Shaman Genetics seeds, organic soil, fabric pots, and a lot to learn

Hi guys, I hope you all had a nice weekend. I was a busy feller in the gardens. Made some neem & karanja teas, some crab meal teas, more ewc tea, I've just been bubbelin' and brewin'. I have to admit, between the N&K cake, and crab cake my garden has a funky smell. Nothing to strong, but when I get really close to check under the leaves, :gassy1:<< it's something like that.

The outdoor autos are looking good. No new pest issues of any kind. :woohoo: I shifted their positions so the smaller one didn't get blocked from the sun. I am also going to be doing some lst today too.

#1 has some very nice healthy hairs, thick, and white. They seem to be adding on pretty quickly. This girl is growing very uniformed too. Besides some caterpillar damage from a while ago, she is almost symmetrical. It is hard to get a good smell of her due to all the tea smells. I am just going to be doing soil feeding on her now. Just use plain h2o to spray her.

#2 has officially bounced back with vengeance. She is only about 1/2" behind #3 now, up from ~2 1/2". She said enough is enough, and is fighting back! I don't really know if auto go through preflower, but she is transitioning to flower mode.

#3 is still just trucking along. She is not going all that fast, but very steady. She also has bud sites forming, but is actually a bit behind #2 now.

The amnesia is now an outdoor plant, and surprisingly doing much better. For a few days I gave her heavy flushings. I then feed and treated her soil just like the rest of the plants. So far it seems to have done the trick. I'm not sure what caused it, but my ph was really high in just this 1 pot. So false alarm on the virus.... :rolleyes1: I'll chalk that 1 up to being a paranoid father, and being naive.

The micro cab is coming along nicely too. All 4 plants are green and healthy, and pest free. Depending on how this run goes, I'm thinking about doing a perpetual grow in this. The pots are only 1/2 gallon, and may be to small for a good auto grow like this. If so I am planing on having a photo mother in the auto tent, and do a 9 plant clone grow. Also when I get an extra ~25 bucks, I am going to add 2 more cobs to the cab. This would give me ~57-58 watts in just under 1 sq foot. It is currently ~38w, but has proven to be a GOOD 38w. :wiz: Led >/= magic! My 1st plant went through hell, but in the end gave me a 1/4 of dried bud under this light.

So both of the transplants went through shock, and have recovered. They have had new growth the last few days, and it is very healthy looking. Both of these plants are 16 days old today.

Azure rocket #1 has a strange purpeling on a bottom leaf. It is a leaf that went through shock, and yellowed a bit, but now has a purple pattern, like a mag def, but purple.... The newest leaves are also purple on the tips. I thought it was a burn but its very alive, and colored. Nothing between the 1st, and last leaves has any color though. Time for some genetics research!!! Being a nerd has never been so much fun, lol.

Crazy Ape is just that, crazy. He started throwing nuts this morning. This thing is only ~3" tall. I'm not sure if that is fast for an auto male, but it sure as hell seems fast. 16 days!!!! This pollen will be collected, and I am going to at least dust the crystal dwarf (if it's a female). Blueberry, white widow, and skunk just seems like a happy smoke. The CD is a pretty short plant, so if luck has it, a short fast flowering mix would be nice. These are only to test out breeding for my own seed stock. For the time I don't plan on crossing the AR. If it turns out how I want it to, AR will be my all day smoke, and I don't want to mess that up. :tiphat:

Both of the new seedlings are looking nice. I'll add some hay tomorrow to help them not dry out so fast. These small pots need to be watched closely.

Well until next time, :note: and take care.
So the only new thing is I found out that Azure Rocket #1 is also a male. The sacks where a bit more defined later in the day, yesterday. So the batch planted on 11/2 both went male in 16 days. No biggie. I sourced reg autos for this purpose. I was kinda wanting to smoke some before harvesting pollen, but ya can't win them all. I did order 2 dozen 1/2 dram vials for pollen storage. I'll let them both stay in the cab a few more days, then I'll try and find a "safe" spot outside. I might just make a male cab. I still have a cfl fixture with 6 bulbs I never used. Another 1sq foot micro...I've actually became quit the fan of bonsai herb plants. Lol at least while I have a seed stock that is.:smoking: See ya guys later.
Mahalo bruddahs and sistahs! I hope you all had a nice holiday, I know I did. I'm normally not a big fan of thanksgiving, but this year was a bit different for me. I just spent the last week with my in-laws on a farm in Ohio. I know this would normally scare (in-laws) the common person, but I found out that they are some really awesome people.

The area I was in is more or less corn country. The fields where waiting for next springs, so there was not much to see. However there where just miles upon miles of those fields. They where obviously all GMO fields, and the corn they use was just called "field corn" and was a dent corn variety. What didn't get used to feed the cattle went to the local ethanol plant for processing. I took a few walks through the fields while smoking my herbs. Besides getting my buzz on, this was my least favorite part of the trip. I know that chem farming is the industry standard, but could not help to notice how shitty the ground looked. I did grab a few ears that had fallen during harvest. These will just be used for memories, and decor though, and will not be planted.

Now I am also bringing a few variety of corn home to grow. We stopped in at an Amish (Mennonite) market that had >>TONS<< of goodies. Nothing was GMO, and everything was organically grown on site. They didn't want to share their program stating it was a family trade secret, but where happy to show me the grounds. While I was there I grabbed about 6 variety of corn. I got red and blue popcorn, and 3 ears of "Indian" corn. I hate that term, but I am not sure what strains they are, I just know they are not dent, or pop corn. The folks at the market did say it was good for corn flour however. Oh and compared to the prices at amazon, this cost me pennies on the dollar. I got 3 ears for $3, compared to say 40 kernals for $5.

1 ear is a garnet color,about 6" long (cob only, not husk) and has a strange growth pattern. Every second row, there is a gap in it, creating a "racing strip" pattern going down it. This ear also has about 20% pueple in the husk. It is a very unique looking ear of corn.

The next ear is mainly white, with about 20% purple kernals. It is about 10" long, and has a normal growth patern. I mainly got this ear to do some "color" breeding. I am really only interested in the purple in it.

The last ear is my favorite. Next to glass gem corn, it is the variety I want to grow most. I can't remember the strain name off hand, and a few different ones will give this looks. Most of the kernals are a red and whit/cream stripped color. This is not the cob I have, but the same coloring for the most part. The one I have does not have all the solid whites, but reds, oranges, and some blues in it. This will be the corn I mainly plan on growing this spring. I will be doing a 4' x 8' raised bed at my moms to make sure it does not cross pollinate with any others.

Here is something for the breeding gurus. The stripped effect is a phenomenon known as gene jumping, and defies Mendels principles of genetics. It is basically a floating piece of dna on the chromosomes that acts as an inhibitor. I'm sure someone know more about this, and I was just paraphrasing. This is where I got the information at, it can be found in section 7.

I am eager to get home to my ladies and lads. I have had a friend watering them for me, and making sure I don't have any pest problems. He doesn't know shit about growing bud, so they have only got water while I was gone. It was a leap of faith, but he is the ONLY person I trust regarding my safety. I asked him to only send my a pic if there was any issues I should know of. I didn't get any pics, lol, so now it's time to see if he listened to me. According to him they look lovely.

I will be planting at least 2 more seeds when I get home. I'm thinking about just doing 2 more Azure Rockets.

I will also be finishing my light fixture for my tent. I have decided to just simplify it, and will be mounting the drives inside the tent. When income tax time comes I will just be getting a big ass driver to run all the cobs, and cut down on wires. As soon as that is complete I plan on going in to full blown, home grown mode. I have 2 sativa dominate strains that I'm waiting on the tent for. They are a bit to large to do in the micro cab, I don't want to loose out on their potential.

Well that's about all from me for now. Again I hope you all had a great holiday, and wish you a farewell.
Hi ladies n gents. I have arrived back to my swamp oasis alive and healthy. For the most part all my plants are too. I can't find the regular camera ATM, and cant figure how to get a good pic on my phone. There is no image stabilization and the trichs just look to fuzzy to post. I did not see them at all (requested to not have pics sent) for 8 days, and was happy to get back to my garden. All of my plants have only got water for the time I was gone.

*Shaman Update*

All 3 have flowers with #2, & 3 just starting to have multiple bud sites. I gave all 3 a healthy feeding of the banana FPJ diluted to a 8:1 ratio. They also got some kelp, molasses, epsom, potassium silicate, & 1ml of fishy food.

#1 Is looking great! She has 2" buds going up the entire stalk. Besides those there are a ~6 bottom shoots that have spread nicely with buds forming on them. I'd say she is about 2 feet tall and about 10" wide , and still very uniformed. I waited till today to do her lst which she took very well to. I bent the main stalk to just over 90° (slight point downwards) , and then bent the side shoots the opposite direction to open her up. I can't really tell her smell specifically, but there is a sweet/sugar, funk/skunk, and a slight sour almost unnoticeable. I kinda looks like at some time she was stressed. There are 4, 3 blade leaves about 3/4 the way up. I doubt she went in to reveg, it is only 2 nods. The trich production is going in to full force. She is getting frosty! Buds are pretty evenly covered, not dripping, but at the rate she is going very well could by the end. The fan leaf stems are getting a beautiful coating up to about 1.25" out. The buds are pretty solid looking, and chunky. I can't wait till next week, and see how she is progressing.

#2 has completely caught up, and is the same height as #3 now. They are both at ~18", and about 6-7" wide. She has about 8 bud site on the stem, and a couple small side shoots starting to stretch. She just has a generic herb smell for now, but is a good one. She was also bent over to just over 90°. Oh they are angled so they get the longest exposure can too. I've been studying the suns patterns, and think I figured the right position.

#3 looks pretty much just like #2, and I might as well copy past the above here. :headbang:

*Amnesia Update*

So this lil' lady has returned to her pedestal where she belongs. I can't even type out how happy I am to see her back in good condition. Although shaman #1 is my best/pretty looking plant, this 1 is my favorite again. She has been stretching, and loving the sun. I'd say she has increased by about 50% from the last pic i posted. I spent about 2 hours today just wiring her down, and admiring her. She has about 10 shoots @ 4-7" that are all budding and pointing straight up from previous lst. She was given a nice spread to about 11-12", and opened her up wide with an even canopy. I've got a feeling she still has a while to go, and appears to be a sativa dominate strain. :woohoo1: She should turn in to some nice head stash. The time I have spent doing lst on her as been some of my funnest time so far, she just took it, and responded greatly.

*Micro Update*

So this is the only spot there is any bad news, but not to bad. My Azure rocket #1 turned hermi on me. :redcard: Hes was throwing up flowers on 3/4 of the shoots. Sucks besides that he was growing pretty well. It was 11", solid green, and sturdy. I checked the root ball after killing it, and they looked great too. They reached the edges of the pot, and just fluffed out filing out.

Crazy Ape is making me smile. Never have I been so happy to see nuts!:yay: LOL! He is 12", ~18 leaves, and ~150 nuts, just covered. Most of the mature nuts have a nice purple color, about 45/55 purple/green ratio. Smells fucking great too. Skunkberry pie is what comes to mind. Some of the sacs have trichs on them too! I harvested about 35 sacs today, and that pollen is currently drying. I am going to dust the Crystal Dwarf, and the Amnesia with this. I will harvest this pollen for at least another week (daily) till I have a good stock of it. If the amnesia cross goes well, I may try to stabilize it with future crosses. I figured it would give me a good hands on look at making auto from photos. He has also been removed from the cab. Not sure where to put him just yet.

Crystal Dwarf, and Azure Rocket #2 are both looking about the same. Short, stout, and green. Healthy over all, with very short inter nod growth. The CD has some REALLY fat leaves. Some are about as wide in the mid, as they are long.:yoinks: Besides the hermi, it is what I noticed 1st.

To add to the collection I planted a Cord Verde, and another Amnesia photo. The Cord is a larger plant than the rest, so it will be interesting to watch the differences. The Amnesia will be vegged for a few weeks, and then be transplanted outside. Like I said, I REALLY like this 1.

In 1-2 weeks I will be adding 2 more pots to the cab for a total of 6, 1/2gal pots in 143²". These will most likely be another Crazy Ape, and AR. MMMMM Blueberry....... That will give me 11 plants total ranging in ~3 months to fresh seedlings.

Besides that I have a EWC tea brewing, and a neem & karanja cake tea brewing too. Both of them have had azomite, and potassium silicate added to them.

Light, cab, and ventilation upgrades to come soon. Time to DIY my ass off. Till later, take care, and grow some kind.

Good morning! I hope all is well with everyone. So I bought some earth juice goodies. So far I have EJ bloom, and catalyst to add. As much as I love making a bunch of nutes, it becomes very time consuming. I did a bunch of research on organic lines, and EJ came out on top. I have a batch brewing that has both ej products, potassium silicate, and some alaskan fish for a touch of N (1/6 str). The EJ has a low pH so I am bubbling it, as recommended by other users and on the EJ site. I also ordered a bottle of humboldts golden tree, but more to see if it is just hype (i feel it is), or if it is legit (been told by growers here and afar). I'm just going to use golden tree on tomatoes for now.


All 3 are looking great, and flowering. There is just a nice bouquet of smells while working with them. Some fuel, some berry, sweet funk.... :thumbsup: #2 and 3 are both coming along with pretty flowers up their pretty stalks. Nothing to special at the moment, but pretty. Now #1 is looking great. She also is the one that smells like fuel. Her trich production has shown no signs of slowing down either. The sugar leaves are getting frosty, and some of the fan leaves, stems are frosted. Buds are pretty covered, and I'm getting excited.

So things are looking nice in here too. AR#2, and crystal dwarf have both shown lady parts. :woohoo: Man CD is a lil' monster already. She just started to strech some, but her lateral shoots are already 1/2 her height, and there is only about 1/4" inter nod growth per nod. There is a lot of plant in the lil' plant. They both more or less just smell like plants for now.

Both the new seedlings have popped their heads out. It looks like the Cord Verde may have a twin.


She is looking great too. I have been keeping a close eye on her though, I've had a small amount of caterpillars showing up again. I picked 2 out of her, but they where really small, and didn't seem to have damaged her. I also made sure to clean out all the shit. I removed the pollen bag, and it looks to have taken the pollen!:clapper: I only did a small bit of her, but am curious what they may produce. She has a rotten orange juice smell to her.

All the plants besides the seedlings will be feed with the EJ batch today. I've read a lot of good things, and a few bad things, so keep your fingers crossed for me. Till later, take care.:smoking:
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Okay, all is well at Fuggers fun house. All of the plants have seems to respond positively to the earth juice ferts. That makes me happy. I bubbled it for 36 hours, and it was still around 6pH. Next time I will go for a full 2 days, but needed to water/feed. The soil should be able to buffer iit out, but a higher pH would have been nice. Out of all the plants, the amnesia looks to have responded best.

I was able to wire up most of my light fixture for my 4x2 tent. There are 24 bridgelux vero 10, and 12 drivers. 1/2 the lights are @ 3000k, and the rest at 3500k just like the micro cab. This should give me ~198 actual watts of led dissipation. I have ordered 12 more cobs at 3000k, and when I am able to get a new high voltage driver will be wiring them all in a single series/parallel circuit for ~298 watts. It will be 6, 22" bars with 6 cobs each.

Besides the cord verde having a deffanant twin, and amnesia really liking the nutes, there not much new here. I plan on harvesting shaman #1 in the next 2-3 weeks. Took a tester that got me nice and stoned for 2 hours. Till later, take care.:smoking:
Good mornin! So I hope all is well out there. I personally am having a great day already. :vibe:I just placed an order with attitude seeds that, well kicks ass. (in my opnion at least :biggrin:) I have always wanted to grow some rare dankness seeds, and now have 5 different strains of theirs on the way, among many others!!!! (we don't have a smiley big enough to represent how I fell so....):d5::biggrin::smoking::smoking::smoking::pass::bighug::bow::bow::coffee::smokeout::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::drool::shooty::headbang::pighug: That should sum it up. All in all I am buying 14 seeds and getting 16 freebies. I was able to take advantage of their Christmas special, and there is a rare dankness promo at the moment too. So lets get to the list of goodies.

I am buying 12 Night Terror OG (RD)(Blue Dream x Rare Dankness #1 ), 1 RugBurn OG (RD), and 1 Girl Scout Cookies (Fastbuds)

These are the freebies...
Rare Dankness: 501st OG x3
Longs Peak Blue x2
Grape OG x2

Elemental Seeds: mango Tango x2

These should all be fems below here, and regs above.

DNA: Holy Grail x1

G13 Labs: Cheese x1

Dinafem: Strawberry Amnesia x1

BlimBurn: OG's Kush x1

Reserva Privada: Skywalker Kush x1
Tangie x2

All together that gives me 30 different strains in total. (13 from this 17 from before) I can now totally understand how people become seed hoarders. Lol I am almost as excited to just have the seeds, as I am for what they will produce. Oh wait... I had to agree they are souvenirs ... In the name of preservation... *cough*:crying:

Hey guys. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I got to run my smoker all day yesterday with enough chicken to feed 20 people. It was GREAT! I also got a new air pump rated at 793gph. It came with a all metal 6 port manifold.

So something weird is going on with all 3 of them. They appear to be reveging... All 3 have been producing 3 bladed leaves, with #1 having the most. The bud production has really slowed down too, almost stopped. I'll try and ask around about this. My mind tells me this shouldn't be happening. #1 still looks great, and frosty, but the other 2 still have barley any flower on them, and have not built up any for about 5 days.

I am still getting caterpillars in her, but they are tiny and not harming her (i check twice daily). Besides that, this girl is just rockin' it. Her buds have about doubled in size, and her smell is great. She has lost the rotten smell for the most part with a sweet orange foreground, and sweet/tropical/buttery background. MMmmm, I can't wait for this girl to be cured and ready.

All is well here for the most part. AR#2 and CD are both looking really good, and flowering. I removed 2 leaves from AR, and cut 2 leaves in 1/2 on CD to allow more penetration. Neither plant took ill effect. I have also tucked the remaining large leaves. Both have done a bit of stretching also.

Amnesia#2, just like her big sis, is just rockin' it. I don't know if I'm being partial, but it has to be the healthiest damn seedling I've seen. And man she loves the leds too. She is actually closer than the flowering girls, and just sucking it up.

Cord Verde is a bit of a mutant. It already had a twin (still alive), but the growth pattern already looks strange. It almost looks like it went to do a 3 way split but didn't. The leaves are not symmetrical, or directly across from each other. The new growth point is also about 1/2" below what you would expect. I wish I could post a pic of it. It is rather strange.
Okay so I started a few more random photos. I am doing these in 2oz solo cups, and just for fun. I was reading stunted mega grow, and could not pass up on the idea. It will at least be fun even if it doesn't work out!

I am going to go drop another auto in water tonight for the micro cab. I'll do another crazy ape to try and to make more seeds of it. This will replace the mutant.

The cord verde mutant is going outside tomorrow. I'm not going to kill it, but don't have space in the micro to mess with it.
So I decided to chop Shaman #1 down. Her trichs are pretty cloudy, with just a few ambers. I feel like she should have bulked up more, but it looks like I should get at least 7 grams. We had some really shitty weather the last 2 weeks, and have had barley any sun. I put the bottom branch in the oven for a quick dry, and this shit is very narcotic feeling. I took 3 swats, then took a 2 hour nap today. TWICE! It has more of that KO power than I normally like, but will make a great night cap. All in all I'm not that impressed with the plant (blaming weather/time of year) but the quality of the buds are pretty good. For the conditions the plant had, I guess it did pretty well.:smoking: