Ive been harvesting pollen now for a little over a week now i think i have at least 1 and a half 1.5ml tubes full of pollen but they are all in separate containers with rice and tripled to quadrupled bagged with rice inside the tubes and the tubes are put in little tubberware containers i have pics of the two survivors updated akr pics and pics of the male ill upload if people want to see but there not much to look at kinda feel down about my plants at this stage. What i did notice and maybe its just a huge wild ass guess but i was hunting and hunting evry s60 seedling picture i could find. For sure if anyone wants to confirm and browse themselves but im thinking i have 1 male 1 female. Ok the true leaves have a middle finger and two smaller fingers the smaller fingers is what im focused on. The one im thinking is female because every seedling pic of a female s60 the little fingers curve with the middle. Visibly the curved one is 1 cm shorter so maybe the extra growth further proves my speculation idk im going to check this out. BEFORE ANYONE decides to flame on my ASSUMPTION im am only speculating of course I could and probably am wrong about this but just gonna put it down somewhere so i can have some reference.
Hey if you notice something start keeping a log! I do the same thing. Always looking for similar characteristics when I'm growing strains... Like for instance I've noticed that the plants that start with messed up leaves or leaves that are messed up shapes have always been hermis. Idk why but they are! 3 for 3 with 2 Snow Ryders and 1 Assassin... You could be onto something you never know!
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