Perfectly Flawed

*Amnesia* This girl is about ready for harvest. I am just waiting on her seeds to mature, and she is G2G. She has about 10% amber to her. She was planted on 9/27/12.
*Micro Cab*
Everything in here is doing well. I actually have removed the cord verde yet, and may not. This mutant has me a bit conflicted. She did end up doing a 3 way split naturally, and popped out a few hairs this morning. She is the bottom left plant in the pic.
Amnesia#2 (photo)is in the back left.
Azure rocket #2 is in the back right. She is looking great, and just stacking on the flowers nicely.
Crystal Dwarf is in the bottom right, and also looking great. Both the plants on the right are on full strength flower nutes.
I didn't take any pics of the shaman, not much to see really. I'm not sure what happened, but they seemed to have told me to get bent.... Trichs look to still be forming, but no new bud growth in over a week now.... Shaman #1 is curing at the moment. She also was not a big producer (probability something i did, or really bad weather) but the smoke is grade A. Smell at cutting was still a nice fuel, and like a fruity hash to it.The bud structure actually looks like small foxtails, not very dense. I was hoping to have chopped her in time for Christmas (my new bong arrives on 12/24!!!)but I don't think she will be ready yet.

Well thats about it. I'm glad I can share pics again. I know just reading text gets kinda boring. Well till next time, take care.:smoking: