Shaman Genetics seeds, organic soil, fabric pots, and a lot to learn

Very off topic but watch this freestyle "rapper" tear a guy a new ass. I don't even know if I can call this rap, more like a aggressive poetry. Spoken word, the angry version.

*Shaman update*

. I'm tired of trying to spell out diatomaceous so DE will be used now. All 3 got a spray with epsom salt and DE. I sprayed pretty heavily, getting all sides of the plant, and coating the pots also. I just used a regular spray bottle, but next time I will use a finer spray for it. The pics will show why. I almost shit myself when I turned the corner to see them. OMG! ITS ALL GOING TO DIE!!! I gave them a EWC drench, and added a bit of nanner wash too. Nanner wash is just diluted fpj from the making it.

#1 looks really good. Besides the scare she gave me, I'm enjoying watching her. Still no strong smells, but I did get a pretty funky wiff from the group. I can't identify the culprit, they are being sneaky. The DE deposits after the spray dries, but I think the larger drops made it dry like this, making me thing I had went to fungi land.

#2 seems to have shaken off the caterpillar threat and is moving along again. She looked pretty healthy, and sturdy today.

#3 has some leaves curling up a bit. Nothing to bad.
The banana FPJ is finished, and jared. I just wanted to show what I do to wrap things up.

This is what it looked like about 1/2 way through.

When all the gases seemed to stopped, I gave it another day to "calm".

I like to flip my container over a strainer, and let it sit for about an hour. This batch was WAY thicker than the last few. The added green nanner may be the reason, I'm not sure. It did look much better however. I am not sure why this is done, but I picked this up from DEM, and it seemed like a good idea. I stir the fpj 99 time clockwise, and then 99 times the other way. I feel this is a purging method, or maybe a way to get some O2 in it, I'm not sure.

This stuff was so thick I had to dilute it to even strain it. I added 250ml of water. After it was mixed well, I just place a strainer in a glass bowl, flip the container upside down and let it sit for an hour. When I felt I got all I can, I take what has drained and bottle it. I strained 500ml of water threw the banana remains, and then swished the rinse in the jar. This is the nanner wash I feed the Shaman plants.
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The finished products.

The 1st draw is already about a 1:1 mix, I will cut it in 1/2 again when I use it. Even being diluted it is like a slightly thin honey Hope you guys enjoy it. If you have a favorite method or item to use post'em up. I know I said I would not use the water for fermentation, but have changed my mind. I still really like this method, but plan on trying anything I can.
*Shaman update*

. I'm tired of trying to spell out diatomaceous so DE will be used now. All 3 got a spray with epsom salt and DE. I sprayed pretty heavily, getting all sides of the plant, and coating the pots also. I just used a regular spray bottle, but next time I will use a finer spray for it. The pics will show why. I almost shit myself when I turned the corner to see them. OMG! ITS ALL GOING TO DIE!!! I gave them a EWC drench, and added a bit of nanner wash too. Nanner wash is just diluted fpj from the making it.
View attachment 503748

#1 looks really good. Besides the scare she gave me, I'm enjoying watching her. Still no strong smells, but I did get a pretty funky wiff from the group. I can't identify the culprit, they are being sneaky. The DE deposits after the spray dries, but I think the larger drops made it dry like this, making me thing I had went to fungi land.
View attachment 503749

#2 seems to have shaken off the caterpillar threat and is moving along again. She looked pretty healthy, and sturdy today.View attachment 503750

#3 has some leaves curling up a bit. Nothing to bad.
View attachment 503751

LOL yeah looks like powdery mildew !
I would like to introduce you all to Barron Thurgood von Jenkins, Duke of Tarheelis.


We just call him Thurgood Jenkins here however. He will now be a new garden buddy. I work with a girl that does rabbit breeding, and was gifted this beauty. It is a 8mo old mini rex, obviously black. He is pretty docile, and took to me handling him with in minuted. He is already offering me his face for nuzzling. The first lap session was a bit sketchy, but went well. I feel like a kid :woohoo1:, oh yea and my son like him too.:bighug:
Okay, there was a mix up with our communications with Tarhellis. Apparently rabbits can't type very well. The dutches reports that here husband is at home defending the homestead from a butterfly invasion. The rabbit I have is actually Chief Thurgood Carbonfoot of the Clan Coldpoop, direct desendant of Thurgood Jenkins. From my understanding, Carbonfoot was an illegitimate child from when Jenkins was working as a janitor it his younger days. Sorry for the confussion.

This is where he met his mistress.

I'd like to reintroduce Chief Thurgood Carbonfoot, of the Clan Coldpoop, of Tarheelis. Linage can be such a tricky thing.
Wow, so after the bunny, my night went to hell in a hand basket. For starters, the perc in my bong broke. The splash guard has it encased in the middle so I can even clear out the glass and just use the bottom perc. My pipe is misplaced too. Haven't seen that thing in like 9 months.

I've been using a friends PSU for my pc for a while. When I added a liquid cooler, my PSU was a bit under powered, so he loaned it out. Well his psu took a dump, and needed it back, no biggie. I took off the liquid cooler, and put a large radiator back on, and put my psu in there. All good, I just wont over clock my cpu. I go to configure it again, and no power. Just the famous blip and slight fan turn. Ughhhhh.....

I'm out of home grown too.....

Looks like I need to check the bank account. I'm going to be spending some unplanned cash. This bunny better poop out some gold coins. :biggrin:

Hi guys! So I went and got a bale of alfalfa & timithy hay today. The rabbit is already helping my with supplies, lol. He needs it for feed, and the plants do to. So for the most part I'll spare you guys the walls of pictures. At least till I get my machine running again.

*Shaman update*

All 3 got a topping of charged biochar, crab meal, and a mulch of the hay. The smaller 2 are now putting out hairs.

#1 is doing really good, the flowers are forming at a nice rate. She is also bringing on a sweet smell, with a funk (almost skunk) undertone. The undertone is hard to describe, but when I smell it, it is rather pungent.

#2 is catching up to the party. Just the green smell, but looking pretty healthy.

#3 got her first caterpillar attack. She only got a hole about the size of a pencil. Other than that she is looking really nice. She was the last to show hairs, but only by a day.

*Amnesia update*

She has been moved outside. She is still degrading, but has a great smell. A nice sweet floral, some spice, maybe a generic tropical smell. There are about 8 bud site on this lil' girl. I really wish her health would have been better. She was really fun, till the turn around.

*Micro update*

The light has been turned to :18-6:, and a few adjustments have been made. The plan is to put 4 pots in the cab. I was looking for tall, square 1 gallon fabric pots. I was not able to find a pot that would work though. I ended up getting some 1/2gal circle fabric pots. They are 5" X 5". I am going to give this a try for now, If I end up liking it, I'll simply cut the bottom off 4, and have them stitched to the tops of the others. I also raised the fans to blow just below the leds.

I plan on getting these plants as close as possible to the led. My light runs pretty cool, so I am shooting for 2-3". My only concern would be bleaching. I moved them to about 4" the other day, and they just blew up. Still only a few inches, but the leaves are large, and healthy.

Azure Rocket has it's 3rd set of true leaves coming in. Crazy Ape has it's 4th set merging out. They both got some crab meal, and hay also. I'm a bit concerned about transplanting them. They now have a bit less soil, but a much better pot.

I started soaking some more seeds today too. I added another AR, and a Crystal Dwarf. I also dropped 4 photos, mainly to watch. I don't currently have a setup for photos, but I just really like to watch this stuff grow. I have ~100 just random photo seeds to play with, and the about ~50 "oh I liked this" seeds to grow more seriously later.

*IP update*
I have been continuing the spraying regiment. Changing it daily. I did some more rosemary garlic last night. Tonight will be EWC tea. All the plants have received some crab meal, and I will be brewing a crab tea tonight. I don't know how I fell about the DE. I think it would be better to treat the topsoil than the leaves. It won't fight the caterpillars anyways. For it to work, it has to be an exoskeleton that touches it.

*Rabbit update*

I don't plan on making these in general, but the lil' guys is new, and FLUFFY!!!! I'm enjoying Carbonfoot a lot to be honest. He is a bit skittish when be picked up, but that is to be expected for now. He loves the hay which is to be expected. I took him out on the couch today, and after about 2 min he went searching the area. At 1 point he got on my lap, went to my shoulder, and nuzzled in my neck. I could have just passed out and taken a nap. I'm actually really surprised how affectionate he is already.

Well till next time guys. Take care, and happy farming.

*Shaman Update*
All 3 are looking good. I will be giving them a neem, and karanja tea spray tonight. I'm going to be spraying the soil and foliage, including the exposed fabric on the inside of the pot. I have read that neem had a smell, but no idea what was getting shipped to me. I can't even tell if it is a bad smell, but it IS strong. My garage smell like an indian food market, meets a spice factory, and a bit of spoilage. Hard to explain. I'll be brewing the next batch on the porch.

*Micro Update*

All plants will also get the neem ans karanja tea also.

The crystal dwarf, and AR where planted today. I prepped the pots during the prior transplant, and just added some mycos to the hole.