Staff Interviews.........

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SoH and I did have the beginnings of an interview, but I'm buggered if I can find the text, and the same goes for SoH.

It has gone awol. So, we will have to start again. However, I now have a lot more dirt on him than I did is good....if only I could get out of these bonds......
I lost that much weight hanging around (pun intended) that I have slipped my bonds.......phew !

So, back to the old typewriter and on with the up for it Hobbes ? Please say yes, or Derek will never forgive us !

I lost that much weight hanging around (pun intended) that I have slipped my bonds.......phew !

So, back to the old typewriter and on with the up for it Hobbes ? Please say yes, or Derek will never forgive us !


@Son of Hobbes he is in fact [HASHTAG]#neverforgiven[/HASHTAG] lol
I lost that much weight hanging around (pun intended) that I have slipped my bonds.......phew !

So, back to the old typewriter and on with the up for it Hobbes ? Please say yes, or Derek will never forgive us !


I'm waiting on you brother! BRING IT ON!
@epenguin BRO????????????????????? Are you tied up eatin tuna again, @Grim Reefer can someone PLEASSE go find the flightless bird and tie him up again with his interviewing materials in front of SOH??? Or maybe @Waira has seen him, maybe he has been sited in LS I will go check there
@epenguin BRO????????????????????? Are you tied up eatin tuna again, @Grim Reefer can someone PLEASSE go find the flightless bird and tie him up again with his interviewing materials in front of SOH??? Or maybe @Waira has seen him, maybe he has been sited in LS I will go check there
eP. Has a lot going on in life right now so he might be a little absent from the forum for a little while. Im sure he will chime in soon.
I'm on stage is a flurry of PM's between SoH & moi.......where we make up some half way believable stories etc etc....I will keep you interview groupies in touch.

I know you are keen to get the dirt on our Hobbsie.........what he doesn't know, is that I will be getting the real paydirt from fellow Mods/HT/Globals................I didn't say that out loud did I ? Bugger.
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