State of AFN 2021

Afn's great community :smokeout: :cheers: I just found the donation box after five or six years of being on here.
It was nice to finally give some back to all the people who have been on here that have done great things and I've learned from their successes and mistakes.
I love the fact that we are self-governed and self-funded forum.
That when we test the product or Breeder's seed that we can tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth about their product.
That's As Good As It Gets.:headbang::thumbsup::vibe:
For the people by the people. This place is unique. Friendly chat and great growers, willing to share knowledge. Cant beat it.
In the words of Bob Geldof at live aid
But seriously, ppl get your hands in your pockets and give what you can.
It's for all our benefit.
I've donated in the past and gladly will again, but at the same time we provide a LOT of value to our vendors and I don't think it would be unreasonable to ask a few of them to sponsor the Site in exchange for banners or a scroll. AFN doesn't really have any particular reason to maintain an impartial stance as we are more of an enthusiast club than a review/referral service.
I've donated in the past and gladly will again, but at the same time we provide a LOT of value to our vendors and I don't think it would be unreasonable to ask a few of them to sponsor the Site in exchange for banners or a scroll. AFN doesn't really have any particular reason to maintain an impartial stance as we are more of an enthusiast club than a review/referral service.
Ya put a disclaimer. Who cares anyway. Take the cash. Improve the site or whatever.
You must log 1 grow on afn first, then ask to become a Cultivator. When opportunities arrive seed companies will offer and all the cultivators get tagged and we can choose to ask to run there seeds or not. Sometimes you get in. Sometimes you dont. Depending on location and how many ppl jumped in on it before you.
Who do i ask?