Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack SoG Meds

Holy moley! I can't believe I missed this pic update..

Filled in really nicely!

It might take abit of diving into the jungle, but Anything that's not looking like a decent secondary budsite or if there's some straggling branches not far out from the stem I'd consider snipping them off.

Also If there's some major sized fan's you can't tuck that are shading the internals of the plant I'd consider removing those too, no more than a couple per plant.

I removed at least 4 on some of ours, but as I don't know the outcome yet I don't want to offer that as solid advise.

They're growing really nicely dude, healthy and pretty evenly, so maybe just let them do their thing for another week until you're approaching max size.

Cheers and keep it up!

Thanks buddy! I went ahead and took about 15-20 fan leaves out of the mix last night. I was actually getting ready to upload some photos of them to ask what you thought I should trim, particularly with some of the perimeter plants that have stretched a bit.

There's one particular plant in the top right corner that just hasn't been happy with me from the beginning and I can't blame her. After leaving the seeds in paper towels for way too long to germinate the tails were much larger than I am used too, and I honestly was shocked that 39 out of 40 made it! I won't let that happen again, that's for sure!

There's another plant in the bottom right corner of the tent that has stayed extremely short and bushy, almost like she's getting too much light even though she's on the perimeter. No sign of stretch at all, she's growing horizontally and looks like a ground cover plant! She's quite intriguing to me. She has also been slower to get into gear than the other ladies, but definitely smells of Sour Crack goodness. I'm keeping an eye on her hoping she's got something special to show.

In the middle of the table there's a plant that's reminding me a lot of that Sour Crack chandelier of dank that I had grown previously. She's been ahead of the curve the entire grow and has my favorite structure out of the lot, other than the previously mentioned short, flat one.

Lastly, In the back left there's the tallest of the group, which has also grown that way from the very beginning. The first quirky thing that drew me to her was the length of stem on her young fan leaves. Her's would easily be twice as long as some of the others and she's been leaning into the light, overshadowing her neighbors this whole time. She wants to be in the center of the table like you wouldn't believe! I'm gonna finish selecting, uploading, and cropping the pics and will be back around with those in a bit.


Lol, Slacker. Probably on top of a mountain somewhere. That's one big beautiful pile of green.

Thanks! It's so lovely to look at, Marga! Even if I didn't automate the watering I'd still grow this way again. It's much more manageable than I thought and spending one on one time with every tree in the forest has been so intimate and enjoyable! I feel much more connected to these ladies than anything I've grown previously. I'd definitely recommend it to those thinking of giving it a shot.
1260, taking bets as we speak!!! If I can't grow like that at least I can make some money off if it, lol. A4's booking services at your service. Over/Under, on the number pays 4 to 1. Place your bets ladies and gentlemen, place your bets!

Looking wonderful gbd, I can't wait for the next few weeks. This is going to get sick! The only thing that comes to mind right now is you may want to start thinking about humidity. It is probably going to be very moist and that canopy is going to hold humidity like the amazon rain forest. You may want to start thinking of some way of keeping air circulating "under" the canopy as much as over it. Just my thoughts on the project, hopefully it helps in some small way.

Heya, A4!

Thank you, friend! I think you're right to mention that I should worry about humidity. I've got a dehumidifier on hand when it comes times. I've been maintaining around 53% recently, but after lights out the reading has been almost 70% rh which is troublesome. I'm hoping the aquarium heater in a gallon jug of water technique will help maintain a steady temperature in the tent to keep the humidity level.

As for round 2 or table 2, depending on how things go, I've already devised a plan to remedy that. I'll build a PVC pipe frame that fits around the table and run perforated PVC piping down each row, or maybe every other row, so that I can hook an air pump up to it and have air blowing up through the leaves from underneath the canopy. What do you think?

Anyway.. I'll be back with some updated photos in a bit.

SoG Life.

I'm not sure tail length will affect them too detrimentally, we often have ones that lose their shell in the paper towel, super long tail and all, but once potted you'd be surprised to see they take to the soil and grow as normal.

It's really interesting to start seeing the differences emerge, and also the differences from plants being in different positions, monitoring a sog really gives an eye in to elements like light coverage, or lack of, sweetspots etc, it's fun too certain plants you route for.

It's inevitable that some plants will do better than others, and when breeding, growing this way helps you spot them that bit more easily. But solely thinking from a production perspective, it's all about averages.

I hope you have a good connection, here come the pics.

Day 27




Here is the back right corner gal I mentioned. Healthy but tiny.



Here is the one that reminds me of my BoM Sour Crack.




Here is the little flat girl from the front line. She has stretched about an inch in the past 48 hours.




Here is the tall, stretch monster from the back left corner.



Mitch, what would you get rid of from these?







Other than those four everything is pretty damn consistent! I'm figuring this whole thing out as I go, so any input is appreciated.

Man!! Luscious man, just plain awesome!!thats the size n type of grow I wanna have right there lol!! thats killer man!!Brother foreman (A4 lol) is riiiight too this is gonna be figin siiiick in a few weeks lmfao! Looking forward to this man!!:Sharing One:
Man!! Luscious man, just plain awesome!!thats the size n type of grow I wanna have right there lol!! thats killer man!!Brother foreman (A4 lol) is riiiight too this is gonna be figin siiiick in a few weeks lmfao! Looking forward to this man!!:Sharing One:

Thank you, Eyes!!! I'm glad you're along on this one. I'm super excited for the outcome too as it has been tremendously efficient compared to my usual style. The grow isn't even halfway over and some plants already have trichs!

:Sharing One:
i knooow lmfao their vicious man juuust vicious!! i want some big lights like that so i can do something like that too.Im soo jealous lol!!:Sharing One:
What a nice Jungle almost looks like one big Bush of Weed.....and i can second Eyes thats the Style of Grow to go....Jungle Style!!!!
Duuude think about it man, your gonna have thousands n thousands of nice comfy fat n plump n sticky as sin bowl packs to feed an army of stoners bro..!!DUDE?Where do i enlist?lmfao :Sharing One:"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out":Hookah: