New Grower SPZ's Mephisto Triple Automatic Redux

I have read that the cobs and the LEDs need more Cal/Mag. I am not saying this is the case in your grow, just be aware the coco is inert and gives you nothing. Also I will try to only change one thing at a time. When we may want to fix something we think the more the better. This will not allow you to dial in on an issue. Every strain is different and every breeder does not make the same characteristics in that same strain.

Your girls are looking good. Just be patient. Our task is not to kill them. It does no good to compare size and worry about why do mine not look as vigorous as Hansbrick. :woody::hump:

For all we know is he sings to them in French and I believe a lot of ladies just love it. He's got his system dialed in and it took many trials and dead ladies for him to be at this stage.

You have read as much as most. So it is time to relax in these first 30 days of their "summer". This is when it all goes too slow and we just want to see the crawl then sit up and become teenagers. They will. Enjoy, watch and they will take off. Now go in their tent and tell 'em how much you love them. Right now speak to them, encourage them and C'est la vie.


Haha, you're killing me Nosias. You are not going to believe this, but I have been singing to my plants!!!! I did not want to admit it but I have brought my guitar down to the basement and I put my sun glasses on and open the tent door and sing them a song or two just to let them know they are good girls! It occurred to me that they might want to hear a different song or something but I did not think that they want to hear it in FRENCH!!!!! Makes sense, it is the universal language of love, I hear.

Yes I know it is probably not too good to be comparing to other folks, especially people who have title like "grow guru", lol. For all I know my strain just grows slower and my setup is working perfect. I should just be happy they are healthy and see what happens. I will learn new things for sure for the next grow no matter what.

I am running kind of parallel to ya. Day 13 in coco with 30% perlite. Mine are in 5 gal fabric pots. I have basically the same Hans' feed schedule as you. When I mix I filter my town tap water (carbon faucet filter) the day before. I first add the Part A and mix thoroughly and then add the Part B and mix thoroughly. Same for each individual addition. I am not adjusting the pH now that the pH Perfect Sensi Grow is being used. Days 6,9 and 12 so far. I was frustrated and fearful when the plants didn't seem to be growing above the soil (days 4-9). I was told that it was all happening below the soil as the tap root grew down looking for water. The bottom of my fabric bags were moist but dry coco on top. It was two days ago when they started to spread their leaves and get growing. It was reassuring to see that.
Prepping my reservoir and running a leal test right now.
Good luck @SPZ

Thanks for weighing in, Bekay, checking out your threads now and your spreadsheet that compares TaNG and Hansbricks feed schedule. Nice work, man, will be watching and learning! I'm also hoping my girls have some prodigious roots and will be bursting with vigor above ground at some future time... :cooldance:

Couple other things I've learned, mostly through reading, some through experience:

- Don't mix the A and B part when they are concentrated, if they are mixed undiluted they will form a precipitate and not mix properly. Your method of stirring in each one seperately makes sense.
- Add the minerals such as cal/mag and silicate before you add the nutes, says this right on the bottle! This is so the ph buffering in the ph perfect can work correctly.
- Don't forget to shake the bottles before you use 'em, as the different ingredients may separate. Says this on most of the bottles.
- I found that 1ml/l Sensi grow was enough to ph my water correctly, below that concentration I needed a few drops of ph down.
- ph down is really strong, I only need 1/2 drop per liter to get my tap water down to ph 5.8. I found that it was easier to make a diluted ph down solution and use that since you can't really measure half a drop.
- Syringes are a superior way of measuring nutes, you can get a variety pack on amazon from 100ml to 1ml.
- Get a separate pitcher or something to mix this shit in, your spouse won't like it if you're using kitchen implements, and you probably don't want to accidentally drink any of this stuff either.
- One more tip: Be careful if you try to use measuring spoons like teaspoon, tablespoon, etc. Some spoons (like mine) say that 1/4 teaspoon equals 1 ml, but it actually equals 1.25 ml, so you can get a lot of measurement error if you're not careful.

There was a lot more to this than I anticipated, I've learned a half dozen things and haven't even busted out the bloom nutes yet! :stir:
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Haha, you're killing me Nosias. You are not going to believe this, but I have been singing to my plants!!!! I did not want to admit it but I have brought my guitar down to the basement and I put my sun glasses on and open the tent door and sing them a song or two just to let them know they are good girls! It occurred to me that they might want to hear a different song or something but I did not think that they want to hear it in FRENCH!!!!! Makes sense, it is the universal language of love, I hear.

Yes I know it is probably not too good to be comparing to other folks, especially people who have title like "grow guru", lol. For all I know my strain just grows slower and my setup is working perfect. I should just be happy they are healthy and see what happens. I will learn new things for sure for the next grow no matter what.

Been away a few days in Breckenridge Co with wife and grand daughter. Had a real nice time.
I have dropped the beans. So I will let you know on the new journal when I start it.

@SPZ I have you dialed in so I am here to tell you what you know. One of my favorite guitar player is Robert Earl Keen. He was the room mate of Lyle Lovett at Texas A&M. He says he is a drinking man with a guitar habit.

Been away a few days in Breckenridge Co with wife and grand daughter. Had a real nice time.
I have dropped the beans. So I will let you know on the new journal when I start it.

@SPZ I have you dialed in so I am here to tell you what you know. One of my favorite guitar player is Robert Earl Keen. He was the room mate of Lyle Lovett at Texas A&M. He says he is a drinking man with a guitar habit.

Haha, now I have to learn this song on guitar. I'm jealous, some of my happiest memories are from a road trip out west with my (now) wife :cheers:
Day 15

It's day fifteen, and time for the next feeding/watering on my schedule. 750ml of the same solution as before. So far I am following the Hans program exactly. I was a little skeptical that they would need water this soon but the actually drank up their pots and the coco was dry as far as I could poke my finger down into the corner of the pot. Here they are right before their feeding...





Here is a shot of the thermometer/hygrometer. I've got the environmentals dialed in as best as I can. I'm aiming for 70-80F and 50-70% RH, so I'm close!


The girls are all looking healthy and happy even if they are not setting size records yet. I've turned on all six lights today at 30". I plan to turn on the autopot systems a week from today and I will be lowering the lights to about 24" by that time, so they will be getting progressively stronger feeding and lighting over the course of the week.