Grow Room smart pots/ anyone use them?

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Root Pouches look like Smart Pots to me.

" Root Pouch pots are made of a unique, fabric-like geotextile created from reclaimed plastic fibers and recycled natural materials (cotton). This material is not only a green alternative to traditional plastics, but it is actually far better for your plants too! "

...which leads us to the question: What kind of fabric are smart pots made of? These are "fabric-like".
My reply to smartpots is only from my experiance and that is dont use them for autoflowers...from what ive learnd is autoflowers want deep pots and smartpots are not...they do probly help with normale strains but for autos i would not use them... this is just my opinion from using smartpots with autos...i planted 2 of each strains of diffrent autos and each auto in smartpots all come out runts. Soo thats my 2 cents
@ Unit have you examined your root ball afterwards?

i have grown 3+oz auto assassins in a 3gal sm/pot, so i know there is no problem w/ the pots...
My reply to smartpots is only from my experiance and that is dont use them for autoflowers...from what ive learnd is autoflowers want deep pots and smartpots are not...they do probly help with normale strains but for autos i would not use them... this is just my opinion from using smartpots with autos...i planted 2 of each strains of diffrent autos and each auto in smartpots all come out runts. Soo thats my 2 cents

I use the 3-gal htg brand felt pots they are taller than smart pots that's why I use them. I've seen people use smart pots brand felt pots and had no problems with autos. :2cents:

@ Unit have you examined your root ball afterwards?

My plants eat every bit of soil I have in the felt pots. I've never seen root balls like the one's in felt pots it is insane. I will never go back to regular smooth sided pots again. I am about to purchase some 3 gal air pots to see how they fair for me.
... I am about to purchase some 3 gal air pots to see how they fair for me.

Hey L3V3R, the airpots are pretty cool. But they dry out very fast. I'm feeding/watering every two days now with plants half way through their life cycle. But the plants seem to love the pots!
Interesting topic guys.. Check riz out, he is running a whole series of plants in the air-containers with some quite impressive results - his plants have a lot of vigor and color to them. Look nice and healthy. If the mix is tailored right it can be done properly i assume.

I will be giving them a try soon with these master-low's :booya: I'd like to see the result of an air-container/square pot hybrid - tiring the air-container directly into the square pot @ 4-5 wks from sow. In this way, i'm thinking the plants will get the benefits of the air-pruning for the initial growth phase and after tiering into the square-pot the air-pruned perforations will give rise to lots of individual root clusters that protrude into the square-pot mix (which could be tailored for the bloom phase). Rhizotonic, or similar auxin concentrates could be added to the square-pot mix to encourage a sustained root development.

The value addition to the plant bio-mass by an enhanced root network is not yet clearly defined with these autos - who knows if this particular approach to root training will have any effect on the productivity and quality of plant parts?
Cannabis seems to enjoy have a short dry period between watering.
This is true from my observations too Buddah, just one premature watering and the plants just seem hibernate for a bit. Seems to me that they require just as much breathing space at the root-zone as they need water.. To a new grower even if experienced in home gardening will often overlook this, the tenancy is to over emphasize the care aspect - am i giving them enough? The pit-fall often leads to over-watering.. Sometimes it's important to not give. I think the air-pots will help to accelerate the drying process which might prove useful for the grower
I consider that a good thing, a pain in the arse maybe, but still a good thing. Cannabis seems to enjoy have a short dry period between watering...

My girls always "enjoy" their dry period Thai. No worries there. But it is a small pain in the arse, keeping up with their needs.

The thing that's the pain with the air pots is that when they are real dry, you have to water them very, very slowly. A little more than just "drip feeding". Otherwise the water just runs out of the holes and/or you have Instant Run-Off. You have to slowly let the water/solution moisten the soil and then after a bit you can speed it up. Takes practice and patience. I'm gladly spoiling them, though- I figure they'll spoil me that much more in the end.

Edit: That's the way I do it. I guess you could also give them like 10 times more than they need till all the soil is saturated, but that sounds like a waste to me. So I do it slow and steady. More quality time with the girls.. :toke: