Outdoor Shadowbuck's go at an outdoor grow

^^^Yes I know what you are talking about. No I did NOT do that. That's actually about the worst thing you can do to an autoflower plant....or so I've been told. The root system is very sensitive in autoflower plants. If the taproot is damaged AT ALL then it will permanently stunt the plant. The one bluematic that was in a cup was planted straight into the dirt...like a plug. No loosening the roots or breaking up the soil around the roots or any of that. So far, aside from the triploid, that BM has grown the most since transplanting. If I would have played around with the roots in the sun before planting it, it would probably be half dead by now.

To clarify for any new growers reading this in the future....do NOT mess with the roots of autoflower plants....unless you want to be another one of those guys on youtube showing off ur 6 inch tall autoflowers that you stunted.

My first go with tiered transplant I cut the roots off of one of my ladies. Didn't know the trick to use a cut cup inside a full cup lol. anyway, she got stunted for 2-3 weeks lol then she resumed, finished a "little" smaller than the others
^^^Yes I know what you are talking about. No I did NOT do that. That's actually about the worst thing you can do to an autoflower plant....or so I've been told. The root system is very sensitive in autoflower plants. If the taproot is damaged AT ALL then it will permanently stunt the plant. The one bluematic that was in a cup was planted straight into the dirt...like a plug. No loosening the roots or breaking up the soil around the roots or any of that. So far, aside from the triploid, that BM has grown the most since transplanting. If I would have played around with the roots in the sun before planting it, it would probably be half dead by now.

To clarify for any new growers reading this in the future....do NOT mess with the roots of autoflower plants....unless you want to be another one of those guys on youtube showing off ur 6 inch tall autoflowers that you stunted.

Good to know ^^
Ok guys well I've been "window shopping" for a good supplement. Looking for something to increase brix levels, feed microbes, maybe some kind of flower boosting properties. Preferably organic. Been checkin out the mendo honey, hum honey es, nirvana, and some stuff from heavy 16 called 'prime'. Essentially its a tie right now between nirvana and the 'prime'. Nirvana is supposedly organic; prime is predominantly 'organic based' but not technically, completely, organic. I don't mind if something is not fully organic as long as its mostly organic and not just straight chem ferts and hormones. This Prime stuff sounds amazing...basically all the same stuff as nirvana, with extra stuff added....and the vast majority of the ingredients are genuinely organic. If anybody has any input or advice on which way to go please let me know. I'm also considering some roots organic oregonian xl inoculant. Lemme know what you guys think or how those products stack up if you've used them before.
While you all ponder the above question...

DAY 23:

So checked on the plants today. Just seein how things are coming along. Inspecting for weather and/or animal damage. Encountered fresh scat about 20 yards from the site. Was a little worried. The scat was unfamiliar to me. Too big a turd to be coyote. Too solid a stool to be a rabbit...but yet had a conjoined pellety appearance. Honestly it threw me for a loop what it was. It's possiible that it was raccoon scat. Anyways, without being able to put a finger on it so to speak, I pressed on towards the grow.

At first I thought catastrophe...I thought the worst. Well that was just 'cause I couldn't immediately pick out my holes/plants from several yards away. Once I "zeroed in" on them, I could see them plain as day. I suppose its a good thing they are so well hidden. So anyways, they certainly have grown. Lots of main stem stretching. I bet they are about 3 inches taller on average across both strains. Node growth is too young and undeveloped to stretch...yet.

If I had to make a sidenote...I'm pretty sure the inadequate lighting during seedling stage probably limited the end potential here...or at least can be written off as just about a week's retardation in growth. Now whether this will lead to small plants or long duration, normal sized plants...I don't know. I'm just saying that I don't expect to be choppin them td's at 78 days. I fully expect them to take a bit longer. I tried to put these next pics in the same general angle/style as the original pics from when planted for easier growth comparison.

So without further bullshit:
bm1&2 day23.jpg
BM 1&2. Compare to picks from when planted. The larger one in the foreground is "bm2", or the big one that was started in a styrofoam cup.

mutantbm day23.jpg

The mutant BM. First pics of it on here I think. This is the one in a tiny "post hole" sized hole just big enough to bury the coir pot in. I don't expect much bud from it...although I will say that funny, deformed leaves aside, the new growth appears to be "normalizing" in structure and appearance. It's been an oddball since germination. I wish I would have kept better track of what seeds produced what plant. Cause I'm pretty sure whatever is wrong with this BM was genetic. Whatever. This plant's growth is more of a curiosity than a priority at this point.

triploid day23.jpg

The triploid. TD2. Yes it's still going strong with the 'tri' development. I've heard that most peeps that had tri's...they ended up reverting to "bi" development after about 5 to 7 nodes. The newest of new growth is starting node 5 now I think and its still tri. I'm hoping for big things from this one. I'm doing all I can to encourage the plant...let it know that being "different" is ok lol. I just can't imagine the extra bud sites if it keeps up the tri-power.

td1 day23.jpg

TD1. Just another comparison shot to look at compared to the planting pics from day 19.

td6 day23.jpg

I think this is either TD6 or TD7. Not entirely sure. I forget which plant I took the picture of. I'm leaning towards TD6.

tick day23.jpg

Just one of the many ticks I will pick off of myself over the next several hours. That's the trade-off for deep woods privacy I guess...
TD2 and TD3 are dead. The triploid is no more. Coyote damage. Damn.

DAY 36:

So I'm down two TDs. I almost lost BM3 but I found it dug up the morning after and was able to get it replanted and I think it will survive. These damn coyotes are goin hard. It's from that lil bit of espoma that hasnt weathered the smell all the way out. I'm gonna start bottlin piss in gatorade bottles if I have to and start spreadin it out around the plants.

But to look on the bright side. All 5 BMs are in full flower now...even the mutant in its own special way is trying to flower. The five remaining TDs are healthy...well as healthy as they can be with bugs crawlin around on em and munchin on em. They are all in preflower mode. A couple of them might have a pistil or two on top. They are very lanky. Its from not getting adequate lighting during veg. Im probably gonna have to stake em soon with some of those thin green wire stakes. Yield will certainly be lower than it could have been with an adequate veg. But all the plants should put at least a nice fat cola on top with a few lil side buds. Honestly with the way the bugs, coyotes, and mother nature been goin at em I'll be happy just to have a nice jar to smoke lol.
Damn coyotes they suck ass :cuss: sorry to hear about this but a big good grow karma cloud being sent your way Shadow :karma:
Damn coyotes they suck ass :cuss: sorry to hear about this but a big good grow karma cloud being sent your way Shadow :karma:

Thanks bro I really need it. More storms today likely. I made a quick run to the grow yesterday to check on them after some severe weather had come through. Surprisingly for as horribly windy as it was, they weathered it all well...even for as tall as they all are. I think its cause the main stems, while too tall, are still more green than woody. So they just swayed and took it. And the location is somewhat naturally shielded from wind. But staking is certainly in their future...theres no doubt about that.
DAY 36: (cont/pics)

So I thought I'd post some of the pics I took when I was checking on the plants after some severe weather came through the area.

Bluematic 1

Bluematic 4

Bluematic 5 (the mutant)
I actually had not seen this plant in like 2 weeks. I havent been able to find it lol. I just assumed it had died off. Well nope. I looked around again and sure enough I found it. Even has some pistils on it lol.

Think Different 1
So I still have TD1, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
TD2 and TD3 were killed off by coyotes and their predisposition to dig up shit.
All the remaining TDs are in the same sort of pre-flower as TD1 shown here. They will start spitting pistils any day (TD2, the triploid, already had a bunch of pistils on top when it died almost a week ago).

So it's lookin like the bluematics are coming along nicely (fingers crossed the coyotes stay out of them). They may actually be finished by the end of June. That's almost unheard of around here. Even if they do only produce a handful of bud from each plant. That kind of harvest speed would make this an attractive strain for someone wanting do a little bit larger scale grow with them outdoors. Start them inside on 4/20 and harvest by July? Uh yea I'd take that any day. Of course its only worth it if the smoke is decent...and the jury is still out on that.

That's all for now all. Will post updates as they seem needed and milestones are passed.

Sorry the journal ended so abruptly last season guys...shit got crazy haha. BUT the grow went well aside from the coyotes. I will post some bud porn of the harvest....