Shaman Genetics seeds, organic soil, fabric pots, and a lot to learn

:woohoo:I finally got me a new PSU!!! Thanks you amazon for running EVGAs on sale!!! Let the pictures commence.

*Amnesia* This girl is about ready for harvest. I am just waiting on her seeds to mature, and she is G2G. She has about 10% amber to her. She was planted on 9/27/12.


*Micro Cab*
Everything in here is doing well. I actually have removed the cord verde yet, and may not. This mutant has me a bit conflicted. She did end up doing a 3 way split naturally, and popped out a few hairs this morning. She is the bottom left plant in the pic.

Amnesia#2 (photo)is in the back left.

Azure rocket #2 is in the back right. She is looking great, and just stacking on the flowers nicely.

Crystal Dwarf is in the bottom right, and also looking great. Both the plants on the right are on full strength flower nutes.

I didn't take any pics of the shaman, not much to see really. I'm not sure what happened, but they seemed to have told me to get bent.... Trichs look to still be forming, but no new bud growth in over a week now.... Shaman #1 is curing at the moment. She also was not a big producer (probability something i did, or really bad weather) but the smoke is grade A. Smell at cutting was still a nice fuel, and like a fruity hash to it.The bud structure actually looks like small foxtails, not very dense. I was hoping to have chopped her in time for Christmas (my new bong arrives on 12/24!!!)but I don't think she will be ready yet. :frowny:

Well thats about it. I'm glad I can share pics again. I know just reading text gets kinda boring. Well till next time, take care.:smoking:
GOOD MORNING! (this was yesterday afternoon, i just got stoned and forgot....)I just wanted to post a update on the micro cab. I have done some lst, and pruning on the 2 older plants (40 days today) I know everyone say not to prune, it's an advanced method... Advanced is where I am trying to get. So in the name of education (and light penetration :biggrin:) I thinned the girls out some. For the lst, I just spread out the lateral shoots a bit to get light to all the tops. I also lowered the youngest plants to encourage some stretch, as Cord verde is already flowering.

For comparison, this is what the cab looked like on Monday.

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Alright I finally found a local hydro store that I like. These guys are competitively priced, well informed, and sell home beer brewing products. To be able to get malted barley, and microblast ($4 cheaper than anywhere else i've seen) in the same shop kicks ass. They where not familiar with making SSTs but they knew all about the enzyme production of the different malts.

So I am going for a no till in my 5 gal pots, and started prepping my first reused soil. I have let it sit for a few days to let the roots to start dieing. This morning I add neem cake, and karanja cake at a ½ cup each. I also added in varying amounts, crab meal, fish bone meal, comfrey root, azomite, pulverized lime, green sand, and blood meal totaling another 1 cup. I watered this in with a somewhat strong enzyme tea. I'll let it sit for about 2-3 weeks, and give it a enzyme tea weekly. If anyone has any input regarding continues no till use, please chime in. (its been kinda quiet here lately)

Okay so far this morning the thinned girls are showing no ill effects. I also gave them some enzyme tea at a weaker rate. Sadly, if they continue on the rate they are, 1 will produce more bud than shaman #1 did, and they are only 7.5 " & 8" tall. They have got 18 hours of light from day 1 though. The last 3-4 weeks SH#1 was lucky to get 2-3 hours of direct light.

I also got all my seeds in the mail :woohoo:.

Well till next time, take care, and happy holidays guys.:smoking:
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Hi guys! I hope you all had a great weekend, and a wonderful Christmas. We sure did!

So I bought another tent, and light. The tent is a small one only measuring in at 16"*16"*45" (w*d*t), and the light is a 150w hps. I plan on using it mainly for photos, I have a few strains that need a more intense light than my led setup has at the moment.

So I figured out why my plants all the sudden stopped being awesome. They some how got pollinated. I picked a few calyxes off, and they all had small white seeds. I did have the amnesia out there with them, but only the 1 branch was pollinated on it. Also the seeds are still very immature, and the amnesia are ready to pick. I kinda feel like one of the shamans hermied on me. I have not found a nanner however.

So I gave this little girl the chop chop. I took all of her besides the pollinated branch. Her seeds are just about there. Another day or 2 and she goes in the jar! She was small, her longest branch only 7" long, but the the stash is great.

Everything in here is looking really good. From left to right we have Azure rocket, Crystal dwarf, Cord verde, and Amnesia #2.

AR, and CD are both looking great. AR seems to have more bud on the main stalk, and CD seems to have more lateral buds (even spread...) Besides that the are still very similar in growth patterns.
DSCN1543[1].JPG DSCN1544[1].JPG

Cord verde has done some real stretching in the last few days. She has easily doubled in height. In the next few days I am going to thin out a few of her leaves also.

Amnesia #2 is a lil' beast. She was topped 2 days ago, and in another day or 2 I will be trans planting her. She is out growing this pot pretty fast, and I don't want to bonsai this 1. an Oz or 2 of this stuff would be great. Lol when I take her out of the cab I have to fluff her up because she gets a square shape to her.

I am going to be germinating 1 of my new seeds tonight too. Get 1 ready for the new tent/light set up. Thats about all the going on in Fuggers Funhouse. Till later, take care guys!:smoking:
Hello Fuggzy my good chum,

you are getting to grips with this growing lark ! And then some.....Well done my friend. A very entertaining and informing thread. It would be cool to give you a "Shamen" badge but sadly there isn't one. Maybe it is something we should look into. We will se what we can do.
Congrats on some fine growing. Keep sharing and posting.....eP.
@epenguin Thanks for the response bud. Although a Shaman badge would be great, I was referring to the AFN assimilated badge. I may be remembering it wrong, but I read somewhere that badge was rewarded for completing your first grow on the site. Ya know, it is possible I was stoned when I was reading too....:thumbsup: I just popped another seed by shaman gen so you've got ~70 days for that new badge. I'm just kidding you bud.:goauto: Here's a decent pic of the guy, its how I felt for a couple hours. Lol.
Till later, take care.:smoking:
So Just a small update this evening. I ordered a new bong not to long ago to replace my 2 that recently broke. It has arived, and been providing smiles for a few days now. It is not a real Toro, but it functions just like one , and at 10% the price.

Yesterday I chopped the pollinated amnesia branch down. It gave me a total of 32 seeds, and 2 big bowls in the vape! There are a few that don't look so great (greenish) but most are dark and stripped. These are for a project I am working on with adding photos to autos, and stabilizing it back in to an auto. Both parents where freebies, lol and also my favorite female, and male so far. Sorry for the kinda crappy pic, I couldn't get decent lighting.

More updates tomorrow. Got a FastBuds GSC going in the soil, some transplanting too. Till later, take care.:smoking:
Hey Fuggzy, congrats on the beans! The green ones just toss. Most likely they wont germ. Give them the squish test between your thumb and fore finger. Nice piece of glass! Nothing wrong with staying in your budget!
I hear ya pal. Two stoners getting confused eh ! What's not to like. See what I can do chum.....eP.
Okay so we had some shifting around today.

*Amnesia #2*
I transplanted the amnesia to a 5 gallon pot. I'm not 100 % sure where she is going yet, but I want to veg her for about another month if I can make it work. She has recovered from the topping, and has grown a few more inches taller already. I am also going to pollinate this lady with the same pollen from the crazy ape. Maybe make some clones for seeds, I don't know. Theres still a lot of stuff I want to try, and this plant just responds really well to being handled.

*Micro cab*

Things are progressing nicely in here. The smells are wonderful, and colors are plentiful.
AR#2 has a sweet berry smell, and has some nice orange hairs going on. Trichs are doing well and building up too.

CD is really sticky. The smell on it is a light citrus, not very pungent but pleasant.

Cord verde is streachy! She is already taller than the 2 flowering. The internod length is kinds long too. I did some more lst trying to even its canopy. I also supercropped it. This thing is going crazy.

This morning I added a girl scout cookies by @FastBuds. It will be sprouted in the micro cab, and then put in the new tent. She will be getting a 150w hps all to her self. I also read that she has a case of the munchies and like the nutes so I'll be adding some extra goodies to her soil in the morning. She will be grown in a 3.5 gallon fabric pot.

The light should be here Monday. If by chance the new tent and light don't work together, Ill return the tent and get another light, and put them in my bigger tent. I've had a TON of troubles getting my large led panel together and am tired of waiting. The micro cab is fun, and I have got a good $500 in "free" weed, but I am still buying bags.

Have a good and safe night tonight guys. I'll be getting shit tanked, and maybe drunk posting later....:crying:
Only time will tell. Take care guys!:smoking: