Shaman Genetics seeds, organic soil, fabric pots, and a lot to learn

Oh I forgot. The shamans, are getting the axe tomorrow. I am just going to save these for hash, as the seeds are no where near mature. The buds are small, but the trichs are plentiful.
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It's been a busy day here, and I got pics! lol... so let get it going.

I spent most the day just playing with my plants. Wife and child free, just me and 7 ladies (10 if i get lucky).

Fastbuds gsc has sprouted! I'm not going to leave her in this pot very long, maybe just a few more days. Depending how it goes.

Most of my fun was with the amnesia. I put her in the new tent for the time being, with a cfl fixture I made, & have not used yet. The light is 68 watts of 2700k, & 4100k. This setup is a bit rigged, but wont last long.

So back to the amnesia. This plant did not even seem to go into shock from her transplant. Not a single droopy leaf or sign of stress. I really love this damn plant. After playing with her a bit, I decided it was time to shape her up. I started with some lst, and a supercrop, trying to flatten her out. I was not really that happy about the shape I was getting, so I cut her in 1/2. I decided to just get her close to the pot, and get her to spread to the edge of the pot. This idea is from @hecno s thread on his malawi, pck, golden tiger (great read too btw bud). The spread he get on those plant is amazing. Although this is only as wide as a 5 gallon bucket, I'm going for the same idea. there are 6 branches total, 2 where already topped.


I'd also like to point out that she looked like this (far right) just last Monday. If I had to nickname her it would be "Daddies lil' beast"

Now the if I get lucky part, is I had enough plant to do 3 cuttings. If these root (please oh please oh please) I will be using them for making my seeds, and just flower their mum. This is only my 2nd try at clones, but my first was 3/3 rooted. I soaked them in some aloe water for about 15 min, then I rubbed all the cuts with aloe meat. I used the remaining aloe water to water them in. They are currently in 2oz party cups, and in the tent with their mum. The 1 on the left is the original top, that has been topped.

Well that all for todays update. Stay classy AFN!:smoking:
Nice camera work buddy !
Thanks @epenguin , it's always nice to have you around. Thanks for getting my badge straightened out too.:thanks:

So I took the 2 remaining shamans (there wasn't much there) and chopped them last night and made qwiso today. I didn't take pics the whole way, but did get a few to show off.:smoking:
It was my first time making it, and was surprised how easy it really was. I've read many threads and tutorials on qwiso, and bho, but still thought it would be more dificult than this.

I am winterizing the 1st wash overnight and will finish it tomorrow. The 2nd and 3rd was where finished tonight. I'm out of weed, and was eager to see how I did. Well, I did pretty good, at least in my opinion. 3rd wash got me pretty high, and 2nd got me REALLY high.

After it dried and I scraped it up I did a bit of low heat purging, and then put it under a vacuum. I read that the vacuum is not needed for iso, but didn't see any good reason not to do it. For a vacuum chamber I used a large pot with a glass domed lid. The lid has a steam vent which is where I ran the pump hose. I put 3 layer of masking tape around the lip of the lid to create a seal for it.

These 2 pics are of 2nd wash during, and right after scraping.

These are some of the finished 2nd wash.:goauto: I don't really know how to judge concentrates, so I don't want to call it shatter, but it breakes under pressure.

This a bit of was was rescraped from the pyrex.

I also figured out the nail I had was not quartz, but cheap glass. I got 5 good dabs out of it, and *pienck* there goes 1/2 the nail shooting across the floor. So I ordered a titanium nail, that should be here in a couple days. All together it was a pretty rewarding event. So yeah, see ya folks later! Take care.:smoking:
I would like to introduce you all to Barron Thurgood von Jenkins, Duke of Tarheelis.
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We just call him Thurgood Jenkins here however. He will now be a new garden buddy. I work with a girl that does rabbit breeding, and was gifted this beauty. It is a 8mo old mini rex, obviously black. He is pretty docile, and took to me handling him with in minuted. He is already offering me his face for nuzzling. The first lap session was a bit sketchy, but went well. I feel like a kid :woohoo1:, oh yea and my son like him too.:bighug:[/QUOT

Duke of Tarheels
The banana FPJ is finished, and jared. I just wanted to show what I do to wrap things up.

This is what it looked like about 1/2 way through.
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When all the gases seemed to stopped, I gave it another day to "calm".
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I like to flip my container over a strainer, and let it sit for about an hour. This batch was WAY thicker than the last few. The added green nanner may be the reason, I'm not sure. It did look much better however. I am not sure why this is done, but I picked this up from DEM, and it seemed like a good idea. I stir the fpj 99 time clockwise, and then 99 times the other way. I feel this is a purging method, or maybe a way to get some O2 in it, I'm not sure.

This stuff was so thick I had to dilute it to even strain it. I added 250ml of water. After it was mixed well, I just place a strainer in a glass bowl, flip the container upside down and let it sit for an hour. When I felt I got all I can, I take what has drained and bottle it. I strained 500ml of water threw the banana remains, and then swished the rinse in the jar. This is the nanner wash I feed the Shaman plants.
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The finished products.
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The 1st draw is already about a 1:1 mix, I will cut it in 1/2 again when I use it. Even being diluted it is like a slightly thin honey Hope you guys enjoy it. If you have a favorite method or item to use post'em up. I know I said I would not use the water for fermentation, but have changed my mind. I still really like this method, but plan on trying anything I can.

What the heck is this? I have been thinking of growing rice to make my own rice wine..............NO I AM NOT CHINESE.
@Moondude I thought you might like his name. :smoking:

Man growing rice for wine would be awesome. I'd would defiantly follow that thread! Plus the rice hulls are one of the best organic substitutes to perlite/vermiculite.:cheers:
@Moondude I thought you might like his name. :smoking:

Man growing rice for wine would be awesome. I'd would defiantly follow that thread! Plus the rice hulls are one of the best organic substitutes to perlite/vermiculite.:cheers:

Rice will also help control humidity during flowering.
@Moondude I thought you might like his name. :smoking:

Man growing rice for wine would be awesome. I'd would defiantly follow that thread! Plus the rice hulls are one of the best organic substitutes to perlite/vermiculite.:cheers:

I would never have time to name a rabbit. I have a 125lb mutant black lab and a beagle to help him out...............Sorry bunny lovers.

The ones my dogs don't get are sneaking into my outdoor garden. FARGING HIPPIE RABBITS.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'll eat the ass out of a rabbit, Just not this one, lol. I come from a long line of rednecks, and hunting to eat doesn't bother me. I just got a big ass heart for them if they are not going to be on the dinner table. Oh also big ass dogs are the best. I should be getting a mastiff mix in a couple months... YAY!