Photoperiod Sequoia Cherries by Dusted Bud Genetics (First Photoperiod Grow)

Day 14. Giving her water the last 2 waterings. Next time around is the feeding as above. She loves it. And shes fast
Hey nice strain choice! Subbed. I wouldn't worry about light leaks too much there can be a little leakage (similar to how the moon is at night).

You could also just clone off your plants continuously before you kick them into flower if you don't want to keep a mother just thought I would mention cause someone mentioned that to me when I was thinking about keeping a mother and I hadn't even thought of it.
Hey nice strain choice! Subbed. I wouldn't worry about light leaks too much there can be a little leakage (similar to how the moon is at night).

You could also just clone off your plants continuously before you kick them into flower if you don't want to keep a mother just thought I would mention cause someone mentioned that to me when I was thinking about keeping a mother and I hadn't even thought of it.
Thanks for the reassurance! I appreciate it! I am a worrier by nature so I'm sure I'll always be worrying. I wanna keep the bonsai mother as partially a fun project but cloning a plant right before flower or revegging a cutting is not a bad idea. I am going to have to try that!
Day 16
She got fimmed and splayed out so she can branch out as there are 4 underlying colas to come out which will end up being main branch stems for my bonsai and 2 more which will be developing which I am going to leave for now and cut back at a later time as back up in the case I snap one off (2 back up branches) plus they can be used as clones to make additional mother plants or as clones to veg out
Here she is, I fimmed her last night, here she is today after I retrained her a bit again to open up the light for the under growth
I try to have lights out at night to help with the light leaking problem. Lookin good
Thanks for the tip! My idea is obviously timer off at night too.
They look great! You got me on the Bonsai mother kick now lol, gonna keep my genetics with Bonsai mothers.
Thanks! I like the idea of being able to keep a small mother that dosent take much space, get a few clones to veg, and grow a couple autos in the same tent. It's like the ultimate in growing. If you have a 4x4 tent you can grow 2 huge dwc auto monsters, have 6-9 bonsai mothers and 4 clones directly moved from rooted cutting into a 3 gallon pot vegging before moving into a tent to flower.
Day 24. She is doing well. She got far enough along for me to star training her. Shes gonna have about 8 branches for me to work with. Her initial stem got coveres by dirt and is beginning to grow roots so I almost have 8 individual plants growing in 1 pot. Not my ideal choice but for never doing this before itll be fine I'm sure as I can still prune the roots in another few months and repot in the pot again. I havent fed her much as i dont want much build up and i want it to go slower and not tol extreme in its speed.