Outdoor Smokey's Dragon Den

love the purp in the male thunder

if you can i would turn that flo light side ways for the best light use:2cents:
This grow is done by a Professional Married Man and as such AFN would Strongly recommend You Do Not try this at Home...
Or at least get yourself a good lawyer first :crying:

We are setting up a Medical Fund now for when Lady Smokey Does find out and Smokey needs an operation to re-attatch his testicles...:no:

Aw shucks... That really tugs at the heart strings. I think you'd probably have to set up a search party first though to find them:no:

Mail me an addy..BD#2 germed Fine for Me..you can Test them after they have been posted..
Done :thumbs:
@ Sativalover... Thanks for the input bud. It would be better that way but unfortunately the tent is too small for a reflector and I can't figure any other way to hang it:confused:

Well... 5 days in and so far so good in as much as it hasn't been discovered yet.
There are other issues though... The pots are so water logged from the rain there no where near drying out and there is a lot of condensation in the tent too.
I'm considering moving the airpot back outside and starting from scratch in the tent with smaller more manageable pots
The other 2 pots are quite small anyway so might not be an issue
One other little problem looming large on the horizon is that my good lady finishes work end of next week... FOR 6 WEEKS!!! Think I'm going to need a team of ninjas or something to help with feeding them all and still stay incognito
Wish me luck...
Or at least get yourself a good lawyer first :crying:

Aw shucks... That really tugs at the heart strings. I think you'd probably have to set up a search party first though to find them:no:

Done :thumbs:
@ Sativalover... Thanks for the input bud. It would be better that way but unfortunately the tent is too small for a reflector and I can't figure any other way to hang it:confused:

Well... 5 days in and so far so good in as much as it hasn't been discovered yet.
There are other issues though... The pots are so water logged from the rain there no where near drying out and there is a lot of condensation in the tent too.
I'm considering moving the airpot back outside and starting from scratch in the tent with smaller more manageable pots
The other 2 pots are quite small anyway so might not be an issue
One other little problem looming large on the horizon is that my good lady finishes work end of next week... FOR 6 WEEKS!!! Think I'm going to need a team of ninjas or something to help with feeding them all and still stay incognito
Wish me luck...

use bent wire coat hangers to change the angle of the light and hold it
you may also fashion a reflector out of cardboard w/ aluminum foil over it use the dull side for the reflector
aluminum foil isn't the best reflector but it a couple in. from bulb reflecting is still better than far away poly or white paint:)
as far as the ninjas go well you could say hear those coyotes i"m going to check it out and give them some water:)
Hmmm...Please make your Donations Payable to AFN/smokeystesticalfund...:stir:

Maaan Smokey...I Knew.

Give the Lady her due thought..she was Fast....:crying:

Smokey..lean in closer..closer...if we get no donations Me and JM will be round to help..


We'll take away the Pain and leave the Swelling....:crying:
You guys are the best :crying:
She's actually been surprising good about the whole thing. I don't know if I dare say it but... I think she may see my side of the argument :buds:
Better be on your Best behaviour then....:thumbs:
You can bet your arse on that mate.
Think I'll get her the final book in the '50 shades' trilogy tomorrow, she's read the first and is half way through the second and, well... Let's just say she seems to like them :hump:
You can bet your arse on that mate.
Think I'll get her the final book in the '50 shades' trilogy tomorrow, she's read the first and is half way through the second and, well... Let's just say she seems to like them :hump:

OMG! I know exactly why you are going to get her the third book too. :hump:
You might think that... I couldn't possibly comment ;)
Think I'll get her the final book in the '50 shades' trilogy tomorrow, she's read the first and is half way through the second and, well... Let's just say she seems to like them :hump:

OMG! I know exactly why you are going to get her the third book too. :hump:

:crying:...well...we know you Two are on the Right Bud...:smokebuds: