Shaman Genetics seeds, organic soil, fabric pots, and a lot to learn

Looking good my friend , I don't know if you have much room there , but I just tipped the hell out of them and tied them down till I ran out of room . I too have been playing around with cuttings , I started on tomatoes first and worked every time . The first cannabis cutting I cut a bit off the main plant dipped it and just stuck in a pot of soil and no problems , I found dipping them in molasses worked well , :thumbsup: and here is a slap , I want to see this girl spread . :slap:
I would never have time to name a rabbit. I have a 125lb mutant black lab and a beagle to help him out...............Sorry bunny lovers.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'll eat the ass out of a rabbit, Just not this one, lol. I come from a long line of rednecks, and hunting to eat doesn't bother me. I just got a big ass heart for them if they are not going to be on the dinner table. Oh also big ass dogs are the best. I should be getting a mastiff mix in a couple months... YAY!

All right dude, truth time. Though growing up redneck in the country; for the hell of it I shot a .22 at the head of a squirrel peaking around a tree. I am a terrible shot. Somehow I hit the poor fella. THEN his mate comes out and drags his dead body to the woods. 6'2" 240 rugby player and I was tearing up....:crying:
Looking good my friend , I don't know if you have much room there , but I just tipped the hell out of them and tied them down till I ran out of room . I too have been playing around with cuttings , I started on tomatoes first and worked every time . The first cannabis cutting I cut a bit off the main plant dipped it and just stuck in a pot of soil and no problems , I found dipping them in molasses worked well , :thumbsup: and here is a slap , I want to see this girl spread . :slap:

I read about this technique, but have not seen it. Very interested.
Looking good my friend , I don't know if you have much room there , but I just tipped the hell out of them and tied them down till I ran out of room . I too have been playing around with cuttings , I started on tomatoes first and worked every time . The first cannabis cutting I cut a bit off the main plant dipped it and just stuck in a pot of soil and no problems , I found dipping them in molasses worked well , :thumbsup: and here is a slap , I want to see this girl spread . :slap:
Thanks a bunch Hecno, I actually tried this because of you malawi last year. Man I was so impressed I had to scale it down and try it. This journal is actually an old one, and that plant has been harvested. Sorry. The good new is you don't have to wait 2 months to see her!



I took the top 3/4 and put her outside to get a bumper crop. 2 weeks later I took the rest for some qwiso. I'm honored you liked her. Thanks! Oh thanks for the SLAPPPP too! You got knuckles on?
Man if you want to see a master work it, check out @hecno Malawi/Golden tiger/Pck journal in his signature (top link) It is where I got the inspiration to do it.