Outdoor Shadowbuck's go at an outdoor grow

Just a quick update: I'm still waiting on the rest of the bluematics...they didn't show up today...hopefully tomorrw. I added about ten cups of some organic espoma garden tone 3-4-4 fert. I did this after some good forewarnings by other members (thanks guys...specifically squid and testerx for helping me with the lime issue as well) regarding a potential micro/mineral deficiency in my mix. The espoma certainly should help with that somewhat...and I don't think I added enough to have hot soil issues (I only added it at about 60% of rec dosage due to the manure and compost in there as well. I would think this soil should feed well enough up to flowering or pre-flowering stretch before I will have to get too aggressive with the G.O. nutes. So until that time, the G.O. nutes will be used primarily as a supplement, fed at a weak strength starting after they have been planted outside and are well established.

Just watching the extended weather forecasts and waiting...Will be germinating any day now. Depending on what the noaa geographical outlook says on thursday I may be germing by the weekend. maybe lol. Them seeds are "burning a hole in my pocket" like a wad of cash beggin to be spent....but for now I'm trying to be smart and be patient.
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Also been looking into those Epsoma Organic nutes that are powdered and easy to add into your TLO. Looks like we will have somewhat similar mixes and all this season, bro. And I dig your attitude in general and your help with the new growers. :smokebuds:
Also been looking into those Epsoma Organic nutes that are powdered and easy to add into your TLO. Looks like we will have somewhat similar mixes and all this season, bro. And I dig your attitude in general and your help with the new growers. :smokebuds:

Lol yea I know what ya mean haha. Jimmie and the kobalt tools 48 car hooked me up with the espoma for the low low...just make sure its a fresher bag (the microbes have an expiration date). I originally almost got a bag that expired in 2011 (gross lol)...dug a lil deeper and got one good til 2017 (the style of the bag was totally diff too...not just a smudged #). They do have some bone/feather/blood meal in it tho. But I didnt notice the smell nearly as much as straight bagged bone/feather/blood meals...my dog smelled it and wasn't as interested as the last bag of pure bone meal I had, but he was a lil curious. I would add it to ur mix before hand and let any fragrance wear off (that's what i did) as opposed to a straight-to-hole amendment to avoid curious critters. The consistency in the bag is mixed...ranges from powdery up to rock salt sized pieces of whatever...but in general it seems like a quality product/fert. Also if stores around ya carry jobes brand stuff you might find some organic slow release ferts if that's ur fancy. I found some organic omri listed jobes garden fert spikes at the depot. People ask about slow release organic stuff a lot it seems so I thought I'd mention that.

Yea bro I try to help out when I can. If its something I dont know about then I will stay out of it, but, being the sponge that I am, I've picked up a lot of general grow knowledge on my travels lol. Sometimes if it's something interesting that I don't know about I will just follow the convo just to learn something for future grow reference. New growers are only new growers once and we've all been there at some point in time. We've got to help the new growers because they help grow the worldwide movement and the culture in general. It's not supposed to be a culture of uptight assholes too afraid to lend a hand... or mistake helping someone with giving up their "grow secrets" lol. It's about karma; You reap what you sow.
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Okey doke. Quick update. The other bluematics showed up like I thought they would. I've got a tentative date on which to start germination. If the noaa outlook is favorable and the monthlong forecast concurs, then I plan on soaking beans saturday. Anything could change but as of right now the timing and forecasts look good. Would put germination start on sat the 20th. Probable potting on the 22nd. Sprouting/day one should coincide around the 25-26th. A couple weeks indoors would have the hardening off process starting around the tenth...which the forecasts claim should be a few days removed from what should be the last cool/unfavorable weather. Everythings tentative at the moment...I don't want to be stuck with month old plants layin around inside waiting on another cold front to pass. But in general it looks like things should be underway pretty soon...:thumbs:
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Happy 4/20 everyone! What did I do today? Started germing my beans that's what! They are soaking in glasses of water for the night and I will transfer them to moist paper-towels tomorrow so they can breathe. I've got tons of stuff to do tomorrow and the rest of the week so updates may be a lil slow until the beans are germed, potted, and have sprouted so I actually have something to update. Until then...
ok so quick update... After dropping all the beans in glasses of water on the 20th... I woke up the next morning to dump the seeds out after their overnight soak onto some moist paper towels to let them 'breathe' a bit for the next day. I was a little bit shocked to find 5 of those teeny tiny TD's had already cracked and a couple had a lil tip of taproot pokin out:thumbs:. So they got potted up later that day (21st). The rest stayed in the moist paper towels for the day and that night. Woke up the next morning (22nd) and no new activity so I thought maybe they needed another visit to the dunk tank. So the remaining seeds (2 TDs, 5 BMs, 1 bag) went back into glasses of water before I left for work. Came home that afternoon and put them all back into fresh moist paper towels. Some had barely cracked (the td's) but nothing major so I figured overnight in paper towels wouldnt hurt.

Then woke up this morning and checked them and all had fair amounts of taproot showing except for one BM. As I had to leave for work and had no time to pot them up, I left them all in the paper towels and moistened with a couple fresh drops of water. Came home after work and they all (except for that same BM) had grown sizeable amounts of taproot. I just potted them all up this evening and put that one stubborn BM back in the dunk tank for an overnight soak. If it doesnt show any promise in the morning then it will likely get thrown out. The ironic thing is, that's the same single BM I got with the TD's I ordered (when I was supposed to get three free). The same BM I told herbies about cause I was questioning its 'collectability' as it was rather pale with a little bit of green hue beneath the tan paleness. But I honestly can't complain cause they sent me 4 more free of charge no questions asked:thumbs:. So its all good either way if it turns out to be a dud. But in hindsight I'm glad I went ahead and spoke up and said something to have them make it right...:D

So now that makes all 7 TD's germinated :clap: and potted. Four out of 5 BM's germinated and potted. And one mystery bag seed germed and potted. They are all potted in promix ultimate organic straight from the bag, pre-watered of course (in those jankity, thin, holey coir pots I posted about). So far I'd say things couldn't be going any better :dance2:....but there's a looooong way to go lol. I checked on the 5 TD's I potted on the 21st. Just to see how they were doin. Gently scraped the soil away with my finger til I found them. They all 'seemed' to be doin ok. Also seemed to have settled a lil deeper than I remember potting them...a lil too deep for my liking. So I just didn't put that much soil back on top of them when I covered them back up. Hopefully I get a lil sprout action tomorrow or the day after. Always worries me a lil when they take their time sprouting...makes me think they are too wet or dry (even though the moisture content in the soil is nearly perfect). I put a space heater with a thermostat at a proper distance from them to get just a tad bit of warmth and airflow action goin on to help with propagation. Don't worry...you can be sure I will post pictures once they sprout...like a proud papa showin off pictures of his kids lol.:dance:

That's all for now folks.
Yeah buddy!! I had two of my TD's sprout and they were wierd.Well one was it sprouted under pretty decent conditions and it popped with this small white round spot on one of the under leaves and I ever so lightly rubbed it and it fell off.LMFAO!I was like uhhhhhh...I'd never ever seen that before.Sounds like your off to a SLAMMIN start my friend :wiz: :thumbs: I wish I could grow that many.Im pushin it already as it is.LOL!Greener Grooves brother for killer sprouts man. :smokebuds:
Yea that is wierd dude lol. Sounds "kinda" similar to the lil dead patch that form on the tips of the cotyledons if they get stuck or pinched in the shell to long. I've had that happen a lot with watermelons. The white patch eventually just atrifies and calcifies and eventually just disintegrates...so the lil baby leaves have lil holes on the ends of them lol. I hope my TDs dont do that LOL. I'm not out of the woods yet...they still need to break ground before I declare any real successes lol
Ya I had to take the Skin of the seed off too,thats kinda what I thought but I did that a time er three in the past with no probs.Frigin flipped me out man.I just sat there with my cat on my back deck goin wth!!I let it go for a handful of days but it didnt take.I only got a three pack too ,and I planted another and its doing fair indoors at night ofcourse.And sometimes some of the day as well.And the funny thing is the one seed I was sweatin since I got two single Pik n Mix seeds from Pyramid and the Tutankhamon is doing the best.LOL!Ya man you may not be outa the woods but Im pretty sure your gonna do fantastic man.yup,Ive been havin an issue here n there.fairly small but takes time to fix n redo n such.LOL!:smokebuds:
That is weird. I dunno wth would cause that. Maybe somebody in the DP forum would have an idea what the problem was...or at least be interested in hearing about or looking into that for ya. What seeds did u say u got from pyramid? Just the tut? I was lookin at their auto-anubis for a while before I settled on blowin my whole seed wad on the TDs lol.