New Grower SPZ's Mephisto Triple Automatic Redux

Sorry I missed out on most of the last grow. I'm in to help and watch this time. Feel free to fire away any questions you may have. Im sure things will be great this round. Don't be discouraged. This is part of an amazing journey and You will appreciate this grow so much more.

Hey no worries, it was pretty short lived lol. You and ANTiFA both warned me about getting a quality pH pen, just had to learn that one for myself! I did manage to save one of the girls and she is outside now basking in the nice sunny weather we're having.

I'm hoping to put the cobs through their paces with this run! Thanks for all your support thus far, man, really appreciate the good vibes!
@SPZ Good to see this new journal :thumbsup:. Many thanks for the invite. :bravo:

I am following you again...:pop:

As always you show us all what a clean and neat a garden can be. IMO it should be.:slap:

I got my new light a CHILLED grow light. All I can saw is WOW it is amazing.
I will drop 'em on Sat. I have been waiting for the right moon.:aha:

Oh man, hadn't even thought of the moon and the stars, that may be my problem, gonna have to consult you next time! Good luck with your grow, man! You gonn do a journal for us?! :d5:

Those CHILL lights look fricken' scary man, what size light did you get? :drool:
Oh man, hadn't even thought of the moon and the stars, that may be my problem, gonna have to consult you next time! Good luck with your grow, man! You gonn do a journal for us?! :d5:

Those CHILL lights look fricken' scary man, what size light did you get? :drool:

Yes I will do some posting, just for you. I have the tent ( La Garden 5 x 5 x 7) up, as well as the filter and I have put the fan outside the tent. I put the light up last night REAL low to the ground. I always assume things can go if the tent poles broke it would not fall too far.

The ChilLED light is beyond my hopes. I got the 400 watt commercial model.. It pulls 408 - 411 watts at the wall. It weighs over 40 lbs. It looks beautiful and very top class. I too was lined up to go with COBS as you did. But I took a leap of faith with Vitaly at ChilLED and I was NOT disappointed.

I am running the light with fans on right now. I want to see how the new setup reacts.

I got lucky, GrowMau5 put it together for me, so I know it was assembled with care, knowlegde and love. They treated me real good. It is a GREAT company run by super people you can trust. As I said I was lucky to be able to buy this light.

I have some pics, which I will share.

@mcpd_refugee Thank you for your comments. I too have listened to many an hour with Gromau5 and Geengenes. The ChilLED lights are Quantum Boards with a lot of extras.

How do you like your Quantum Board? I'll check out your grow.

@mcpd_refugee Thank you for your comments. I too have listened to many an hour with Gromau5 and Geengenes. The ChilLED lights are Quantum Boards with a lot of extras.

How do you like your Quantum Board? I'll check out your grow.


When I first purchased the QB, I thought that there wasn't any way that it'd be enough light. However, I've found that there's such a thing as too much light. At full power it was causing nutrient deficiencies - specifically Cal/Mag issues. I dialed it back a bit and now it's perfect. I'm really happy with my purchase.