Grow Room Spanglish´s 1L Air-Pot Grows

Yikes man, those temps sound nasty. Hopefully they will bid well. Ive had to endure 2 heat waves near, and exactly those temps. I was growing with CFL's at the time as well. HOLY MOLY I was sweating over it, but they still beasted through it. I just had to water them WAY more often 1-2 times per 24 hour period. Which normally they were taking in water every 2 days. So, I think you will make it as long as you dont forget to water, and or have a fan blowing on it. At one point I had to just open my box wide open, and point my house fan at the box just to keep it from frying in there.

Blessing, best of wishes, and Karma heading your way for your ladies to make it through.:karmacloud::pass:
Yikes man, those temps sound nasty. Hopefully they will bid well. Ive had to endure 2 heat waves near, and exactly those temps. I was growing with CFL's at the time as well. HOLY MOLY I was sweating over it, but they still beasted through it. I just had to water them WAY more often 1-2 times per 24 hour period. Which normally they were taking in water every 2 days. So, I think you will make it as long as you dont forget to water, and or have a fan blowing on it. At one point I had to just open my box wide open, and point my house fan at the box just to keep it from frying in there.

Blessing, best of wishes, and Karma heading your way for your ladies to make it through.:karmacloud::pass:

Yeah the temps are gettig pretty nasty 37c/99f is the highest its got so far outside, is crazy for the north of Spain seen it many times in the south but never here, but then again in the south is looking to hit 43c/110f.

Am still managing to keep the temps at about 28.5c/83 most of the day, with a hour or two at 30.5c/87f before it drops again so is borderline but am not sweating it (excuse the pun) to much, the Deep Blue C is taking the heat alot better and has no curl at all and to be fair the Sweet Tooths is minimal considering the situation.

Could not be happier with the Cyclone fan and it is prooving itself at the moment, it was a but more than i was looking to spend but the shop was out of stock of all other models and am happy now i got it, run a quick test yesterday to see how they would go without it to give them a break from the fan and chickened out and switched it back on when temps hit 41c/106f so would day for sure without it both girls would already be toast.

Thanks for the advice though and for sure am keeping a eye on the moisture, lucky they are still small enough at the moment to not be drinking to much, so for now once a day seems to be doing it be am ready to be going more.
Day 18

Temps have backed off a bit and are back to normal, the Sweet Tooth don't seem to like higher ends of the temp scale at all with a max temp of 28c/82f she is still showing some signs of heat stress with the Deep Blue C alongside her showing none, but as long as she keeps on growing is not bothering me much.

She has started showing signs of what i THINK is a Cal or Mg def which is about the same time i saw it last time i grew this strain, am going to be feeding every day with added CalMg as long as the pot is dry, which so far after putting 500ml of water through to half decent runoff 24hrs later the pot is nearly completely dry. Have also given her a foliar feed of CalMg @ 0.5ml/L to get some in there quick and depending on how things look may repeat this tomorrow, to give her some time to take up and metabolize the CalMg from the soil.

She is going to be getting her first hour outside today to start hardening her off for the days in the summer sun, with our current RH and a nice breeze conditions out there are just about perfect and as long as i remember to keep the pots cool enough she should love it.


Day 12 - Root juice 1ml/L + Grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + calmg 1.2ml/L @ 250ml
Day 13 - Filtered Water 200ml
Day 14 - Filtered Water 250ml
Day 15 - Grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml
Day 16 - Plain Water 500ml
Day 17 - Grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L @ 500ml
Day 18 - Grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml - Foliar Feed CalMg @ 0.5ml/L

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Looking good pal she is a pretty girl, noticing any size difference from the last one at same stage, had a couple of days myself with crazy temps this week ,looking forward to see them basking in the sunshine.
Looking good pal she is a pretty girl, noticing any size difference from the last one at same stage, had a couple of days myself with crazy temps this week ,looking forward to see them basking in the sunshine.

She is a bit shorter than the girl from my first journal but has grown two nodes more and is for sure a lot more bushy and vigorous this time round, but not surprised by that as she has stretched a lot less due to some real lighting from day 1 and not some crappy halogen bulbs, just waiting for her to show sex now was at the day 20 mark last time so hopefully anytime soon.

Jesus christ high temps in Scotland, would say it anymore proof was need of global warming that is it for sure. Keep them as cool as possible and some fresh air moving and am sure they will be fine mate.
Day 23

The rusty patches have not spread since adding the extra CalMg so looks to be nicely under control for now and the new growth is looking healthy. Taken off a couple of lower leaves that were touching the soil and have upped the feeds to full strength daily, she showed sex on day 20 exactly the same time as my last Sweet Tooth in a 11L square pot and is into her pre flower stretch, have spent a few days hardening her off to the sun and she will be out there for a full 8hr day from now on.

Day 22 - 15cm/5.9"
Day 23 - 16.5cm/6.5"

Day 19 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 2ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml - Foliar Feed CalMg @ 0.5ml/L
Day 20 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 2ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml
Day 21 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 2ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml
Day 22 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 2ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml
Day 23 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 2ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 500ml

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