New Grower SPZ's Mephisto Triple Automatic Redux

What are you feeding the seedlings with they pretty young my girls are almost 4 weeks old and i havent fed them once just wat ever was in medium when i planted them if you check my signature you can see my first auto grow but im exp with photos been a budmaster for half my life and canada is set to be legal come july 1 2018 so the green rush here is incredible
Swwweeeet!! Round 2 is looking awesome! I blew through almost 10 seeds trying to dial in my first grow. Lol.. Once you're comfortable with your settings then its smooth sailing. One himt about the humidity. My rh durring the seedling stage is about 40%. Once my plants (usually 4 or more) are in veg and have several sets of leaves, the rh% inceases by a good amount. If you use a humidifier, I'd still try to stay around 45% because once those autopots turn on and plants gain size, there will be plenty of moisture in the air. You may end up trying to lower the rh% come flower. Everything looks excellent so far! Keep killin it!
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What are you feeding the seedlings with they pretty young my girls are almost 4 weeks old and i havent fed them once just wat ever was in medium when i planted them if you check my signature you can see my first auto grow but im exp with photos been a budmaster for half my life and canada is set to be legal come july 1 2018 so the green rush here is incredible

Hey Biggz, love the screen name! I'm growing in Coco so it is a bit more like a hydro grow than a soil grow. Since the coco has no nutrients you have to feed them pretty much right from the start. The first feeds the nutes are 1/4 strength and you ramp it up from there. I'm also giving them half strength cal/mag and full strength Voodoo Juice which is a beneficial bacteria. The nute schedule I'm using is here.

Will definitely check out your grow! :pass:
Swwweeeet!! Round 2 is looking awesome! I blew through almost 10 seeds trying to dial in my first grow. Lol.. Once you're comfortable with your settings then its smooth sailing. One himt about the humidity. My rh durring the seedling stage is about 40%. Once my plants (usually 4 or more) are in veg and have several sets of leaves, the rh% inceases by a good amount. If you use a humidifier, I'd still try to stay around 45% because once those autopots turn on and plants gain size, there will be plenty of moisture in the air. You may end up trying to lower the rh% come flower. Everything looks excellent so far! Keep killin it!

Hey good to see you Proph! :toke: Thanks for the encouragement, man, always have to crawl and stumble before we can walk and run.

Re the humidifier, I'm with you! I'll turn it off once we get past the delicate seedling phase and maybe even turn the basement dehumidifier up a notch or two when we get to budding. My buddy had a humidifier he could spare for a few weeks so I can see if it makes a difference before I buy one myself. (Thanks, D!) Good to hear you are also starting with a low RH cause your results speak for themselves!

I'm looking at the Hansbricks grow, and I shit you not, his plants already have another set of leaves at this point! Don't know what magic pixie dust he's sprinklin in the grow room, I figure all I can do is get every variable dialed in as best I can. If each grow gets a little better that's all I can ask!
Sorry I missed out on most of the last grow. I'm in to help and watch this time. Feel free to fire away any questions you may have. Im sure things will be great this round. Don't be discouraged. This is part of an amazing journey and You will appreciate this grow so much more.
@SPZ Good to see this new journal :thumbsup:. Many thanks for the invite. :bravo:

I am following you again...:pop:

As always you show us all what a clean and neat a garden can be. IMO it should be.:slap:

I got my new light a CHILLED grow light. All I can saw is WOW it is amazing.
I will drop 'em on Sat. I have been waiting for the right moon.:aha: