Outdoor Smokey's Dragon Den


Hiding it from The Wife!
Jan 21, 2011
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Ok, First things first...
These are all going to be grown 100% outdoors, not ideal as i am in the UK but all of my indoor gear is currently being used in Grey Donkeys loft for our shared grow. And by all i mean ALL... lights, nutes, meters the lot. Obviously the nutes aren't an issue but the other stuff is.
I grew outdoors last year with a degree of sucess but they were all started indoors and for anybody thinking of an outdoor venture i strongly recommend doing this.
So... what do we got?
I have 2 thunder dragons in 12.5L airpots that were started early April but because the weather was absolutely shite they didn't do much. I ended up having to buy a mini greenhouse (not much room in my yard) 3 weeks ago and they have picked up real well but given how old they are i'm not sure how well they'll do
Here they are when they first went into the den... remember they were about 4 weeks at this point...
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And here they are today 3 weeks later...
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As you can see one of the poor little buggers was breakfast dinner and tea for some nasty little bug which was unceramoniously slaughtered when i found it:howdy:
I have also just started 2 of mossy's as-of-yet-unamed dragons and 2 Black Dragons, although i am having difficulties with these. No problems germing them but as of yet i've only had 1 of the nameless dragons sprout. Not sure what i've been doing wrong, possible that it is too humid/moist in the greenhouse (it collects a LOT of condensation) so i have put another 2 BD's and 1 ?D in to germ.
The plan with these is to have one of each in 12.5L airpots and the others in normal 8 or 10 inch pots... depends on space really
Here is the ? Dragon that has sprouted...
I'll be updating as and when they is anything worthwhile posting so apologies if I don't update regularly. Fortunately the weather this week is set to be sunny with temps in the high 70's although they could drop back next week.
Ah the unpredictability of the Great British weather...
Any tips or pointers, pretty much anything that will help me get the most from these babies in this climate, will be greatfully received.
Cool little mini greenhouses, man. Good luck!
Thanks for dropping by guys, hopefully I won't disappoint and there'll be some nice dragon porn in the up coming weeks
Just a quick update... my reserve ?dragon cracked today and has gone straight into it's 12.5L airpot. Just waiting for the Black Dragons to crack now. Hopefully that'll be tomorrow.
Ok... Another quick update.
As I hoped my 2 Black Dragons cracked today and have gone into the remaining 12.5L airpot and a normal 8 inch pot. The 8 inch one is about 3L.
So altogether we now have...
2 x Thunder Dragons
1 x Black Dragon
1 x ? Dragon
All in 12.5L airpots and...
1 x Black Dragon
1 x ? Dragon
Both in 8 inch (3 litre) normal pots.
The sun is currently blindingly hot here and looks to be that way till at least Monday so fingers crossed all the beans that have gone in in the last few days will sprout this time
All hail the sun gods:bow:
Quick update with photos
I discovered today that the 2 Thunder Dragons are male:cry:
But it's not all bad as now i have Dragon Jizz:jump:
The half eaten one can go to the great green garden in the sky, here's the one who's being kept

To compensate for these 2 i've germed a Fem Blue Himalaya and a Purple Russian, some of the Thunder Jizz will go on the Blue Himalaya and possibly the Purple Russian... we'll see
Both the ? Dragons have started well
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I'm just waiting for the Black Dragons to show their pretty lil heads

And here's one for Mossy... the 'unusual tomatos' you sent me
I tell you, when your lucks not in...
My 2 blackies were just showing their cotyledons last night, checked em today and one has disapeared completely and the other was sitting on top of the dirt, tiny tap root and all. Haven't got a clue what the f**k is going on.
The one that was left I replanted with a bit of mycorrhizal and has got about 3 or 4 days to see of its gonna do owt.
I've got 2 more beans out having a bit of an airing before they go in to germ and if the replanted one hasn't shown any signs by then it's a gonner.
On the plus side the purple Russian has cracked and has gone into an airpot today but the Blue Himalaya hadn't done anything so got roughed up a bit and went back in to germ.
I've never had so much trouble starting plants off before... but then I've never started them off outdoors before either.
sending some germ an grow karma smokey:smokebuds: