Lighting Show us how your hanging, cob frames and mounting.

Long vid but this is it. I sent this to you awhile ago jupppie

Oh I remember now. My memory isn't the greatest so you have to...what was I talking about again?
Could go more the open source, DIY(ish) route and Just setup a couple raised beds with some Farmbot's. :baked:

I am really digging this.
Have this going in another thread but it fits the title here top. Still undecided on the total build but as of now 80w of samsung hard strips @5000k driven by 2 mean well lpv's and 6 citi 1212's on a 1050b. The strips are the best way to add more red to the whole light without physically changing cobs. Plus the intensity from them should be perfect for seedlings. Once bigger i can flip the cobs. I also think the colors should blend well together. The cobs themselves are 6500k 90cri. View attachment 643104
The 90 cri peak nicely at the reds. One of the citi really nails it but Id have to check which model. It's gonna be fun to watch those bad boys grow. Collecting data is going to help out the community with the proper configurations. Nice job.
You know what would be nice. If there was a thread with different orientations/temp (k) of Cobs and the corresponding grow results.
You know what would be nice. If there was a thread with different orientations/temp (k) of Cobs and the corresponding grow results.
I still would like to know if using 6500k and 2700k cobs would make a difference
I still would like to know if using 6500k and 2700k cobs would make a difference
You should check out the charts on the different temperatures it'll tell you what wavelengths they cover and at what percentage. Beware though cause you can get sucked in really quick. These charts are just citizens 1818 cobs. One is 80 cri and one is 90 cri. The 90 Cri has a higher red spectrum then the 80. If you're just looking at the 6500k it nails the blue spectrum but really tails off towards the red. Both 80 and 90 Cri. If you look at 3500 K it is a good combination of both. Also look at the difference between the 80 and 90 cri ,the 90 actually shifts over to peek at red or 630 nm which is ideal for flower but drops off a little at the blue or 450nm. I think it's really depending on what you're looking for and then you should really set it up and do a grow to see if so the theoretical turns into actual. Hard cold data my man.

Doing a test run with a Citizens 1818 cob running at 700 ma. She's been running for about 45 minutes and she's about 78° directly above the reflector. As you get to the tee it is the same temperature as the rest. So far so good I'm pleased with the results. Round one goes to the chandelier LOL.
You know what's crazy is I busted my phone and was checking this thing out on an og iPhone 2 or 3 super old. I just replaced the screen and get to finally check this thing out in life size and it's pretty f-ing amazing. It's definitely different but it's also super expensive to build right?
You know what's crazy is I busted my phone and was checking this thing out on an og iPhone 2 or 3 super old. I just replaced the screen and get to finally check this thing out in life size and it's pretty f-ing amazing. It's definitely different but it's also super expensive to build right?
Not sure cuz I get it for free lol. If I was to guess I would say around $100 in material. It's only like 5 feet of cope and some fitting. Just somewhat labor-intensive.
That light turned out great!

I was thinking about the added spectrums as a supplement. Not sure if its cost effective