lower branches so dripping will not occur on unsprayed branches, which could be harvested IF NOT SPRAYED
  • Pollen can last over one year if properly frozen
  • Read read read, As STS technique gets more popular, variances in success occur
We just did a testing of DSC's mix not long ago and worked great for me.Very good posting on the process, but not sure the" which could be harvested IF NOT SPRAYED" part should be included...just thinking from a legal stand point as I know some people do while others say don't...myself, I'd err on the side of caution.
My tangie auto (stunted from day one ???), was not a good candidate , started spraying day 20 flowering just started... after 3 wks a no go, interesting enough now herm bannanas showed up several weeks ago...what the hell let it go & see if it makes its own seeds???