Outdoor Shadowbuck's go at an outdoor grow

Kick A$$ pic of ye ole Triploid man.I yanked mine.I needed the pot it was in.LOL!Sucks but eh,no biggie.I got a dragon replacing it so ,Im good.LOL!Looks like everything is gooing good for you bro!!?!!Awesome brother.I tried writting this long ole thread from my outdoor grow,and did the Super noob thing sand let the time run down and i was sooo pissed off.LOL!Cause i type slow.LMAO!Well brother,hope alls well with you my friend and ill be looking for your next update man.Be well brother Shadow!:group: 7 TD's too.Im frigin Jealous.:wiz:
Well today was DAY 19:

Plants have been inside waiting out some inclement weather the past couple days. The plan has been to transplant them outside today. There's some breezy weather still hanging around but nothing too bad to make me really worry. And the location is somewhat shielded from wind. Just a couple things to check. So theyve been inside kinda cramped up to get em all under the light. So today upon moving them apart I see... tdroots.jpg

Look closer...


And a bluematic too...


They had been so close together that the roots had already started finding their way thru the fiber pots and into the darkness or the pot next to it. Just confirms that they are indeed ready to leave the nest. Raised em the best I could, and I think they are pretty healthy plants as it turns out. Nice full healthy root system. Time to pass on the torch to mother nature. C'mon kids. Everybody's takin a trip lol...

boxed up.jpg

And as such I planted them in the following fashion. The two biggest holes, of about 15 gals, there are TWO bm's in each hole. I know this is a no-no but I was pressed for space. And they are big and DEEP holes so the dual plants should be ok. And the bm's are not supposed to get very big. 60cm with one main cola. The other retarded mutant bm got put in a tiny hole I dug for it with a post hole digger. Wasn't planning on getting much if any from it. Oh and that big bm that was in a stryofoam cup?


Already rooted to the bottom of the cup. So I quickly snapped this pic just for curiousity before I buried it in the hole. Yes I took it completely out of the cup. No I wasnt gonna "cut" the bottom out or any of that. If it stunts it stunts. But I don't think it will have any problems. Those bottom roots had only made it around the bottom about one full turn. Not root bound too bad at all.

The homemade mix that was in the holes is a beautiful soil. It looked bad on top (like crusty) but when I planted them and reached my arm down in the soil to fluff it up it was perfect. Very light, fuffy, not too wet...just a gorgeous black, rich, fluffy, perlitey medium. Definately impressed with that aspect so far. Don't know how well that soil will feed (when I can't), but I can say it has an awesome texture and moisture content. I really got to thinking about it today and was thinking, "what if one or two of these TD's is a beastly 100 day lady? Hmmm well I don't know but I wouldn't complain if there was a TD that's a 200g+ beast in that lot...but I don't really expect for that to happen. So anyways that leaves the 7 tds and the 6 remaining "prepared" holes that had the homemade mix in them...
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So there were 7 td's left and 6 "prepared holes" left. Basically the six best were selected to have a hole. And then which hole they got was dependent on a couple factors such as whether the plant exhibited a smaller stature with shorter node length or larger stature and long node length. As well as how far along in "physical" maturity as far as size of node growth and stage of growth. The attempt was to make an educated guess as far as possible pheno traits. The thought being, make sure the larger phenos are planted nearer to surrounding vegetation to help with camoflauge. The last remaining td was dubbed '7'. I dug a small but deep, 3 gal or so, hole for it near by the others. This hole was filled with a little remaining promix I had around. Not as great a habitat as the others...but its better than nothing. It's a very small plant, so I didn't have huge dreams for it to begin with. But I will probably still get a zip off it as is as long as I feed it and just let it play out. Ok so here's some pics...just after planting, but before I watered them in with a normal strength 'grow' feed of the general organics nutes, and before I raked in some natural mulch to cover the dirt and hide it from view.

bm1&2.jpgbluematic 1&2

bm3&4.jpgbluematic 3&4


td2.jpgTD2 (the triploid)

td3.jpgTD3 Noticed something had been digging in this hole upon arrival to the site. Almost suredly a coyote...smellin the bone meal in the dirt. Hopefully he's done with that shit. Put one of the less favorable TD's in this hole because of it.





That's all for now.
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Man right on it looks like your off too a great start! Still just gettin to the min temperature in my neck of the woods to get mine out. Gonna be growin the Auto Anubis - Pyramid Seeds, along side some regular Photo's. Bomb seeds Cherry Bomb and Hash BomB and Kc Brains - Kc 36 and MindBender. I have been growin two Auto Purple's from Pyramid while I have the reg's in veg and you want to see a mutant of a plant you gotta see one of my purples. She has deformed leafs and weird branching that's doin its own thing, at least the other looks normal. I dont have the heart to pull it as it is growin and im curious as to what she will produce. Anyways nuff about me, Hope you got yourself a good location and good luck my friend. Will post a pic of my mutant when I get a camera hopefully soon. Also will be grabbing up that nute box myself, best buy online I think. good luck im subbed.
Oh I got a good location. I'm still pickin ticks off of me lol.
Checked on the plants today. Despite gusty winds and more clouds than sun, they actually look better than when I planted them yesterday. They are a darker green in color and they appear to have grown slightly. Oddly enough the one that has grown the most was the bm that was in a styrofoam cup and was about a day or two from being rootbound lol. They all look like they grew a little bit. Leaves are bigger, new growth is bigger. Even the mutant bm in a post hole has grown lol. Well hell yea! That tells me they are happy at the site. I'm also pretty sure the roots that were poking thru the coir pots when I planted them have already started rooting into the mix in the main holes. There's a hole another range of food in that soil compared to the straight promix organic that was in the coir pots. Mushroom compost, composted manure, espoma organic dry ferts, etc....mmm tasty

Overall I'm pretty impressed. Both with the growth and genetics so far in both autoflower strains as well as with myself. This whole time I've been waiting on the other foot to drop so to speak. Like half of em die from shock or something. But I don't think that's gonna happen. I think they actually are good to go. As long as nature doesnt go crazy on them they should produce a pretty nice amount of top quality meds. I'm just watching the node growth and new growth...seeing how much veg they pack on before preflowering...cause everytime I see another new node I know the growth that comes in there will probably be another nice cola lol.:bong:

For their next feed (probably early next week) they will get a feed ratio of probably either 50-50 grow-bloom nutes or 75-25 grow-bloom nutes depending on whether or not they are showing signs of pre-flowering. If not and I think I can sqeeze out a few more days of veg then they will get the 75-25 grow-bloom. But either way I will start introducing bloom nutes as they will be in the 25-27 day range and I want to make sure the bloom nutes are bio available in the soil before they start trying to take off too far into pre-flowering/flowering.

Will keep you guys posted as to progress.

Already rooted to the bottom of the cup.


Yes I took it completely out of the cup. No I wasnt gonna "cut" the bottom out or any of that. If it stunts it stunts. But I don't think it will have any problems.

What I would do is just tear apart the roots a bit at the bottom of the plant. You'll hear a loud cracking noise, but normally any plant can handle it and it will considerably decrease the chances of stunting. I have never done it with cannabis plants but I've done it lots of times with other plants and it always worked. Just grab the roots at the bottom and tear them apart from the center in order to break the circling roots that you were talking about. It seems less drastic to me than cutting of the bottom..

I'm not trying to be the smart-ass around here. You've probably already heard of this before, but I'm just telling you in case you did not.

Best of luck!
What I would do is just tear apart the roots a bit at the bottom of the plant.... in order to break the circling roots that you were talking about. It seems less drastic to me than cutting of the bottom..

^^^Yes I know what you are talking about. No I did NOT do that. That's actually about the worst thing you can do to an autoflower plant....or so I've been told. The root system is very sensitive in autoflower plants. If the taproot is damaged AT ALL then it will permanently stunt the plant. The one bluematic that was in a cup was planted straight into the dirt...like a plug. No loosening the roots or breaking up the soil around the roots or any of that. So far, aside from the triploid, that BM has grown the most since transplanting. If I would have played around with the roots in the sun before planting it, it would probably be half dead by now.

To clarify for any new growers reading this in the future....do NOT mess with the roots of autoflower plants....unless you want to be another one of those guys on youtube showing off ur 6 inch tall autoflowers that you stunted.
Hey Shadowbuck. Looking forward to following your grow.
I'm just south of 50N also.

Doing my first grow ever, outdoors (well sorta, in a hoop house.)
Growing a few TD xes along with some other gear.

Will be starting a grow journal here shortly.

Yea, pretty common knowledge, not to mess with the roots on Autos, isn't it? They ain't Photos. :thumbs:

Growin Karma sent your way brother.
