State of AFN 2021

I don't write much on the site but i "creep" around and i feel its an excellent site and would definetely support it. You guys figure out what the method is and i'm in for fiffy or more if necessary. I do believe a vote is the best way to go as all members have a say and if ads are a no for some then vote!
I don't write much on the site but i "creep" around and i feel its an excellent site and would definetely support it. You guys figure out what the method is and i'm in for fiffy or more if necessary. I do believe a vote is the best way to go as all members have a say and if ads are a no for some then vote!
There is a go fund me link on this thread multiple times in the last few pages I think. Click and donate! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :headbang:
Pay. Don't pay. Who cares? I don't like horseradish. I have a very refined and broad pallet. I don't like horseradish. Some with a refined pallet will say I my pallet is not sophisticated because I don't like horseradish. This discussion is about as important as horseradish. I hate McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Burger King, White Castles, Jimmy John's...
It's all shit. It will all kill you. Eat shit and die. Don't eat shit and die. Who cares? It is all up to the individual. This is a place to escape all the Bullshit.
"Well what about my opinion?"
Go on a political forum and have at it. Kick, scream, throw a tantrum...
For anything short of a professional setup
VPD is bullshit! Co2 is bullshit! CAL/MAG IS DEFINATELY ALWAYS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! It is my opinion. It is not up for argument. It is my opinion. So what? Who cares? I say cal mag is bullshit and someone else says it is not. Who cares? Why argue? You like cal/mag? Have at it. All good. I got into a prick measuring contest here once. Know what? It was bullshit. I was bullshit. Peace love.
A company doesn't engage in behavior that isn't profitable in some way. You may get along with the people in the company but the company itself is not a person. It's a legal abstraction made up of business models and quarterly reports. Person breathes air to survive, company must make money to survive. This site serves as a funnel directing customers directly to their products. They ought to pay for this service by keeping the site up and running. From the numbers at the beginning of this thread it doesn't cost that much yearly to keep the site up. They can afford it.
Aside from that it's the principalof the thing. No member ought to have to pay for this site as they are theones generating content which turns into revenue for these companies. That would be like YouTube charging people to upload content.
Also cut that sanctimonious stuff. If I donate or not, that's my business. And I doubt the sincerity of your charitable spirit as you seem to want to rub my face in it.
Yeah no hard feelings bro. Not trying to put you down. We all fam here. I'm sorry if you took it that way. Just not everyone thinks or feels the same way as you and thats ok. Were all entitled to our own opinions and feelings. I cant change yours and you cant change mine and we cant change noone else's. I see your point. I just dont agree fully. Were in a pandemic. How do you know every vendor and seed company I'd thriving? Some may be just trying to keep there doors open at this time and day. Some may be thriving and those companies shouldn't be forced to donate to keep the site open but if they're able and willing then they are just as capable of making a donation as us all and that's there choice. If I was a vendor and I was being told I had to donate to keep this site open I am sure I would if I could. But if I couldn't I would probably not come back cuz I would feel bad that I couldn't or I'd be upset that they were asking me. Sorry not trying to argue or fight with you. It's ok if we all have different views and opinions.
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy :bighug:

Just wanted to pop in here to say thank you to everyone that has so generously donated. There is no "right" amount, because any amount is an appreciated amount. It's been a really cool thing to see the e-mails pop in randomly about a donation here and there, and it's all for the benefit of the site! So thank you all, seriously, sincerely, it really does help.

The vendors ought to pay for the site upkeep without official advertisement (banners and whatever) as they get shit tons of free exposure when members list their product line up or suggest products to other members. Even with crowd funding suggestions for products may not be honest as some receive products for free. Probably with the understanding that it will be showcased here

We purposely have been trying to work out a system that DOESN'T involve companies paying us to keep the site running. For years this was paid for out of personal pocket. And it's not that we didn't have crazy illusions of grandeur about this being a business (because there was a moment we did,) but it was in those moments that every effort to try to make AFN a "business," we all fucking hated it to put it bluntly. It's just not the skin that fits this community. And we could try to make this a pure profitable piggy bank, fucking A we could make MONEY with this if that was the intent/goal, but.... then what? You guys want another bullshit forum on the internet? Aren't there plenty of those already (I call them our competitors :hump: ) But truthfully we're not in competition. AFN does not model itself after other forums. I have no accounts on any other forum out there for cannabis other than Unleash Da Green, and I don't even know if that's around anymore. We do things OUR way :hump:

But, I do understand the merit of your suggestion. If companies want to donate to the GoFundMe, they are more than welcome and maybe that's something we can help at least encourage in the near to immediate future (but we're not going to make it a requirement, nor is it a requirement for anyone in this community.) No member of this community has to do anything. As a group of volunteer staff, we asked ourselves "how should we go about this" and a number of suggestions were for a fundraiser. We wanted to stress that we were NOT in the pocket of the vendors.

In lieu of payments from these companies, instead AFN has donated I'd say easily over $100,000+ in genetics, grow lights, nutrients, and other products to growers in this community. Instead of making fat stacks, we're helping growers. And while tough times and weak bank accounts sometimes make us feel the opposite, ultimately I know that's what makes this the place worth logging into:pighug:
Well said! A good to see you pop in! :cheers:

Heyyyyyyyyyyyy :bighug:

Just wanted to pop in here to say thank you to everyone that has so generously donated. There is no "right" amount, because any amount is an appreciated amount. It's been a really cool thing to see the e-mails pop in randomly about a donation here and there, and it's all for the benefit of the site! So thank you all, seriously, sincerely, it really does help.

We purposely have been trying to work out a system that DOESN'T involve companies paying us to keep the site running. For years this was paid for out of personal pocket. And it's not that we didn't have crazy illusions of grandeur about this being a business (because there was a moment we did,) but it was in those moments that every effort to try to make AFN a "business," we all fucking hated it to put it bluntly. It's just not the skin that fits this community. And we could try to make this a pure profitable piggy bank, fucking A we could make MONEY with this if that was the intent/goal, but.... then what? You guys want another bullshit forum on the internet? Aren't there plenty of those already (I call them our competitors :hump: ) But truthfully we're not in competition. AFN does not model itself after other forums. I have no accounts on any other forum out there for cannabis other than Unleash Da Green, and I don't even know if that's around anymore. We do things OUR way :hump:

But, I do understand the merit of your suggestion. If companies want to donate to the GoFundMe, they are more than welcome and maybe that's something we can help at least encourage in the near to immediate future (but we're not going to make it a requirement, nor is it a requirement for anyone in this community.) No member of this community has to do anything. As a group of volunteer staff, we asked ourselves "how should we go about this" and a number of suggestions were for a fundraiser. We wanted to stress that we were NOT in the pocket of the vendors.

In lieu of payments from these companies, instead AFN has donated I'd say easily over $100,000+ in genetics, grow lights, nutrients, and other products to growers in this community. Instead of making fat stacks, we're helping growers. And while tough times and weak bank accounts sometimes make us feel the opposite, ultimately I know that's what makes this the place worth logging into:pighug:
I am a brand new grower (have never even smoked a puff (yet!), but trying to get my husband some pain relief). This site has been such a positive, helpful environment. I truly can’t thank everyone enough. I took down my first three plants this week and have a few more coming up. I could never have done this without all the help, wisdom, and support of AFN. I have never participated in a group like this so I’m learning how it all works. Thank you @Son of Hobbes for keeping this going, along with all the mods. I made a donation just now, and will watch for any other “calls for funding”. The community and the education are invaluable. I look forward to learning how to be an even more active member and supporting the group however I can.
I'm on UC life is not luxurious but I'd certainly pay a subscription on DD if that's possible. I think for me a tenner a month is not usurious - given the fully fucking awesome nature of the advice I get. Eg. The best piece of advice given to anyone ever - (Man o Green to me,- get an RO filter. This has solved months of heartache and I'm the boss of my yard again)
Yes next 'giro day' I'll set up at DD, though someone could.point me at the relevant details I'd be very grateful.