STS Journal

Ya I now realise your right. One of the plants I turned still has a lot of female parts so I'm sure even with the small amount of visible pollen that I'll be getting selfed seed from it.
Great thread, I'm doing this at the moment and will advise the outcome. I sprayed a photo clone to hopefully cross back to the mother.
I have a HWS High Density Auto I used the STS on. Made it up in my lab at the winery. Seemed to work very well. Pictures to follow of one branch sprayed, and none other.

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I was admonished in another forum for creating a "hermie". They are against doing this and think this is not the way reputable seed breeders make feminized seed. I beg to differ. It is about the "best" way. You can stress a lot of different strains, hybrids and force them to create a male pollen, but it sometimes doesn't work.

I love the way the High Density grew and wanted to have more seeds and wanted to try using this pollen in crossing with a couple of other Autoflower plants I have growing. High Density Auto x Amnesia Auto and High Density (pollen) x Jack Herer Auto. Curious to see the resulting plants.
Looking great!

My STS treated clone is coming in with pollen sacks. I over treated it at first. Didn't realize it doesn't need that many applications. I applied for a week straight. I think I am at week 2 since I did it.
Happy I found this thread.
On a large scale, how much would you need for 30-50 autos?
Would you go 1:2 ratio to ensure the sacks forum?

I'm not clear but how often should you spray?
Should you start to spray when it shows sex?

When growing all plants at the same time will the seeds forum in time?
[QUOTE =“ Proph,文章:1670051,成員:36247”]








我們現在有25毫升的STS。我使用1:3的比例。因此,我將25 ml的sts加到75 ml的ro水(1:3)中。您現在可以使用STS。您可以使用1:1、1:2或您認為最佳的比例。只是注意小葉燒傷。.我用1:3。


我為此雜誌使用了Chemdogging x Tyrone Stomper女性。她在第34天和一個加侖的鍋中。我將收集女性化的花粉,以備將來使用。她表現出性行為,剛開始放出雌蕊。




[ATTACH = full] 848205 [/ ATTACH] [ATTACH = full] 848206 [/ ATTACH]
Hi! It becomes black after mixing, correct?]
[QUOTE =“ Proph,文章:1670051,成員:36247”]

Hi! It becomes black after mixing, correct?]

mine usually goes black some but really you should be mixing only what you use in one sitting and then dump the rest.
I usually only mix 20ml total to spray a few small plants. you dont need much and you only need to do it once a week, for 3 weeks straight.
mine usually goes black some but really you should be mixing only what you use in one sitting and then dump the rest.
I usually only mix 20ml total to spray a few small plants. you dont need much and you only need to do it once a week, for 3 weeks straight.
Nothing should turn black. The final sts liquid solution should be clear, like water. I've never had any mix turn black.
Nothing should turn black. The final sts liquid solution should be clear, like water. I've never had any mix turn black.

hi Proph! are you usually using all your solution or keep some? Looking at what I have stored, I think the silver can turn things black when there are some impurities and non distilled water is used. My Silver solution is clear, and so is my Sodium, but I have a char where I dump old water or after rinsing and that solution is dark brown, like watered down coffee.