Indoor ☆☆Star does Black Stone from the portal gift shop☆☆


☆Midnight Siren☆Female Grower☆
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
After a long wait, I'll finally be starting a new grow thread! Im growing in roots organic amended with worm castings, dolomite, and real growers recharge. I'll also be using kind soil, mammoth P, and calmag (if needed). They will be growing in a small tent with a 600w mars hydro led, and a 96 reflector. Possible added leds for side growth when they get bigger. Light schedule for now will be 18/6.
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Black Stone [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Black Stone [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Forgot to add im starting in cups and will move to 2gal fabric pots when they are a little bigger. These ladies are on day 2.
SWEETNESS!! Gotta love a Stone grow. them Blacks are sooo nice. if you get a white pheno thats even better, such a lovely sweet smoke. tastes like a similar dragon sour hound from mephisto cross. unique as hell a real winner. Good luck to ya! them Black Stones are Hardy as hell too.they love their carbs and calcium usually. especially in mid flower and just after early flower. really nice! rice wash they love too! if I were you I would invest in something that has a bloom and lighter side of Nitrogen/Vegging spectrum too.
SWEETNESS!! Gotta love a Stone grow. them Blacks are sooo nice. if you get a white pheno thats even better, such a lovely sweet smoke. tastes like a similar dragon sour hound from mephisto cross. unique as hell a real winner. Good luck to ya! them Black Stones are Hardy as hell too.they love their carbs and calcium usually. especially in mid flower and just after early flower. really nice! rice wash they love too! if I were you I would invest in something that has a bloom and lighter side of Nitrogen/Vegging spectrum too.
Thanks for the heads up!! Not sure what rice wash is. Can you explain? And that white pheno sounds amazing! Im sure I'll come across one eventually. I have 15 black stone beans left! I'll probably just grow them all in this thread. I will add a bloom booster. I have a few things on hand I can add or if you recomend something specific, I'll give it a try.