Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack SoG Meds

gbd that's fantastic! Your plants look so healthy and happy. Very well done! I've got to get some more Sour Crack to grow. Watch out Mitch there's going to be a run on the Sour Crack you'd better stock up.
Duuude think about it man, your gonna have thousands n thousands of nice comfy fat n plump n sticky as sin bowl packs to feed an army of stoners bro..!!DUDE?Where do i enlist?lmfao :Sharing One:"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out":Hookah:

We'll have to get together and smoke enough for a whole battalion! Thanks for the positivity, Eyes!

You guys have changed my thoughts on my grow plans entirely with these SOG setups.

My eyes have been opened to the possibilities now as well.

What a nice Jungle almost looks like one big Bush of Weed.....and i can second Eyes thats the Style of Grow to go....Jungle Style!!!!

Jungle style indeed! I'm pretty sure I saw a tiger running in and out of the back row of plants last night.

gbd that's fantastic! Your plants look so healthy and happy. Very well done! I've got to get some more Sour Crack to grow. Watch out Mitch there's going to be a run on the Sour Crack you'd better stock up.

Thanks, Jack! I'm surprised it hasn't been grown out more here as is. They are fantastic genetics that will impress regardless of grow medium/style.


"AFN smoke out"
I hope you have a good connection, here come the pics.

Day 27




Here is the back right corner gal I mentioned. Healthy but tiny.



Here is the one that reminds me of my BoM Sour Crack.




Here is the little flat girl from the front line. She has stretched about an inch in the past 48 hours.




Here is the tall, stretch monster from the back left corner.



Mitch, what would you get rid of from these?







Other than those four everything is pretty damn consistent! I'm figuring this whole thing out as I go, so any input is appreciated.


Bud, this is so awesome. Please do many more of these. Hot damn
Thanks, Darth! I definitely will! I just wish there were more auto strains suited to this style of growing, which is odd because I used to void plants that were touted as being ideal for SoG. How foolish I was.

:Sharing One:
My internet is too slow at the moment to see the photos!
so I'll check them later!
i keep thinking verticle af sog now :)

After seeing other's success using the vertical SoGs I've been thinking about them a lot too. Especially after seeing the basic setup for sale to grow herbs at a local Sam's Club store, it's had my mind running. My biggest problem is that It's not very practical with LEDs and I'm sitting on extra tents and lights with no space for them since I had to pull everything down a month ago. Maybe someday in the future I'll have some space to drop a 1000 watter or two down from the ceiling to light up every wall. That would be the most intense SoG ever!

I've posted some pics of the undergrowth hoping for your recommendation on what to chop and what to leave, but most of the first set of branches have stretched themselves up to canopy level.

Id nip out some of the big fans that are shadowing growth underneath. Not a lot, maybe 25% of the large fans now, wait a few days and maybe clip them again.
I cut off about 25 of the most canopy covering leaves two nights ago and will probably go back in for more in the next day or two. They're getting thirsty in the meantime. Here's what their tea looks like.



Mmmm, foam donut.
I thought these were having the supersoil and plain feeds?
either way looks good!

Regarding leaves -
personally if there's any huge fans covering nice branches underneath, or if they are shading another plant and can't be tucked I would lay waste to them.

The important thing I think is to just do it progressively, rather than in big hits that could stress your girls.

I'd do that and then look at your branches over the next few days, if it's a thin weedy one that's going to make popcorn only then do away with them.

For example in your photo number 16 - I'd nip off that first set of branches.

We also removed the first two sets of leaves, the single leaflet and tri-leaflet ones just to give some breathing space for air circulation down below.

I'd just look at each plant and decide upon which flowers/branches you want the energy to be focused on.. It's not so much that it will help outright with yield but it will make your harvest easier and buds better overall.

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