New Grower SPZ's Sour Livers Triple Automatic Grow


All Systems Grow
May 1, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Northern Cheese Haze
Hi all, welcome to my first real grow! I've dabbled a bit with outdoor guerrilla grows with mixed success and I've assisted friends with projects here and there, but this is the first grow where I've invested significant time, effort, and money myself. If you want to see the planning that went into this setup, check out my setup thread.

Looking back now, I've been working on this project for over two months! I'm inviting everyone to come see the fruits of my labors. I've got a pile of great equipment, bottles of every nutrient solution available, top-notch genetics... I figure all I have to do is not fuck it up! Easier said than done--no one ever accused me of having a green thumb!

So grab some popcorn and enjoy the show! And when you see me making bone-headed newbie mistakes (trust me, I'm good for at least a few), please let me know!
So what do I mean by triple automatic? I'm using autocobs with autopots to grow automatic flowers! Here's the full breakdown:

Grow Area
4'x4'x6' Grow Tent
6" Exhaust Fan and Carbon Filter

6 X AutoCob 55W (Citizen clu-048-1812)

4x15L Autopots

Roots Organics Compressed Coco
(expanded and triple rinsed)

Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Grow/Boom
Advanced Nutrients Hobbyist Grower Bundle
Voodoo Juice
Big Bud
B 52
Grotek Pro-Silicate
General Hydroponics CALiMAGic
General Hydroponics pH Down

Mephisto Genetics Sour Livers
My apologies for being so late starting this thread! I had hoped to get this grow underway weeks ago, but life has a way of intruding and it set me back a bit. That's still no excuse for not posting sooner because I got the party started last Thursday when I cracked my package of five Sour Livers seeds...

The Sour Livers seeds, love the Mephisto packaging!

I dropped all five seeds in a glass of water Thursday night (6/29) and let them sit overnight, about 10-12 hours.

Friday morning (6/30) I folded the wet but unsprouted seeds in a wet paper towel, sealed them in a ziplock bag and wrapped them in a kitchen towel.
With the seeds sealed and wrapped up, I placed them in my grow tent about 18" under a single COB light with the fan on low. I'm aiming for temps in the 70's and high humidity so the environmentals seem to be dialed in. I just rinsed all the coco so it is quite saturated even after drying for a day or two, which is why the humidity in the tent is up. But that should work in my favor for the seedlings.

I didn't have a chance to look at the seeds until mid-afternoon Saturday. Well I should have peeked sooner because they were not only cracked but a couple of them had tap roots that were making a run for it!


I figured I better get these beauties in the ground post haste! I top watered each autopot with one liter of tap water mixed with full strength voodoo juice and quarter strength Pro-Silicate. I went easy on the silicate because it is a strong base and I didn't have any pH down (a problem that has since been remedied). This first watering was above 6.5 pH which is too high for hydro, hopefully it doesn't stunt anything. All future feedings will be pH'd.

I marked a pencil marked at 1.75cm and used it to make holes for the seeds. I planted each seed root down using tweezers. It was a pretty intense process my first time so I don't have any other pictures!
Apparently even 1l was too much water to add to my already saturated coco. Some of it ran out the bottom and collected in the autopot tray. I dumped it out so the pots won't sit in stagnant water for the next week or two of seedling growth. I ordered a small hand held pump on amazon so hopefully that is my last time moving water manually!

The coco is fully saturated now so I don't plan on watering for at least five days (around Thursday at the earliest).

I figured it will be a few days of waiting for the sprouts to break ground and I've just been checking the temperature/humidity once or twice per day to make sure things stay slightly warm and humid. Makes me feel like an expectant father. Well I did a dance when I cracked the tent tonight and saw that one seedling has broken ground!!!!


Sorry for the horrible photography. Here she is with some perspective!

It looks like the others are pushing through as well, so I hope to have more good news and updates over the next day or so!
And so it begins....!!! Good luck gromie! Its a super exciting time for you! I get that feeling every grow! You are super prepared and set up for success.. This has to be the best 1st time grow set up Ive seen! You will kill it Im sure!