State of AFN 2021

Right. Whoever is down to donate I'd allow it. If vendors are willing to make a small donation every dollar counts! I say do all the above. We can all donate if we want/or can afford too. Vendors can donate if they can afford too. Sell some banner spots also to help create revenue. All of the above is appropriate I feel. It doesnt hurt to ask for help to keep it going, worst case scenario someone says no and you say thank you anyways and we understand. But if people and vendors are willing to help with small donations I dont see a problem. We shouldn't leave it all on the vendors or all on 1 way to get the site paid for. I say do it all. This site is a great community and we need to keep it running 4 sure. I'd be so sad it this site went ghost
The vendors do donate. How do you think we get all the seeds and equipment, nutrients, stuff to test etc. If we don't take their money to support the site we can be assured all testing is legit. Just my :2cents:
The vendors do donate. How do you think we get all the seeds and equipment, nutrients, stuff to test etc. If we don't take their money to support the site we can be assured all testing is legit. Just my :2cents:
Yeah I cant disagree with you there. Good point.
I want free seeds too! Where do i sign? :woohoo:
You must log 1 grow on afn first, then ask to become a Cultivator. When opportunities arrive seed companies will offer and all the cultivators get tagged and we can choose to ask to run there seeds or not. Sometimes you get in. Sometimes you dont. Depending on location and how many ppl jumped in on it before you.
I’m pretty easy either way. I’d for sure chip in to the GoFundMe if that’s the route you go.
Banner ads have no impact on our ability to provide an honest and accurate review. Does the current OES/Fastbuds banner cause anyone to favour either in terms of reviewing seeds, etc? I doubt it tbh, we're for the most part a pretty level headed group. We shouldn't be allowing 50 bucks a month to sway us and I doubt we would :cheers: :pass: