I think i might need wait two days before i water again. Do you think 24oz every watering would be best?
I'd just water as needed, as in water once your pot is starting to get a bit dry, so when it feels light and the top 1/2" or so is dry to the touch, and then just water till you get a bit of runoff in your tray, it doesn't have to be a specific amount on a certain time frame just because the plants needs will change over time, its more helpful to learn how wet or dry your mix and plant can run, and then find that in between point where growth is the most. That just comes from experience and playing around.
As for some suggestions as Mjau said you could throw in another pot if you wanted it would help fill out the space, or go with a bigger pot next time, also going with a slightly bigger tray you could extend your time between watering as you could leave a bit of water in the tray after watering for the pot to re suck back up over the next day.
For how close the light is that all depends on how hot it is how close, you can feel that with the back of your hand how close you can get, as if its hot for you its hot for the plant, and also if your too close your top of the plant will potentially light bleach, i actually get that quite frequently in one of my pc cases but the only way to know is to experiment and have fun, really your plants will tell you what they like and don't like, its just learning how to read them, and any mistakes that are made are how we learn and become better for next time