Hi friend
These are my two dogs
the small one is a Yorkshire her name is jule the big one is Koki we think he is a Labrador .
Jule is the boss 2kg control 30kg.
Jule came as puppy to us she never saw a leach in her live and is the dog from my wife we say. Koki came from the baggers in town they were searching for a new home because their pack attacks him he is my dog. For my guerrilla grows he is still with ne he is a real guard dog. He is the best friend from my son (1year old) he share all his food with him.
So I sadly don't have a dog at the moment, but love them. My last dog was a treeing walker coon hound named Marley. She was an amazing animal that could run 14 feet up a tree. Man I miss her. I'll keep an eye on this so I can watch all the great dogs. Take care!

What a great thread......long overdue.....Well done @tobe......I will take some new pictures of Billy tmorra and you can see why I love my Staffie.....eP.
This may be a pic I've posted elsewhere before, but it's one of my favorite, "just chilling" pics of my bud Cody (even with the crappy camera phone quality). He was my mom's dog until she passed about 3 years ago, and we came together through helping each other deal with losing her.

Sorry bro she is a real beauty.
@Eyes on Fire
nice bro i cant stay without a dog sorry bro.
You have to do lots of training, 4month old nice bro!?
She will be a good friend for you enjoy all the time.
If you need any infos for training let me know.
I would like to see the tux dog.

cu tobe
The white dog is my mate Jack -- the little one is my daughters - 4 months old - and we have another big hairy dog . Jack looks after the little one as the big hairy dog just growls at her .