Lighting Show us how your hanging, cob frames and mounting.

nice! will water be flowing through those pipes to cool it down?
That is definitely an option but I'm going to see if just having it filled with a glycol mix is enough to keep it cool without any circulation. The copper itself has incredible heat transfer so adding a little mix in there shoul hopefully keep it cool. To a certain degree. We'll see, there's only one way to find out.
Is there a steampunk RDWC setup down the road in mind to go under it? *insert evil scientist grin here*

Looking great!!!!
Thanks. I'm thinking about maybe drilling a bunch of little holes in the frame and just having it like a showerhead/light fixture lol. Kill two birds with one stone. Ya never know

I finally got the sheet copper attached To the reflectors. Pain in my ass. Filled it up with water and everything was tight. Next step is paint the inside of the reflectors and order a driver.