Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

for real stink you have have to dual filter it and get a larger intake. swut Imma do with my skunks and a bigger tent. even three filter out LOL two larger in :D ozone atomizer acrioss the way and voila :D
that was some expensive weed! Im sure it was worth it! :worship:
I still have a skunk bean so after this grow I'm gonna pop it in dirt but I'm gonna have to deal with smell best I can and couple grows down the road I'm gonna upgrade a bit with carbon filters but for now I'm gonna sweat it out hahahaha
expensive? nah not too bad man. LOL after one grow it more than pays for itself so it shakes out fine for any two cycles. easy :) but I work with sick people.even at cost it still pays for itself in a few cycles. so any given year it already paying for itself imo. especially if you grow the varieties required and not have to limit yourself in strains due to stench LOL
expensive? nah not too bad man. LOL after one grow it more than pays for itself so it shakes out fine for any two cycles. easy :) but I work with sick people.even at cost it still pays for itself in a few cycles. so any given year it already paying for itself imo. especially if you grow the varieties required and not have to limit yourself in strains due to stench LOL
true, i know it will be a year or two for my monetary pay out to break even. The joy i receive is priceless! Wow that sounded like a credit card commercial. Its great that you take care care of the sick. There is a special place in this universe for peeps like you all'
All you guys been a huge help to me and the reason I'm growing and learning all this is for my meds only!!! I can't have a enjoyable life with my kids and loved ones and even myself on the cocktails of shit the doctor's give me but 1-2 grams of good hard hitting smoke and on days I'm really busy some really good sativa's I'm Golden and why our political society don't see that idk but for me it's time to live again and that's why I'm working so diligence to make my grows a success!!!! And that's also why I tell all you guys how much I appreciate you guys patience and knowledge!!!

Wow kinda got deep there but it's true hahaha
Exactly bro!!! My pot habits are nothing like a TV show or news report hahaha I don't get my weed in a dark Ally or I don't worship the devil while smoking lol I medicate and move on lol but I will say this I can't lie I sometimes over medicate on purpose if it's good weed just saying it's fun but on the norm it's only way I get to see the nature of my kids ball games or visit my old mom and eat breakfast and have coffee with her!!! I can't wait till it's passed in my state so I can check on my girls with out shitting my pants when I hear a horn or strange noises hahaha
There is no such thing as over medicate bro! Never let anybody tell you how to feel. You got one life to live and you choose how to live it. When i am happy, the people around me are happy. Pot make me happy and i am high everyday! If i am not, i am the monster no one wants to be around, think about or even know about that walked the earth with guns deciding who lived on who didnt.