Indoor Sour D in Rockwool / CBD in Super Soil

Seed Stockers - Sour Diesel - Day 19
I'm trying to slowly setup a makeshift automated system for this thing. I mean if you're going to go Hydro, F'n do it. So it's kind of a drip/ebb and flow setup I guess. I have a RainPoint wifi pump/timer setup to send 30sec worth of feed once every hour to a floraflex plate set on top of the 6x6 rockwool cube. The run off slowly drains out of the catch pan and back into the qt. of the Maxigro water where I have an air stone. I think maintaining pH is going to be my downfall but I'm generally in the tent 1 or 2 tines a day. The test will be when I go away for work for a couple days.

It's all about learning and progression.

300ml @ pH of 6.0, and EC 0.4
(12 X a day)
Maxigro and Green Life Biotics - Enhance EC.

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Fastbuds - 20:1 CBD - Day 19
Growing out of her leaf funk and the new growth looks like it should (green and uniform). I think the soil was a bit hit and she is a bit more sensitive. I trimmed the funky old growth and I'll leave her be (I typically top my plants).

1 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.2
Green Life Biotics - Enhance EC, Micro, Roots to Shoots
(1 X 3-4 days)

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Seed Stockers - Blackberry Gum - Day 13
Looking great and growthing fast. I topped her above the 5th node today.

1 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.2
Green Life Biotics - Enhance EC, Micro, Roots to Shoots
(1 X 3-4 days)

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I see you've gone automated and feeding hourly on your rockwool m8.. really interested to see how that works out :pop: are you feeding during lights off as well or just when your lights are on??
I see you've gone automated and feeding hourly on your rockwool m8.. really interested to see how that works out :pop: are you feeding during lights off as well or just when your lights are on??

It's only day one of this schedule so we'll see how it goes but ya, once every hour - 24/7. Im really going to test the theory that you can't overwater a rockwool cube.

Based on a good comment from @Dale's Proper Bud about the potential for aglea growth, I changed my tubes from the clear ones to blue to try and minimize light. Roots are taking off at the bottom of the cube. I have the cube up on little plastic spacers so that it doesn't soak water back up but the roots are free to roam.


Based on a good comment from @Dale's Proper Bud about the potential for aglea growth, I changed my tubes from the clear ones to blue to try and minimize light. Roots are taking off at the bottom of the cube. I have the cube up on little plastic spacers so that it doesn't soak water back up but the roots are free to roam.

Seed Stockers - Sour Diesel - Day 24
Feels like this thing is blasting off. Side branches are firing out and reaching for the light. I started to pinch the stems of the side branches yesterday to stimulate growth and to try and spread it out. The tough thing for me is I like to tie the branches down and out but I have no tie down points with the cube. Hhhmmmmmm????

Soooooo automated watering is interesting. One of the hardest parts I'm finding is that the pH drifts from the 5.5 I set it to, up to the 6.5 range between adjustments which I do twice a day. While being fed hourly throughout the day, she gets feeds through that full range. So far I have just been adding water to a quart container. Adding some more Maxigro to EC0.6 and adjusting pH.

300ml @ pH of 6.0, and EC 0.4
(24 X a day)
Maxigro and Green Life Biotics - Enhance EC.



Fastbuds - 20:1 CBD - Day 24
She was throwing some preflowers the other day. I feel she is getting her stride on. Looking good so far.

1 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.0
(1 X 4-5 days)


Seed Stockers - Blackberry Gum - Day 18
Took the topping with no issues. I usually have a bunch of wire stakes to move fan leave and get more light down low but not that easy with the floraflex mat. So far I like them. I water right over top and it keep the soil from moving around. I assume it help with the algea growth but either way, I can't see it. The plant is doing well and the side branches are reaching for light. Generally on par with my other grows. Ready for some stretch.


1 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.2
Green Life Biotics - Enhance EC, Micro, Roots to Shoots
(1 X 3-4 days)j
Seed Stockers - Sour Diesel - Day 29
Getting some leaf deformity and some deficiency of some kind setting in. I'm sure it's because of the pH swings and watering once every hour without adjusting. Otherwise she's pretty good and transitioning into flower.

I've honestly been beating on this poor plant with the heavy watering, super cropping and tie downs. I'm going to switch to watering 2 or 3 times a day only when I can adjust pH properly and let her do her thing. Stem rubs are crazy Diesel smelling. If I can get her over this hump, she's going to be a good one.



300ml @ pH of 6.0, and EC 0.4
(24 X a day)

Fastbuds - 20:1 CBD - Day 29
Cruising along and flowering. She's a small plant but there is still some time to go so hopefully it gets some stretch.

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.0
Plain rain water
(1 X 4-5 days)


Seed Stockers - Blackberry Gum - Day 23
Getting bushy. I ended up doing a little defol of the lower leaves. There was condensation building up where the leaves were overlapping. Other than that, she's doing well and just threw some preflowers.


1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.2
Plain rain water
(1 X 4-5 days)
Seed Stockers - Sour Diesel - Day 32
Poor girl is hurt'n. Yellowing and spotting leaves. I measured fresh run off and found pH was in the 6.6 range. I flushed the cube so that runoff was about 5.8. I'll be keeping my eye on her to see if she turns the corner.

300ml @ pH of 5.8, and EC 0.8
(3 X a day)



Fastbuds - 20:1 CBD - Day 32
Doing her thing and looking good.

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.0
Plain rain water
(1 X 3-4days)


Seed Stockers - Blackberry Gum - Day 26
Nice even tops aftera little early super cropping. She is finally starting to noticeably take up more water.

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.2
Plain rain water
(1 X 3-4 days)

Seed Stockers - Sour Diesel - Day 36
Almost lost her but I think she's coming back. The out of sorts pH comes on slow but then steamrolls into a do or die situation. I don't like to give up so I'll take it as a lesson learned and try to bring her back to life. Future note, don't water without testing and adjusting pH. If I could only figure out the rate that the pH changes so I could time a mid day feed on auto.....hmmmmm. I switched her over to bloom nuitients so we'll see how this goes.

300ml @ pH of 5.8, and EC 0.8
(3 X a day)




Fastbuds - 20:1 CBD - Day 36
Doing good still. Short little girl. I think that maybe the hot soil stunted her a bit. At least I'll be able to sample some CBD because she's putting on a good flower show so far.

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.0
Plain rain water
(1 X 3-4days)



Seed Stockers - Blackberry Gum - Day 30
I never know if I'm behind or what at this point in grows but the canopy is even and shes still green so i guess that's good. Gave her a bit of a defol now that preflower has finally started. Hopefully she gets some stretch to give some space for more buds.

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.2
Plain rain water
(1 X 3-4 days)


Seed Stockers - Sour Diesel - Day 40
I think she is turning the corner and starting to grow again. No need for any defol on this poor girl since she dropped most of her fan leaves. Just have to maintain now.

300ml @ pH of 5.8-6.0, and EC 1.2
(3 X a day)




Fastbuds - 20:1 CBD - Day 40
Doing well and staying squat but she's packing on some flowers. I removed some of the bigger fan leaves the other day. Trying to make sure I get good light to the lower bud sites.

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.0
Plain rain water, I gave her a boost of maxibloom to help with the flowering transition.
(1 X 3-4days)



Seed Stockers - Blackberry Gum - Day 30
Doing really well. I did a bunch of defol on this one to open up some more light to the bud sites. So far so good. Looking forward to getting some more stretch before flowering really sets in.

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.2
Plain rain water, I gave her a shot of Maxibloom to help with the transition to flower.
(1 X 3-4 days)

Seed Stockers - Sour Diesel - Day 44
Still losing leaves but the buds are building and starting to frost up. Looking bit like a Magnesium deficiency is sticking along so I'm going try to address that. Also seeing a pH drop in the runoff so I'm bumping up the pH little bit to compensate.

300ml @ pH of 6.0-6.2, and EC 1.2
(3 X a day)




Fastbuds - 20:1 CBD - Day 44
Doing well and frosting up. Squat little girl but should still get a few ounces off her. This is my first CBD so I'm excited to see how this medicine acts. It will be nice to share what I do with some people who don't "get high" but could still benefit. She doesn't drink as much as her sister so I have be sure to moderate how much input in.

1 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.0
Plain rain water
(1 X 4-5days)



Seed Stockers - Blackberry Gum - Day 34
Doing well and kicking out some side branches and streching. Stacking a bit tighter at the colas so she might be about done with the big stretch. She's a nice medium size plant and I'm sure will throw down as long as these downward pointing leaves don't end up being my downfall. Drinking a good amount

1.5 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.0
Plain rain water
(1 X 3-4 days)
