Photoperiod Slaters Garden...

okay them run very cool, with co2 88-92(+/- 2 is perfectly fine... so you not even close to them temps, so you could possibly get away without a/c with the bags... but a "proper setup" is mini-split, Burner, controller and I also believe in having fail-safe. I'm sure you would also..
The old better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it
okay them run very cool, with co2 88-92(+/- 2 is perfectly fine... so you not even close to them temps, so you could possibly get away without a/c with the bags... but a "proper setup" is mini-split, Burner, controller and I also believe in having fail-safe. I'm sure you would also..
and going with tanks is regulator , controller, mini-split & drip line. and few other little things.
Yeah I am looking forward to it. Thanks for all the advice
hey no problem at all. just let me know when your looking for the co2 regulator & controller I will send ya links to ones "I" would buy.. and also the fail-safe thing. and anything else related to co2.
your very welcome... also if ya do end up going with co2 tanks or burner in future, there is a difference between the two styles... The tanks would need fan down below blowing up and a burner the fan needs to be up high blowing down... The bags really do work very well at helping ya get everything dialed in.. I think the bags come in very handy for people who running higher temps then they would like to be... thats when co2 works the best.
I live out in the country and have a basement that never drops below 1100ppm and goes as high as 3300ppm co2 when I have the gas space heater going in the basement. I have been trying to capitalize on this by putting my exhaust fan on a thermostat so while lights on it will not come on until the temperature at the canopy is 90f. At lights out the fan dumps it down to 75f. Where it sits gaining humidity all the while. The co2 last night in my tent at lights on was 2200 and by the time the lights went out it was down to 1200. The ladies look great and seem to be having no heat stress. Any idea if this is really helping my grow or not? Or am I just overheating my tent!
I live out in the country and have a basement that never drops below 1100ppm and goes as high as 3300ppm co2 when I have the gas space heater going in the basement. I have been trying to capitalize on this by putting my exhaust fan on a thermostat so while lights on it will not come on until the temperature at the canopy is 90f. At lights out the fan dumps it down to 75f. Where it sits gaining humidity all the while. The co2 last night in my tent at lights on was 2200 and by the time the lights went out it was down to 1200. The ladies look great and seem to be having no heat stress. Any idea if this is really helping my grow or not? Or am I just overheating my tent!
yes it probably is. I can't say for sure... but also... plants only use co2 during lights on... co2 not needed while lights off..with the extra co2 you have.. that is allowing for the higher temps...co2 works better when temps are where yours are and it seems they eating it up, from the reading you it must be working... without co2 you certainly would be seeing heat stress... I think added co2 great for anyone with temp issues..
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yes it probably is. I can't say for sure... but also... plants only use co2 during lights on... co2 not needed while lights off..with the extra co2 you have.. that is allowing for the higher temps...co2 works better when temps are where yours are and it seems they eating it up, from the reading you it must be working... without co2 you certainly would be seeing heat stress... I think added co2 great for anyone with temp issues..
I could keep it cooler, but after I got a co2 meter and realized how high it was naturally I decided let it go high during lights on and let them eat up the co2. This is what they look like after five days of higher temps. 4084E660-BB9B-4A4E-96ED-FCAA75A17A35.jpeg

Sorry Slater for dragging this on in your grow. :shrug:
I could keep it cooler, but after I got a co2 meter and realized how high it was naturally I decided let it go high during lights on and let them eat up the co2. This is what they look like after five days of higher temps. View attachment 889912

Sorry Slater for dragging this on in your grow. :shrug:
Slater don't mind :p them temps seem to be working, I'd stick with them.. I wouldn't let get much over 90....I find 88-89-90 to be a sweet spot...They looking Great!