State of AFN 2021

Just made a donation. This forum has my back :toke:
I threw down some. This site has proven it's worth to me time and time again. Cheers AFN!

This is exactly what it is all about. People helping people. Sharing knowledge and caring enough to include and help others.

Unfortunately in this world money makes stuff happen and without it all of us like minded people from across the planet would never have spoken to each other, supported each other and sometimes make eachother feel better about life in general.

I get more than just advice on here, I have made a few friends and maybe more along the way.

My plants love it too!!

I may have missed it, but what about a request for donations from @Son of Hobbes on the notice feature of the site (like the one that popped up when he posted the recent Ruderalis article). Thinking of something along the line of when Jimmy Wales appeals for support on Wikipedia.

Just a thought. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
What is YMMV? I must be getting old.

Hello all i will add my 2p worth i have been a member for a year now when i joined i had never grown the herb off life indoors or out i have found this site to be a gold mine of ppl always willing to help in my case it's been St tom he has given me such good info from start to finnish. I like the communtiy feel you get from this site not like other sites where there is a lot of mine is better then yours dick waveing which i can't fcking stand.
this is my idea to raise fund's for the site make a section that you Pay to see not a lot say £5 or $5 year for that you get first dibs on vendor discount's free seeds or what ever before it's released to the genrel forum or get venders to donate some off there goodies and raffle them in the pay section. i know ppl are skint this way you get to raise funds but all so ppl get the chance to win something that they can't afford normaly.There must be a good few 1000 ppl on this site so should not be to hard to reach fund's goal.
I know ppl will disagree with my post but nothing is free not even shit papper so £5 a year in they pay section to keep such a top notch site with top notch ppl surving and getting better must be a good thing as this site has saved me £100's pounds in going to the shamen and wasting money on crap products.
Well that my 2p worth
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hi peeps I’m still quite new around here and have never used a forum before this one. It’s a top place to be, I like to think I’m starting to gel with a few people around here, which is new for me lol. I think it’s a great idea to have the members run things, . Personally I think each and every member would appreciate it more and almost cherish things around here knowing that there putting a little bit back in. Always a delicate area when money is concerned , but shared amoung us equally could be a lot more manageable, for instance a yearly subscription
split evenly across all members. Just my 2 pence. Whatever you guys decide we will all still stick around and support AFN, I know I will. Cheers guys.
I may have missed it, but what about a request for donations from @Son of Hobbes on the notice feature of the site (like the one that popped up when he posted the recent Ruderalis article). Thinking of something along the line of when Jimmy Wales appeals for support on Wikipedia.

Just a thought. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
I think this is a great idea!!

What is YMMV? I must be getting old.

EP3 are :pighug:

this is my idea to raise fund's for the site make a section that you Pay to see not a lot say £5 or $5 year for that you get first dibs on vendor discount's free seeds or what ever before it's released to the genrel forum or get venders to donate some off there goodies and raffle them in the pay section.
Good idea brother

for instance a yearly subscription
split evenly across all members.
also a good idea.

Now for my two cents worth... I was also thinking for a banner on top (like @mwilliams2006 suggested) and let people choose if they want to contribute or not. And if it where me deciding I would also ask a memberships fee for the Cultivators Club. I've been in it for just a couple of months and already got so much in return and I mean if I calculate the value of the seeds I got for free I actually should have donated more :face: