State of AFN 2021

How long do the banner ads last when companies by them? Could decrease the amount of time on the banner and have more companies purchase the ad space - this allows more vendors and less an ability for others to claim it's vendor ran and afn is in vendor pocket.

I say do the patreon/gofundme. i think lots of people donating a few bucks will surpass any potential ad revenue.
Right. Whoever is down to donate I'd allow it. If vendors are willing to make a small donation every dollar counts! I say do all the above. We can all donate if we want/or can afford too. Vendors can donate if they can afford too. Sell some banner spots also to help create revenue. All of the above is appropriate I feel. It doesnt hurt to ask for help to keep it going, worst case scenario someone says no and you say thank you anyways and we understand. But if people and vendors are willing to help with small donations I dont see a problem. We shouldn't leave it all on the vendors or all on 1 way to get the site paid for. I say do it all. This site is a great community and we need to keep it running 4 sure. I'd be so sad it this site went ghost
Vendors give a lot here for free so I understand not wanting to push it. Other sites I've been on have had different vendor levels with different price points. Some levels included banners or there own area or whatever.

Sounds like maybe set up a PayPal or something account and put in a donate button for site members to donate. Maybe make up some badges or custom titles for those who donate?

Another idea is use Tspring or other similar sites where you can design a product be it a shirt or whatever and people can order it and have it dropped shipped. That way you don't have to handle inventory or anything and the profits can go towards funding site.
Oh and if it doesn't violate Amazon's TOS you could set up a virtual store on here that has all amazon products. So any purchases made through store here would cost people the same amount but you would earn a commission as well. You can literally add all amazon items last I checked but it's been a few years.