Thanks goauto6, and thanks for dropping by... he was a beaut but unfortunately my cat destroyed him when i was trying to get pollen from him

Haven't been able to update for a while as i've had alot on my plate with the kids (birthdays and school and stuff) and i've been grafting somewhere to hide a small (40x40x120cm) tent where 'er indoors won't find it... i reckon she'd go ape if she did!!
But, it's been up for 3 days now and so far so good... it's just big enough to get the airpot with the female New Dragon and 3 smaller pots with a Black Dragon, Thunder Dragon and one of my Jem/Whores in.
The new Dragon will stay in till she's finished and will get hit with the pollen from my male ND, the other 3 will move outdoors when they show sex... hopefully the god awfull british summer we're having will have perked up a bit by then.
Anyway, enough waffle... Here's some pics...
Female New Dragon... had to LST her as she's really come to life since moving indoors and height is an issue

New Dragon outdoors... I think this may be female too, but will stay outdoors for now

Black Dragon...

Thunder Dragon... not sure whats going on with this one, bit of a mutant

And JEM/Whore...

They're all outside at the moment taking advantage of some rare sunshine but will be safely tucked up in the tent again soon... having some issues with high temps in there at the moment as i don't have a fan in there yet, but that will be sorted tomorrow