Indoor Sofem Ryder Die in ProMix HP & Mega Crop

Ryder Die Day 1
  • Kyote

    Don't sweat the small stuff
    Cultivators Club
    Oct 15, 2019
    Reaction score
    Currently Smoking
    This is #3 indoor grow for me. Gives me something to focus on during the cold and rainy fall and winter. I was gonna say it keeps me sane, yet that may be stretching the truths a bitz:rofl:

    The set up
    3 x 3 tent
    320w qb
    Passive air intake
    Circulating fan x 2
    Variable speed exhaust fan
    Inkbird controlled humidifier
    3 gallon fabric pots
    ProMix HP
    Greenleaf nutes
    Myco Grow
    Grow Gnome

    Ryder Die Seeds :weed: are Sofem Genetics from GreenGrass Seeds. Me daughter picked these out to grow, so here we go!

    Will be using VPD during this grow for RH and temperature once the domes come off. If you don't know about VPD and want to know, click ==>VPD calculator

    Soaked seeds for 16 hours, then into a paper towel. They were all ready to go into pots after 24 hours in the towel. I missed taking a picture of the roots all tangled together in the towel. :doh: First time that has happened. Was more concerned about getting them separated and into their pots at the time. Did snap a quick pic once i got them separated and ready for a light Myco - Grow dusting. Sheesh on me eh. :shrug:


    Sunday, October 11, is day one above ground. After separating the tangled roots, they received a light dusting of Myco - Grow. I also took about 1.5 cups of medium out of each pot and sprinkled in 1/4 teaspoon of Myco - Grow into it, and returned it to the pots. First time using Myco - Grow.

    helmet attached



    Give me a better photo next time ol man :biggrin:

    They all got their domes on. Grow Gnome supervising.:lol:

    Ok so we be up and running. :joy: The Sofem seeds are vigorous so far. Fast germination and all popped after untangling their baby roots. So we will see how they grow.

    to @Rebel at Green Grass Seeds for the no hassle payment and international shipping :yay1:

    That's all folks for this week - have a goodn! :toke:
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    Ryder Die Day 8
  • grrrr... i check the plantz after dark time n sumz critter ate the 2 sets of leaves off one of them :sadcry: :... I shouldn't have brought that one in from outside:wall:

    Don't bring plants from outside into a clean tent is wat me brain said, n then there was the "gotta give that plant a chance so bring it in" brain speakin too - so i'll give the stem a day n see if it's a goner or pushes out a new set.. :shrug:

    So lookz like there's two survivors. One is doin much better than the other that is real small. The one that got ate was the middle size one. Kinda likes "that one too small, that one too big, but that one just right to eat" :rofl:

    An the grow gnome.. he was sleepinz too i guess.. :sleeping: with the lights out.



    This one doesn't look quite right - nothing but h2o and see how she growz

    So that's it this week. :eek1: Maybe drop another seed in a day to replace the eaten one. :redface: An toss the outdoor plant on the compost pile.:shrug:
    Ryder Die Day 14
  • Two still alive and see how this goes. :shrug:
    Looks like another seed popped in the pot that got ate. If it is still alive next week,
    I 'll say what it is. :eek1: For now, it's just a green speck in a pot. :biggrin:




    An datz dat. Short n sweetz this week it is :headbang:
    Ryder Die Day 18 C+2.0 Day 5
  • Vegging along here and a new seedling to replace Mama Bear, who was devoured by Goldilocks, the earwig. The new seedling is a Dinafem Critical+2.0. I grew two of these outdoors over the summer, so I have an idea of what to expect with it. :eek1:

    Papa Bear is coming along nicely. This seed sprouted first, and had the fastest root. Baby Bear, well, she's keeping small for the time being. Mama Bear got ate. Papa was too big to eat, baby to small. but mama was just right. Oh well. :shrug:

    Started feeding the Ryder's with 2mg/gal MC, .5g SC, and .5g cal/mag pro. H2o is rain water ph'd after adding nutrients.

    The C+2 is getting .5g/gal of MC. I am trying this as I added Myco-Grow to the medium. See how she does.

    The tent VPD has been .9 to 1.1 for the past week. A compromise between the seedling and the veggers.

    Light meter reads 26k for reference. Light has been on 24/0 and now is at 19/5 for the remainder of the grow.


    Baby Bear

    Papa Bear

    C+2.0 and what is left of Mama Bear

    So there is the current state of tent. I'm paying a bit closer attention to the weight of the pots this grow, watering when they feel lighter but not as light as a dry pot. I'm using rain water instead of well water as the ppm's were pretty high for the well water. See if I notice a difference between the well water and rain water. And as soon as the C_2 gets a good set of second leaves, I'll up the lighting a bit.

    And that's that for now:toke:
    Ryder Die Day 21 C+2.0 Day 7
  • Week three on the Ryder Die in the books and week one on the Critical+2.0.

    Papa bear and Baby bear doing ok. Little Critical+2.0 finding her roots. :thumbsup:

    Feeding the Ryder's with 2g/gal MC, .5g SC, and .5g cal/mag pro. H2o is rain water ph'd after adding nutrients.

    The C+2 is getting .5g/gal of MC. I am trying this as I added Myco-Grow to the medium. See how she does.

    The tent VPD has been .9 to 1.1 for the past week. A compromise between the seedling and the veggers.

    Light meter reads 31k, up 5k from last week, for reference. Light is at 19/5 for the remainder of the grow.

    C+2 still with us, made it her first week :headbang:

    Baby Bear

    And Papa Bear

    And that's that for this week folkz :toke:
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    Ryder Die Day 28
  • Week four on the Ryder Die in the books.

    Papa bear and Baby bear doing ok. :thumbsup:

    Feeding with 2g/gal MC, .5g SC, and .5g cal/mag pro. H2o is rain water ph'd after adding nutrients.

    The C+2 got pulled as it was doing nothing. :shrug:

    The tent VPD has been 1.1 to 1.3 for the past week. Here is a link to VPD calculator

    Light meter reads 37k, up 6k from last week, for reference. Light is at 19/5 for the remainder of the grow.

    Papa Bear - Just letting them do their thing except for a bit of leaf tucking


    Baby Bear


    And that's that for this week grofolks
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    Ryder Die Day 35
  • Week five on the Ryder Die is dust in the wind. :thumbsup:

    Papa bear and Baby bear doing their stretching.

    Feeding with 2g/gal MC, .5g SC, and .5g cal/mag pro. H2o is rain water ph'd after adding nutrients. I don't feed every watering. I mix it up a bit. Water water feed, water feed feed, water feed water. Keeping it light on the nutrients as advised by Sofem.

    The tent VPD has been 1.2 to 1.4 for the past week. Here is a link to VPD calculator

    Light meter reads 50k, up 13k from last week, for reference.

    Light is at 19/5 for the remainder of the grow. I let the plants grow up to the light and will adjust if necessary.

    Papa Bear - Bag was a bit light at lights on, so h2o until the weight of the bag felt right.

    Baby bear, she's a dainty lil thing :dancer:


    Maybe one will get fancied up for the holiday season? :shrug:


    That's it for this weeks display of underachievement. :biggrin: Now back to your regularly scheduled programming :goauto:
    Ryder Die Day 42
  • Week six on the Ryder Die is in the rearview mirror. :thumbsup:

    Papa bear and Baby bear about done with their stretching, if not already finished.

    I upped the feeding to 2.5g/gal MC 1part, .5g SC, and .5g cal/mag pro, total 580ppm. H2o is rain water ph'd to 6.5 after adding nutrients. I don't feed every watering. I mix it up a bit. Water water feed, water feed feed, water feed water. Keeping it light on the nutrients as advised by Sofem. I water when the pots feel less than 50% than how they feel when wet, which usually means a watering with or without feed every 12 to 16 hours.

    The tent VPD is 1.2 to 1.5 for the duration of the grow. Here is a link to VPD calculator

    Light meter reads 50k, for reference.

    Light is at 19/5.

    Papa Bear - I am far from being plant whisperer, so my thinking is the yellowing along with the spotting is what makes me think magnesium. Any input on this is highly appreciated. I just did a slurry test on both pots. Ph is 6.2 and only 48ppm which is seriously low. The slurry test was taken from two different areas of the pots, about 4 inches down. From the PPM, I think I can feed with most every watering as the plants seem to be using everything I give them. Thoughts?



    Papa Bear

    Baby Bear

    So will see if we can get this bump in the road figured out and get them both back on a good healthy path :thumbsup:

    For anyone wondering why there is no Mama Bear, she was eaten by an earwig at a very young age. :sadcry:

    That's that for this week :joy:
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    Ryder Die Day 49
  • Week seven on the Ryder Die is in the rearview mirror :thumbsup:

    Feeding 2.5g/gal MC 1part, .5g SC, and .5g cal/mag pro, total 580ppm. H2o is rain water ph'd now ti 6.2 after adding nutrients. Feeding every watering now. I water when the pots feel less than 50% than how they feel when wet, which usually means a watering with feed every 12 to 16 hours.

    The tent VPD is 1.2 to 1.5 for the duration of the grow. Here is a link to VPD calculator

    Light meter reads 50k, for reference.

    Light is at 19/5.

    Papa bear


    Baby bear


    Still alive in spite of me. I may be one of those folks who just can't grow worth a hoot indoors. Oh well. :shrug:
    Ryder Die Day 57
  • Week eight on the Ryder Die is in the rearview mirror :thumbsup:

    F.N. said to put the groceries to em, so I have.:eek1:

    Upped the feeding to 3g/gal MC 1part, 1g BE. H2o is rain water ph'd now is approximately 6.2 - 6.5 as I am only using drops until the new Apera gets here. Feeding every watering now. I water when the pots feel less than 50% than how they feel when wet, which usually means a watering with feed every 12 to 24 hours.

    The tent VPD is 1.2 to 1.5 for the duration of the grow. Here is a link to VPD calculator

    Light meter reads 50k, for reference.

    Light is at 19/5.

    Papa Bear


    Baby bear - she's going to be good in a very limited way


    So we just pluggin along here for a few more weeks it looks like - and its a good journey for sure :thumbsup:

    Later grofolkz n grolurkerz n growgnomez n grow dogz n catz :d5: