Outdoor Smokey's Dragon Den

Cheers sniper, I need it I think.
Had some proper difficulties with these Blacks... think maybe I'm wanting them too much:D
me to i got some blacks waiting to take a dip in the pool too
Quick update****
Both the Black Dragons have cracked and went into their pots today :jump:
Hopefully these 2 will sprout.
Weather here is unpredictable to say the least... one minute the suns out next it's pissing it down. Temps have dropped as well so they're all in the mini greenhouse overnight which I think I'm going to nickname the infirmary. The 2 New dragons seem to be coping i'm just waiting on the other 3 to poke their little heads up now.
Well after a week of uterly shite weather i'm still waiting for my 2 Black Dragons and my Purple Russian to break the soil.
The male Thunder Dragon is showing some nice colour though... here he is next to the 2 New Dragons

And here he is close up

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Lovely Smokey...I'm loving the Colour..and for the conditions you are getting they are looking damn Healthy Bro...Well Done...:clap: :clap: :clap:

Have you got any candy-stripes on the mainstem...?

Gotta Funny Feeling the Nigerian colour may be about to show...she carries a different Purple to the JEM Line.

More Thundery Skies...

I've just had one on My girls that I was scrutinising..your Looks the same..hmmm..
that colour has been hiding for a few generations..maybe now it is in acendance..

:dance2:....everyone with ThunderDragon..watch out for vertical candy stripes on the mainstem..high up in the top bud..:thumbs:..it is one of the Nigerian dominant traits.

I have just cleaned off ThunderDragon..AND..Oguns Thunder...
(ThunderDragon is OgunsThunder with a shot of DeepChunk..)

Nice to be able to Test the Original off against the outcross..:smokebuds:...make sure you have Lost nowt....Homework..homework..homework...
Thanks for the input Mossy, appreciate it.
Got to say this male has been a real labour of love... and he's a tough little bugger too.
Started him April 1st... 100% outdoors... rain... snow... sleet... and he still pulled through.
Is this what you mean by candy stripes?
Looking great, like the Greenhouse you got :D

Hoping these dragons do you proud

That is some lovely purp colour in that male, not seen a Purp male before
Cheers bud, thanks for looking in.
Had a couple of purple males last summer (JEM and Whore) which I used to make the seeds for the shared grow I got going on with Grey Donkey, but neither were quite as good as this one. Got to love the dragons :wiz:
Well i bit the bullet yesterday and dug up the 2 Blackies and the Purple Russian... nothing doing with them.
They were repotted in smaller pots and stuck indoors on a window sill.
Not sure if it's the shite weather holding them back or something else. If they aren't moving by Sat/Sun i'll start some more... inside this time
damn :drool: that male is beautiful