Outdoor Shadowbuck's go at an outdoor grow

Oh I have the Auto Pyramid as well thats about it.There are atleast two others that I can remember from them.Eh, Since it wasnt perfect conditions,Im sure it can be chalked up to my failure most likely.Ya I must have A thousand bucks invested in all my seeds total.Thats why I dont have a tent n all the good stuff I should.LMAO!Im still piecing my grow together slowly but I have everything I need and then some.Im just a wierdo i guess cuz I like it to be all in a row before i start even feeding.LMAO!Kinda throws me outta whack kinda.LOL!This is the Tut at a touch over week 2.Im showin off my new 240ml 13 buy.LOL!!small lil bottle but no less than 24 feedings for 13 bucks.LOL!well,plus shipping but.
I have bad luck or Karma or something.Thats why your gonna do super awesome man cuz you have awesome karma man.I just hope I dont kill it.LMAO!!:smokebuds:
Well I def had some sprouts this morning! Four TD's were above ground when I woke up. They needed a lil assistance coming out of their shells (they were shy) but they are good now. Then this afternoon I had 3 more that were juuuust coming up as well. Don't remember what they were. I know at least one was a bluematic. AND after checking on the first four TD's again this evening I noticed one of them is a triploid with three cotyledon leaves. So that will be interesting to see how that comes along. Oh and the last BM that was being stubborn DID in fact germinate and its potted up as well (in a styrofoam cup as I ran out of coir pots). So that makes 13 for 13 out of three strains for a perfect germination rate. Not sure how I feel about the juju with that number but I'm gonna shrug it off for now. I will post some pictures tomorrow sometime as I'm dead ass tired from a long day and don't feel like it right now...very sleepy lol. Just thought I'd give a lil quick update. Tomorrow I'd say will count as the official "DAY ONE" for some of those first TD's as they should be good and greened up and have the cotyledons fully unfurled. Today they are more like newborns so wouldn't quite call em a day old LOL. So anyways, that's all for now and I will give a better update tomorrow with some pics of my lil baby girls haha.

Cool Deal brother.I have a Big Buddah Super Automatic Sativa that did that too.its slow goin but its goin with a 7 leaf cluster.its funny lookin.LOL!Congrats on yer wee ones and I look forward to pervin the grow this yaz.be well n get some rest.Tomm is a fresh day full of fun n pics n such.LOL!:smokebuds:
Sorry for the delay. I know I said I'd have pics up yesterday but I've just been busy as hell lately. I'm still behind on some shit. Anyways...Some of the TD's are a lil older and I have that one BM thats a lil behind as its just breaking the surface...but for the sake of keeping things simple I hereby declare that the 26th was officially:


Ok here's some pics...

Here's the first four TD's


And here's the other three...the triploid is on the right there...


Here's the 5 BM's...the stubborn one that is just now breaking the surface is in the white cup on the left next to the other two in that row...


Here is the mystery strain bag seed...


And here is a closeup of that tri TD...


They are getting a lil leggy...Not bad but just a smidge. Could be cause I dug em out lil when I was getting impatient waiting on them to break the surface. Oh well...as long as they start to fill out a lil now that the leaves are getting bigger they should be ok. Hopefully anyways. I bought another flourescent fixture today and it seemed a lil brighter with both in there so we will see.

That's all for now...gotta get to sleep I gotta work tomorrow...

WE GOT LIFTOFF!! Sweeeet brother!!told ya yer solid man.:dance: I have a mutant Im tryin to grow out but its slow goin but its still growing.its all stunted n stuff but imma see whats what with it till it dies I guess.Im super stoked to see yers grow up:thumbs: Greener Grooves brother!:booya:
Yea my mutant triploid is, at the moment anyways, my most vigorous growing plant. Then again it does have 33% more foilage that's grabbin light so that kinda makes sense hahahaha
ya mine did the same thing too for a time then it just kinda slowed to a crawl and everything is good across the board too. its got 9 lil leaves on here now.LOL!its funny lookin.Ive seen pics but never had one before.I love to be able to grow it out though.Cant wait till yers get a lil older. Rock on Brother!:wiz: